Chapter 654

Tang Bi gasped a few times, closed his eyes, and said in a heartbeat: "I'm going to die, and I will serve Your Majesty in my next life."

He clenched the hairpin tightly and pressed it down hard on his neck.

"Tang must—"

"Master Tang—"

Everyone suddenly rushed forward, ready to snatch the hairpin from his hand, and save him first.

No one expected that at this time, a hand suddenly stretched out, grabbed Tang Bi's wrist and knocked it out, then let go and took the hairpin to play with his fingertips.

"The hairpin is nice."

The hand reached back again, and stabbed the hairpin vertically into Tang Bi's messy bun.

Everyone turned their heads one after another, their eyes widened as if seeing a ghost: "Xiao, Young Master Xiao!?"

Yan Gui in the wooden wheelchair opened his eyes, leaned on the back of the chair, pursed his thin lips, and looked indifferently at the crowd, as well as Quan behind the crowd.

Tangtang blinked her eyes and said incredulously, "Brother?"

Yan Gui's eyes finally softened, and he stretched out his hand to her: "Come."

There were only two or three steps away, but Tangtang hesitated, took a step cautiously, then retracted, and then closed her eyes.

"Isn't it a dream? Is it a dream? Is it a dream?"

She muttered for a while, then opened her eyes suddenly: her brother is still there, he is not dead, and he is still smiling at her.

With a sound of "Wow", Empress Mingde's small mouth curled up, tears streaming down her face.

She rushed over and hugged Yan Gui without letting go: "Brother, woo woo woo—"

Yan Gui and his car were directly hit by her on the rockery, with a bang, the rockery trembled twice.

Everyone: "..."

Master Xiao came back from the dead?
Could it be that he was knocked unconscious by the empress again?
Do you want to go up and persuade the empress to calm down first?

But to snatch someone from Young Master Xiao, there is no chance of winning, and he has to ascend to heaven in place!

Everyone had mixed feelings and thought about everything, but the only thing to be thankful for was that Xiao Yangui had come back to life, and everyone was happy.

No one paid attention to Houquan in the crowd, his eyes were cold and sarcastic, he reached out his hand silently, and nodded Tang Bi lightly.

In front of people, Yan Gui looked down at Tangtang with his head down.

He gently touched her little head, lifted her up, and put her on the ground.

He half-kneeled in front of her, wiped away the tears from her face, and said in a voice that only two people could hear: "Little crying cat."

Tangtang cried until his ears were ringing, and he didn't hear what he said, only saw his mouth opening and closing, and then remembered the scene of him pretending to be dead just now——

The whole person was angry, picked up the little skirt, stretched his legs and kicked him to the ground fiercely: "Kneel down!"

Under the eyes of everyone, Young Master Xiao knelt as straight as a pine.

Everyone: "..."

Good guy, should we go, lest we have to go to heaven again in a while.

Tangtang grabbed Yan Gui by the collar: "Did you get well early? Why did you pretend to be dead just now? Why did you lie to me?"

Yan Gui swallowed nervously: "I..."

"What are you!"

Empress Mingde was so angry that she almost picked up the villain and threw him eighty times on the spot:

"Why don't you speak, are you thinking about deceiving people again, you big liar!"

Yan Gui looked at his precarious skirt, then at a piece of candy under the rage, swallowed again, and explained in a low voice:

"I'm having trouble breathing."

Tangtang looked at how messed up the person was, and then threw him back in a slightly embarrassed way: "Kneel down and talk."

Yan Gui smiled lightly, but when he looked at Quan, his expression was cold: "When did I let you come to see me?"

Hearing this, everyone looked at Quan one after another. Although they didn't know the relationship between the two, the hostility was about to emerge.

Quan looked calm: "Call, me."

Tangtang was also staring at him: "Is it really my brother who called you?"

Quan nodded: "He, called."

Yan Gui: "I was a living dead just now, so how can I call you?"

"No, yes." Quan shook his head resolutely, "Wake up."

He thought for a moment: "Two days."

A minister answered: "Patriarch Quan means that Young Master Xiao has been awake for two days, so he is the one who called you this time?"

Quan ignored him, just looked at Tangtang, pointed at Yangui: "Liar, man."

Yan Gui: "Since you knew that I was awake, the Empress thought I was dead just now, why didn't you tell me?"

Quan shook his head: "No, I can."

"Why?" Someone was puzzled again, "There is nothing to say about this, it is a good thing that Young Master Xiao has recovered."

Quan looked at Tang Bi: "Kill him."

"Who to kill? Tang Bi? Who wants to kill Tang Bi, Young Master Xiao? Why do you want to kill Tang Bi?"

Everyone started talking, and even Tang Bikan looked at Yangui with a bit of vigilance.

Tangtang raised her hand, motioning for everyone to be quiet, and asked Quan: "What is brother going to do to kill Tang Bi? Since he wanted to kill Tang Bi, why did he save him just now?"

"Pretend." Quan looked straight at Yan Gui, then at Tang Bi, "Secret, secret."

He was a little anxious to speak, and he waited for a long time before continuing: "Look, see."

Tangtang frowned: "Tang must have seen brother's secret? What secret, serious enough to kill?"


Quan didn't know how to describe it, so he squatted down and drew on the ground with his fingers for a long time.

The imperial guards around him recognized it at a glance: "Isn't this Tu Mengyan disguised as Xiaolian?"

"That's right, the living dead who assassinated His Majesty this time are Tu Mengyan's subordinates. Could it be that what Patriarch Quan said is true, Young Master Xiao really met Tu Mengyan?"

"Then Master Xiao Tang bumped into him, and that's why he wanted to kill him to silence him?"

Amidst the discussions, those who firmly believed in Yan Gui began to waver. They whispered to each other and looked at Yan Gui with suspicion.

After leaving for so long and living in a wolf's den, it's normal to rebel. Besides, Emperor Zun is a serious father, so it's not considered a betrayal.

Tangtang thought for a while, then asked Tang Bi: "Did you see your brother meeting Tu Mengyan?"

Tang Bi, who was kneeling on the ground, nodded his head: "Yes."

"When did this happen?"

"The night before yesterday, at Zishi, I packed up the memorial and prepared to send it to His Majesty. I met you on the road."

At that time, she did talk to several generals on the city tower, and ordered Tang to send a memorial, and what he said was true.

Tangtang asked again: "Did brother meet you?"

Tang Bi shook his head: "Yes, it was the patriarch Quan who saved the minister, otherwise..."

Quan nodded behind him: "Yes, yes."

"Then it means that Young Master Xiao and Tu Mengyan were smashed by Mr. Tang, and they didn't have time to do it at that time. Today, they used the curse of reincarnation to blame Mr. Tang?"

"But since it has been successful, why did you stop Tang Bi from committing suicide just now?"

Quan walked up to Tangtang, pointed at Yangui, "Okay, stab."

Everyone was terrified when they heard these two words now: "You, what are you talking about, Young Master Xiao is going to assassinate the Empress? But what does this have to do with preventing Tang Bi from committing suicide?"

(End of this chapter)

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