Chapter 613

Huh, it seems that this big butterfly is very important to You Tanzong, maybe it is some kind of sacred object of them?

Now that it's in Tangtang's hands, it belongs to Tangtang. If you don't hand over the little four legs, Butterfly won't give it up.

Tangtang blinked her big eyes, and under the eager and worried eyes of the apostles, she put it into her sleeve and carried it behind her back:

"The big witch and the witches are here. If you come later, Dad and Brother can take Tangtang to visit Shiwan Mountain."

Her Majesty the Empress is yin and yang and strange, but who dares to refute?
The big witches were sweating from their foreheads, and apologized and apologized: "Yes, yes, it's the fault of the subordinates."

"I didn't greet His Majesty and the King earlier, as well as Miracle Doctor Bu, Mr. Su, and this...friend."

Their eyes turned around Quan's body, frowning as he pulled Tangtang's cuff, but they didn't dare to say anything.

Tangtang snorted: "As for me, I just came to ask you for something, and I left as soon as I finished, you don't have to be polite."

The great witches asked cautiously: "Dare to ask Your Majesty, what do you want, and the subordinates will prepare it right away."

"Four-legged snake."

Tangtang gestured to the shape of the little four legs: "It's the one in the miasma forest and swamp. It was tricked by you to make a Gu. You haven't done it yet. Give it back to me."

The eyes of the big witches were all straight: "Four-legged snakes? Do Gu?"

Tangtang's eyes also widened: "Why, have you already made it into a Gu? If you dare to say yes, Tangtang will turn the big butterfly into a small moth."

"Your Majesty, rest your anger."

The big witches knelt together and jumped in front of her: "Your Majesty, the four-legged snake was indeed brought back by the subordinates."

"This four-legged snake has only been heard in legends, but I have never seen a live one. I planned to raise a Gu for fun. Who knew it was so powerful that no one could stop it."

Tangtang directly took out the big butterfly, held its wings, with a vicious look of "If you dare to say it, I will dare to do it":
"so what?"

The big witches instantly felt that they were being choked by the throat of fate, and each of them stretched out their hands to hold the big butterfly, tears were about to fall:
"It ran away, it really ran away, there are so many places in Shiwanshan, and my subordinates haven't found it yet, but rest assured, Your Majesty, it will be found soon, soon!"

"Huh? Really?" Tangtang asked while holding the big butterfly up high.

The witches and witches were all drawn to stretch their necks, their eyes widened and they followed her hand back and forth:

"Yes, yes, it's more real than real gold. Your Majesty must trust your subordinates. Your subordinates are absolutely loyal to the young master and His Majesty."

Tangtang silently put away the big butterfly: "I'll give you three days to find little Sijiao..."

"Your Majesty, this Hundred Thousand Mountains is as big as three days..."

"Huh?" Tangtang pursed her mouth, and wanted to take out the big butterfly again.

The witches wiped the cold sweat from their brows: "Three days will be three days. The subordinates will not eat, drink or sleep. No matter what, we must find your majesty's little four feet."

Tangtang was very dissatisfied: "Can you still eat and sleep? Do you know how scared the little four-legged one is outside?"

Great witches: "..."

Do you know how scared we are when such a big "little four-legged" is alone?

With just one kick, half of the mountain can be flattened.

If some Gu is destroyed, this Hundred Thousand Mountains will be a ready-made cemetery, buried with one foot, no one will love it.

Tangtang looked at them with a tangled expression, and was even more unhappy: "What are you doing looking at Tangtang like this, it's worth looking for!"

"Look for it, the subordinates will look for it right away, Your Majesty has worked hard, please follow the subordinates first so that you can rest."

The great witches waved their hands, and the apostles immediately rushed over with several golden-roofed sedan chairs, inviting everyone to get on the sedan chairs.

Quan still followed Tangtang, step by step, and wanted to sit in the same sedan chair with her.

How could the big witches let him succeed, and immediately stood up as a human wall, completely separating him from Tangtang:

"This little brother, a man and a woman, you should avoid it under the watchful eyes of everyone. Wouldn't it be better to sit in a sedan chair by yourself? It's spacious and bright, and you don't have to be hacked by our young master!"

Quan was quite stubborn: "No."

No one could see his movement clearly, the whole person swipe over the wall of people, and grabbed Tangtang's cuff.

Great witches: "..."

What the hell is this?

Those around the Empress who can breathe are not normal.

They cheered and followed, and they wanted to persuade Tangtang to wave her hand:

"Forget it, let him follow me, and don't sit in a sedan chair anymore. What kind of animal is there in your Shiwanshan that is infinitely stronger and runs faster?"

The great witches thought for a while: "Young Master has a pet Suanni lion, which is ferocious and domineering. It bites any living thing. It meets His Majesty's requirements, but it is too dangerous."

Tangtang waved her little hand: "Don't be afraid, where are you?"

Everyone pointed to a nearby round hill with lingering fear: "Over there, that place is the territory of the Suanni lion."

At this time the moon has risen, half leaning against the top of the mountain.

In the moonlight, there was a huge black shadow sitting upright, more than ten feet high, staring at the people down the mountain with a fierce look: "Roar——"

The lion's roar was so powerful that it not only scared away the birds returning at night, but even other living creatures that came out to look for food in the dark were all scared and curled up.

"It's up to you!" Tangtang was very satisfied, she opened her little hand around her mouth and shouted at Suannishi: "Little Yanni, Tangtang is here!"

I saw that black shadow jumping down the hill with lightning speed and rushing all the way.

How many trees were damaged along the road, how many plants and animals were trampled, and the last sudden brake knocked Tangtang to the ground.

Suannishi buried his head in Tangtang's arms, arching like a kitten.

Tangtang was flipped around a few times, stroking its long brown mane: "Oh, little bitch, you got stuck in Tangtang."

"Well—" the lion's roar turned into a coquettish moaning and chirping.

Everyone present at the Youtan Sect: "..."

What about the majestic and majestic king of beasts that you promised to keep away from strangers, otherwise you will be killed or injured?
This is a big cat that can be tricked away with a ball, right?

It is really a wise saying that pets follow their owners, and the double standard is outrageous.

They are all unsatisfactory faces, so where is the face of Youtanzong?
What kind of four-legged snake are you looking for? If you don't look for it, you don't want Zong Youtan's face, just lie flat and be beaten to death.

When the crowd was furious, Tangtang was carried on the back of the two lions that had rolled on the ground.

It flicked its fur happily, chased its tail around twice, jumped onto the big rock beside it, bared its teeth, and said to everyone, "Ho—"

The voice was loud and threatening, clearly warning everyone not to get close to the little girl on its back.

For this kind of betrayal of the master in the blink of an eye, the apostles sneered in unison: "Bah, you shameless lion!"

(End of this chapter)

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