Chapter 661
Before dawn, Tangtang had already put on the fog silver armor.

Qian Shuang took the phoenix helmet for her, Ming Wuci carried the "Moon Chaser Knife", and took dozens of civil servants and generals to start patrolling the camp.

Three days ago, the entire army headed by the Xuanwu Army had prepared armor, equipment, vehicles and horses, and was now waiting in the military tent in an orderly manner.

The soldiers are ready to go, standing like rows of straight pine trees in the night.

In the hazy drizzle, apart from the orderly footsteps of soldiers patrolling the camp, not a single cough could be heard on the huge island.

Tangtang checked the luggage, and raised her hand to signal the people around her: "Prepare to sacrifice."


In an instant, several fire dragons lit up, and soldiers and horses gathered in the dark night.

After offering sacrifices to heaven and earth, the martyred beef and mutton were boiled and distributed among the soldiers, and the blood of the cattle and sheep was sprinkled on the drums, banners, swords and guns.

In the silence of everything, there was a clear neighing, and the phoenix soared into the sky with Empress Mingde in armor on her back, and the phoenix fire illuminated the entire island.

The soldiers looked up one after another, the excitement and excitement on their faces were beyond words, and they kowtowed like mountains and seas: "Meet the empress!"

The phoenix circled the island and stopped in mid-air.

Tangtang stood up from Phoenix's back, and the endless army suddenly became quiet, solemn and solemn.

"Since ancient times, the phoenix came to the world, auspicious and peaceful," Tangtang said loudly, "This battle will protect our great rivers and mountains, the universe, the sun and the moon."

The soldiers raised their swords and guns at the same time: "Capture the emperor, guard the rivers and mountains, and protect the people."

Tens of thousands of heartfelt shouts were deafening, engulfing mountains and rivers, and hundreds of "Qingyun Fire Dragons" docked on the bank also fired three times, which was earth-shattering.

Tangtang raised the "Moon Chaser Knife" in his hand: "My comrades, do you dare to fight?"

"Never give up! Never give up! Never give up!"

The light of Zhuyue Dao flashed like thunder and lightning, and Tang Tang sternly issued an order:
"Let the second prince, Feng Mingyuan, be the regent of Jianguo and take over the government temporarily."

"Great General Jiang Kai, Allied Qi State Chief Empress Ling, Lord Pingyang, and Prince Di Guoheng are the top generals; Xuanwu Army generals Chen and Li are the left and right generals."

"The rest of the people will be promoted to one level each. I hope that all of you will be united as one, and you will not return if you don't break it!"

The three armed forces shouted in unison: "If you don't break it, you won't pay it back! If you don't break it, you won't pay it back! If you don't break it, you won't pay it back!"

Tangtang swings the knife again: "Let's march——"

In an instant, horns from all directions resounded throughout the world, "Woo, woo——"

"Qingyun Fire Dragon" fired again and sent the three armies out of camp.

The navy's warships and the pontoon bridges built on the coast sent countless soldiers out of the Twelve States, and the shore was full of officials and people from the Twelve States.

Holding torches in the drizzle, they kept shouting loudly, "Guard the girder", "If it is not broken, it will not be returned".

Leave the twelve states and enter the vast ocean.

When they landed again, the rain became heavier and the road was muddy and difficult, so the marching speed slowed down.

The officials of the Qin Tianjian predicted that the rain would stop in two days, and then they would enter the range of the Rong Kingdom. Snow was already falling on the grassland, and it was estimated that the road would be more difficult.

Tangtang thought for a while, and ordered the three armies to set up camp on the spot and prepare to resist the wind and snow. After two days, the rain stopped before moving on.

She sent someone to send a secret letter to Aslan, asking him to ensure that the road ahead was clear.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of camping, she sneaked back to the capital with Feng Mingyuan.

When we arrived at the Palace of Political Affairs, it happened that the sun was rising in the east, and the ministers were discussing the state affairs impassionedly. The Empress was not there, and the Lord Protector presided over the discussion.

Just look at Duke Hu, who was just recovering from a serious illness, with his gray beard pouted in anger, shaking like a fallen leaf in the cold wind.

After listening for a while, Feng Mingyuan said softly: "We haven't seen each other for a few months, Xie Shenyi is already so old."

"Standing upright in the court, fighting with the Confucian scholars, there is no fear at all. If you don't know that he is young, Brother Chen would think that he has been in office for many years."

Tangtang shook her head triumphantly: "That's right, Big Brother Jingyun looks weak, but he's actually very powerful. Tangtang's brothers and sisters are all dragons and phoenixes."

Feng Mingyuan sighed meaningfully: "Brother Chen praised Sir Xie, but Your Majesty felt the same way. Could it be that Your Majesty is particularly fond of Sir Xie?"

As the empress who thought she was the smartest in the world, Tangtang decided not to answer this topic:
"Second brother said favor and Tangtang thought of favor, it doesn't mean favor at all. Second brother don't fool me, I'm already a huge Tangtang."

Feng Mingyuan couldn't help laughing: "Okay, Your Majesty has grown up, so it's not easy to lie."

"That's natural."

Tangtang gently pushed him: "Second brother, go quickly, I'm going back soon, and I will take good care of sister Wuci."

Feng Mingyuan's ears turned red, and he muttered softly: "I don't know who will take care of whom."

Tangtang pursed her mouth and met her fingers dissatisfied: "Second elder brother turned his elbow outward before he got married."

"Then, the princess will take good care of my sister-in-law in the future, right?"

Feng Mingyuan coughed lightly: "...Your Majesty, please go back, Brother Chen is going to discuss matters."

Tangtang smiled and followed behind to remind: "Second brother, don't be shy, watch your step, watch the threshold—"

Before he finished speaking, he saw Feng Mingyuan fall headlong into the Palace of Political Affairs.

Tangtang, who did something bad, grabbed Yan Gui, turned around and ran away: "Brother, hurry up, don't get caught."

This trip was kept secret, and she brought Yan Gui alone when she left the camp, and Yan Gui also wore a ghost mask in order to hide her identity.

At this time, being dragged around, the eyes behind the mask were gentle and helpless:

"Run slower, at this time all the palaces are sweeping and practicing, and there are no people there."

Tangtang turned around: "How does brother know?"

Yan Gui suddenly realized something, his eyes flickered slightly: "Didn't my brother live here for a long time?"

"is it?"

Tangtang stopped running, turned around and approached him step by step:
"After Tangtang became the empress dowager, everyone got up early to practice kung fu. My brother hasn't come back for many years, so why does he know so well?"

Yan Gui: "...Because I..."

Tangtang smashed him against the wall, she wasn't tall enough, so she came up with the momentum, she stood on tiptoe and glared at him: "Be honest."

Yan Gui huddled against the wall: "...Sister, look behind me, is it the Empress Dowager?"

Tangtang rolled her eyes and shook her fingers: "Brother, you don't understand Tangtang too well. You shouldn't use this trick when Tangtang was three years old..."

She was in high spirits when she heard a gentle voice behind her: "Xiaoqi is back?"


It's the Queen Mother's voice!

It turned out to be true!

The whole candy went bad in an instant, she didn't even turn her face away, she just hehehe for a long time: "Yes, yes, what a coincidence, Auntie Queen Mother, I just came back."

Covering her face, she turned around and kicked Yan Gui, complaining softly, "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

Yan Gui: "?"

(End of this chapter)

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