Chapter 655
All eyes were on Quan, and his expression was full of inquiry.

So far, he is the only one who dares to accuse Young Master Xiao directly, right?

Seeing his weak appearance by the empress's side before, he thought he was a timid young man, but he was unexpectedly courageous.

Quan rubbed his fingers nervously, grabbed Tangtang's sleeve, and finally mustered up the courage to say, "Puppet, puppet."

Tangtang never expected that he would reveal his identity, and couldn't help frowning: "Quan."

Quan flinched, lowered his head, and said in a low voice, "No, Qi."

At this time, it is useless to be angry or stop it. It is about the country and the country, and everyone must know the truth.

Quan stuttered, but he still clearly explained his identity. As a puppet, he knew the master's intentions best.

Xiao Yangui can fool everyone, but he can't fool his puppet. Quan and Yangui are the relationship between the body and the shadow.

The officials were stunned, unable to speak for a while, and after a long while, the crowd exploded.

"Is this true? Quan is actually Young Master Xiao's puppet, and a puppet will not betray the Lord. Since he dared to resist, he must have some difficulties."

"This is simply unbelievable. Xiao Yangui would join forces with Tu Mengyan to assassinate His Majesty. Could it be that he has been acting all these years?"

"It doesn't matter if it's not acting. Emperor Zun and Xiao Yangui are the real father and son. Haven't you heard of father and son fighting in battle? We are his enemies."

Amidst the deafening discussion, Quan raised his head slightly, looked at Tangtang with innocent eyes: "Trust me."

He took Tangtang's hand and placed it on his forehead, everything in his consciousness was exactly as he described.

The night before yesterday, Yan Gui and Tu Mengyan met to discuss today's assassination.

Taking advantage of Tang Bi's kindness, pretending to chant a mantra to save Yan Gui, Tang Tang will definitely appear beside Yan Gui at that time, and then use Tang Bi's hand to stab Tang Tang when he commits suicide.

In the chaos just now, the acupuncture point behind Tang Bi's head was pierced by Quan with a golden needle, ending the assassination.

Seeing that the plan failed, Yan Gui had no choice but to pretend to wake up to save Tang Bi, wait for the opportunity to ambush beside Tangtang, and wait for the next opportunity.

After Tangtang finished reading, he let go of his hand, and Quan said it again very seriously: "Don't, be afraid."

The officials who had finished their discussions stepped forward one after another: "Your Majesty, since the traitor has shown up, it's better to make plans early."

"Yes, Your Majesty's dragon body is the foundation of the country and the country. It cannot be damaged, let alone coveted by villains. This evil of the Xiao family should be removed as soon as possible."

"Your Majesty and this Xiao Yangui are brothers and sisters of the same blood. He can do such insane things today. If the disaster is not eliminated, he will let the tiger go back to the mountain and the people will die."

Tangtang listened for a while, then looked at Yan Gui expressionlessly: "Do you have anything to explain?"


Yan Gui curled the corner of his mouth: "I would like to bet and admit defeat."

Tangtang glared at him: "So you really want to assassinate me?"

"Not at all."

Yan Gui glanced at Quan lightly: "Brother, this puppet is probably broken. Hearing or talking nonsense?"

An official was furious and pointed at his nose: "Xiao Yangui, at the end of his life, how dare you utter wild words, and you will be torn to pieces!"


Yan Gui's cold eyes swept over: "The empress is in front of you, let you talk nonsense, Daliang's official appearance and discipline are so loose!"


While arguing, the imperial doctor who was treating Tang Bi's illness trotted up to Tangtang: "Your Majesty, Mr. Tang does have a golden needle on his head."

"As for the location and use of the golden needles, I have little knowledge. I only know that it can cause hallucinations. Others... please come and see more accurately."

Tangtang glanced at the thin needle and waved her hand: "Got it."

When the officials saw it, they knelt down one after another: "There are all the witnesses and material evidence, please make a decision early, and the spies cannot be allowed to succeed."

Tangtang waved to Ming Wu Ci and Qian Shuang: "Take it down."

Ming Wuci glanced at Qian Shuang: Really take it, where to take it?

Qian Shuang glanced at the sky: I just came back, how would I know?
Mingwu Ci: Your Majesty let me take it, but I can't not take it.

Qian Shuang: Then take them, take them away first.

The two female generals exchanged glances, without further ado, they stepped forward with the courage of a strong man breaking his wrist, dragged Yan back and left.

Whilst procrastinating, he muttered: "The grievance has its head, the debt has its owner, all cannon fodder is the most miserable life..."

Yan Gui: "..."

Who said?
The officials on the side let out a long breath: "It's much safer now."

Then everyone touched the sweat on their heads, and then met the empress' eyes: "...It's dangerous again."

Tangtang left the garden with a cold face, and Quan followed her, wanting to say something, but she swung him away.

She went back to her study and wrote a letter to Xiaoyaojing's subordinates: "Send it to Yunwu Mountain and give it to the two senior sisters Miao Jing and An Ci."

The subordinate took it over and knelt on the ground without moving for a long time.

Tangtang narrowed her eyes.

Feeling that the mountain rain was about to come and the wind filled the building, the subordinate swallowed saliva: "Master, it's not that the subordinates don't want to go, they really don't dare to go."

"Why, Yunwu Mountain can still eat you?"

The subordinate said: "Two days ago, because of the puppet matter, the great witch of Utan Sect went to Yunwu Mountain to meet the two masters in person, and now he is still hanging in the thousands of feet of fire."

Tangtang: "... Isn't that where Senior Sister An lives?"

"That's right, Master Miao Jing was researching the seasoning, and said that it was roasted and sprinkled a little, and the brothers and uncles on the hill next door were all crying."

Tangtang supported her forehead: "Why did the big witch offend them?"

"Master Anci said that it's time for the newlyweds, and they refuse to disturb outsiders. Once the puppets are sold, they will not be returned."

Tangtang: "If I remember correctly, they have been married for eight years. What kind of marriage is new! I'll write another letter and you send it over, or I'll just throw you into the abyss of fire!"

The subordinate hated to take the letter, and wished he could travel thousands of miles every day: "Master, the subordinate is gone, and I will run errands for the master in the next life!"

Tangtang: "..."

Who are these people!

She threw the pen on the table angrily, kicked over the mountains of memorials, and made faces at the papers all over the floor.

When I went out, I saw Quan sitting in the corridor.

Holding a small fish tank in his hand, he held up a little red fish in front of her like offering a treasure. The little koi seemed to be frightened by something, and swam wildly in the fish tank.

Quan lowered his head sadly and hid the fish tank.

Tangtang sighed, and patted his shoulder: "You can put it on the window sill in the study."

Quan happily ran in and adjusted several positions before he was satisfied.

He stared at the little koi: "I let you come back to life, just to be with her well, and you are not allowed to scare her anymore."

The koi huddled in the corner motionless.

Only then did Quan leave the study room, but Tangtang was nowhere to be seen in the corridor, so he couldn't help clenching his fists.

(End of this chapter)

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