Chapter 653
"Hurry up, hurry up and report to His Majesty, Young Master Xiao is dying."

The maids ran out from the garden and grabbed the two eunuchs: "Go and get the imperial doctor, and run away."

"Where is your majesty, where is your majesty?"

They hurried over, and half of the palace was in chaos.

Tangtang was deducing the sand table of Xiping Prefecture and Futu City with several generals in the study room, but when she raised her head, she heard someone shouting "Young Master Xiao is dead".

She left everyone behind and ran all the way to the garden.

The garden was already full of people, and the Imperial Physicians surrounded the inner three floors and the outer three floors, with Yan Gui sitting in a wheelchair in the middle, and Tang Bihequan with a pale face next to him.

The weather has been fine in the past few days, Tangtang pushed Yangui into the garden to bask in the sun, and talked to him by the way.

Although he always looked like he wanted to beat and eat people, but he couldn't break free from the magic circle, so Tangtang deliberately swayed in front of him.

There are eyes everywhere in the palace, and she is not afraid of anyone who can hurt him.

But he never expected that he would ruin his own people's evil hands.

Tangtang looked at Tang Bi in disbelief: "You copied the mantra of passing away, don't you know its usefulness? Why did you recite it in front of Brother Yangui?"

Tang Bi knelt in front of her, his eyes were red: "Your Majesty, it's my fault, it's all my fault."

"These days, I have been teaching the patriarch Quan to recite mantras. I came to see him here today and asked him how he was reciting."

"...When I was reciting, I didn't know that Young Master Xiao was sitting behind the rockery. When I found out..."

Tangtang closed her eyes: "Imperial doctor!"

"His Majesty--"

The imperial doctor ran over scramblingly: "Your Majesty, Young Master Xiao, he really has no pulse and breathing, I'm afraid it's already..."

Tangtang's eyes went dark, and her whole body felt cold, how could it be, it's just that she didn't see her brother for a while.

"Your Majesty, are you alright, Your Majesty?"

The people around looked at the tottering empress, and rushed to help her.

Tangtang staggered a step, pressed down on the rockery, and then moved her body extremely slowly, getting closer to Yan Gui.

He sat in the wooden wheelchair with his head down, as if he had fallen asleep, but his face and hands were cold, and he didn't respond to any calls.

"Brother, brother, look at Tangtang..."

Tangtang half knelt down in front of his wooden wheelchair, grabbed his hand and shook it vigorously: "Talk to Tangtang, don't scare Tangtang, okay?"

"Tangtang doesn't use the magic circle to trap you, wake up, wake up..."

With a wave of her small hand, she removed the magic circle that imprisoned him.

But Yan Gui was still leaning in the chair, the wind blew through his hair, revealing half of his gray face, full of death.

Tangtang didn't believe it, she stretched out her hand and rubbed Yan Gui's face vigorously: "Brother, wake up, wake up, okay?"

"The Rebirth Curse is for the living dead, aren't you right, you are not, wake up, talk to Tangtang..."

With the sound of sobbing and sobbing, the people around knelt down one after another.

The imperial doctor really couldn't bear to see such a young child go through life and death, so he quickly comforted him:
"My condolences to Your Majesty, Young Master Xiao has a spirit in the sky, and seeing that you will go so inevitably is not at ease."

Others could not help persuading them.

Tang Bi was full of remorse, kowtowed his head and said: "This matter is all because of Tang Bi, if Tang Bi hadn't been troublesome, Young Master Xiao would not have..."

He clenched his fists and made up his mind: "Your Majesty, Rong Chen will write a letter to his family, and when he comes back, he will pay for his life."

After he finished speaking, he stood up to leave.

"and many more."

Tangtang rubbed her eyes, looked at Quan: "Aren't you recuperating in your bedroom today, why did you come out suddenly?"

Quan pointed at Yan Gui: "He, called."

Tangtang looked at Yangui incredulously, and then at Quan: "You said that brother Yangui asked you to come here?"

Quan nodded, and took Tangtang's hand and put it on his forehead, showing her his spiritual consciousness.

This is the first time Tangtang has seen anything other than Evil and Futu City.

Probably Yan Gui's last ray of consciousness was on him, even if he became a living dead, it could still affect Quan.

Quan was called by Yan Gui to the Imperial Garden, and the moment the two of them met, Tang Bi walked over from a distance.

In order to conceal the relationship between the two of them, Quan avoided them on purpose, and stood one behind the other across the rockery from Yan Gui.

Tang Bi didn't know that there were people on the other side of the rockery, so when they came, he asked Quan how he was reciting the spell.

Quan waved his hands again and again, signaling him not to say any more.

Unexpectedly, Tang Bi misunderstood that he hadn't learned it yet, so he recited the incantation several times, told him to study hard, and prepared to leave this time.

When he was walking, he saw Yan Gui behind the rockery, but it was too late.

Tangtang withdrew her hand, feeling a knife being stabbed in her heart, the pain was so painful that she couldn't breathe.

After she calmed down for a long time, she asked Tang Bi in a hoarse voice, "Why did you come to the garden today?"

Tang Bi said: "I had an appointment with General Gao yesterday. Today, General Gao is stationed on the north side of the palace. The shortest way is from the garden. Chief Quan can testify for me."

"Really? Quan, you heard everything?"

Izumi standing behind the crowd slowly raised his head.

He looked at everyone strangely, then at Tang Bi, and finally at Tangtang, with a dazed expression, as if he didn't know what everyone was talking about.

Someone got impatient and shouted: "Patriarch Quan, think about it carefully, now only you can save Master Xiao Tang."

Quan flinched and said in a low voice, "...Yes, yes."

That is to say, killing people with the Rebirth Curse is just a mistake?
Tangtang's heart was so cold that she couldn't tell what it was like.

Brother Yan Gui has gone through all kinds of difficulties and dangers, but he was destroyed by a spell, how is this possible, how is it possible?

He stabbed the mantra of rebirth on his body to save others, so how could he harm himself?
The minister who accompanied him said: "Master Xiao Tang has been by His Majesty's side for a long time, and he is also familiar with Young Master Xiao. He has no enmity in the past and has no grievances in the present. It seems that he will not intend to harm Young Master Xiao."

"That's right, Mr. Xiao Tang was raised by Wei Chen, so he would definitely not do such a thing of killing people and stealing goods."

Tang Bi knelt on the ground, in a state of begging for death: "Your Majesty, no matter what, the death of Young Master Xiao is all caused by this minister."

"Killing for life is justified. I beg Your Majesty boldly. Don't blame your grandfather for being old. I beg Your Majesty to treat you kindly. I will die without regret."

He kowtowed, pulled the hairpin from his head abruptly, and pointed it at his neck.

"Tang Bi!"

"Master Tang, think twice!"

Everyone was terrified, and rushed up to snatch his hairpin, but they were afraid that he would hurt themselves in a hurry, so they ran around in a hurry.

"Did your majesty blame you? You were also unintentional. You put down the hairpin first."

"Tang Bi! The body, hair and skin of the parents should not be harmed. Even if they are guilty, they will be punished after His Majesty decides. How can you talk about the way of a gentleman?"

(End of this chapter)

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