I was vying for favor with four big daddy

Chapter 662 All the bamboo shoots on the mountain were taken away

Chapter 662 All the bamboo shoots on the mountain were taken away

The empress dowager has been ill for a long time, although she woke up now, her face is still sick.

She had received the news of Feng Mingyuan's return beforehand, so she quietly brought her confidant palace servants over to have a look at her son, but unexpectedly, she ran into Tangtang on the way.

The queen mother looked at Tangtang affectionately: "I have lost a lot of weight, and I am taller. I will surpass me in a year. Your father will be very happy when he comes back."

Tangtang helped her to a place sheltered from the wind, and said with a smile: "Tangtang will rescue Meiyan Daddy as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, Aunt Queen Mother, the second elder brother is also very good, and we will not be separated when your mother and son are reunited in the future."

The smile on the Queen Mother's face became wider: "That's good, Ming Yuan is back, and I'm worried about you and Ting Lie."

"That kid has a bad temper, but he has a good heart. His brothers and sisters can be of great use. If he is too muddy, you can beat him up."

Tangtang smiled sweetly, and waved her small fist: "Okay, Tangtang is now the empress, so if you're not happy, just beat him up."

The Queen Mother patted her hand, and glanced at Yan Gui inadvertently:
"I also know that you are the Empress. Don't be so naughty when there are many people. Only by being more majestic can you convince the crowd."

"Also, the war is tense, and there is nothing important in this palace. Don't come back frequently, I am worried that it will not be safe."

Tangtang sensed that there was something in her words, and hurriedly asked: "Auntie Empress Dowager, did something happen in the palace?"

The Empress Dowager sent the people around her a little farther away, and held Tangtang's hand, appearing very preoccupied:

"I was sick for several months, sometimes awake, sometimes confused, and I didn't know whether the people and things I saw were real or fake."

"The palace people who serve me obviously know everything. I often don't recognize them, and I always feel that they are strange."

Tangtang asked strangely: "Why are you unfamiliar?"

The queen mother frowned, and thought for a while: "It's because you know him clearly, but seeing his expression and eyes, you find it strange and scary."

"It's like, like the moving shadow puppets and puppets on the stage, walking around, cold and unpopular."

She looked at Tangtang anxiously: "Xiao Qi, can you understand what I'm saying?"

Tangtang nodded, and held her hand instead: "Auntie, are you sure you didn't dream about this in a dream?"

The queen mother shook her head: "I'm not sure, after all, when I recover, the people around me will have no problems."

"The imperial doctor said that I am deficient in Qi and blood, and I am restless. I am indeed easily frightened. Xiao Qi, do you think the palace is haunted by ghosts?"

Tangtang quickly comforted her: "Auntie Queen Mother, if you feel scared, let the people from Qin Tianjian go to exorcise the evil spirits, and send more people to watch the night."

The Queen Mother nodded: "They came before, but nothing happened again, maybe because of Mingyuan's disappearance, I'm feeling very upset."

"By the way, do you want to rush back?"

The queen mother patted Tangtang's head: "I won't waste your time, you should hurry up and be careful on the road."

"Understood, Auntie Empress."

Tangtang watched the Empress Dowager go to the Yizheng Hall, and then said to Yan Gui: "The Empress Dowager's consciousness has been passive."

Yan Gui nodded: "The palace man she saw is probably the living dead."

"It's just that I don't quite understand. What are they looking for in the Queen Mother's consciousness?"

While heading to the Empress Dowager's Hall, Tangtang wondered, "She never asks about government affairs, and she doesn't know what's happening outside the palace."

Yan Gui reminded her: "The major event that happened to the queen mother recently is the disappearance of the second prince."

Tangtang blinked her eyes: "The reason for Second Brother's disappearance has not been found in Xiaoyaojing until now, it is indeed weird, but..."


Yan Gui walked seriously, but Tangtang's gaze shifted to him unexpectedly.

"How the second brother disappeared, I don't know, but—"

Tangtang ran in front of him, hugging his shoulders and walking backwards: "I know exactly how he came back, right, brother?"

The eyes behind the mask looked a little uncomfortable: "Cough, my sister is not clear, how does my brother know?"

Tangtang made a grimace: "Didn't someone surnamed Xiao give the news?"

Yan Gui was not fooled, but smiled and said: "Which one is my sister talking about? In the entire Extreme Northern Continent, [-]% of the people have the surname Xiao, and even this Liang is hissing..."

Before he could finish his sentence, he received a heart-warming punch, which hit him so hard that he almost couldn't catch his breath.

Tangtang squinted her big eyes and looked at him: "Do you understand now?"


Yan Gui was honest and honest: "The second prince was originally intended to lure the enemy, and my elder brother lured Tu Mengyan to send him to Shen's tomb."

"Tu Mengyan has a group of living dead under her command. They are her original guards. They are good at disguise. They are the ones who took the second prince away from the palace."

Tangtang nodded: "No wonder, so you said that you followed Tu Mongolia's envoys to Beijing?"


So the familiar strangers that the Queen Mother met during her illness, could they be Tu Mengyan's guards?
The more Tangtang thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong, he trotted back to the Yizheng Palace, squatted on the roof and looked at the few court ladies beside the Queen Mother.

The incident happened suddenly just now, when the maids were slowed down, they were pushed aside by the queen mother again, and now looking at it like this again, hey, there is no good person.

If this made them get close to Feng Mingyuan, wouldn't it be a waste of work?

Tangtang tidied up the people, clapped her hands and bid farewell to the Queen Mother, and asked Yan Gui curiously:
"It's also the prince, why do they always stare at the second brother instead of the third brother?"

Yan Gui: "Can you waste food for my concubine's younger brother's imperial examination?"

Tangtang: "..."

You have taken all the bamboo shoots on the mountain, brother?

She formed a magic circle and was about to go back when she suddenly remembered their conversation just now and asked silently:
"Tu Mengyan spent so much effort to arrest the second elder brother, and changed her mind when she said she would change her mind. How did you lure her?"

Yan Gui: "..."

It's been a long time, so why ask in such detail?
Seeing him hesitant to speak, Tangtang had a bad premonition:

"She likes brother so much, brother, you have become a living dead, and you can still seduce her? Could it be sex..."

Before he finished speaking, Yan Gui covered his face and carried him into the magic circle.

When she got back near the camp, Tangtang was extremely wronged. If she had a small tail, it would definitely droop by now.

"Brother, do you recognize Tu Mengyan as your younger sister?"

Yan Gui: "..."

Tangtang followed behind, taking small steps forward: "You hit Tangtang for her sake."

Yan Gui sighed: "...Brother didn't hit you."

Tangtang was very upset, and pointed to her cheek with her finger: "Look, look, here, it must be red and hot."

Yan Gui's gaze skipped over the pink and tender little face, and he looked away unnaturally: "Cough, we are alive, and our faces are hot."

Tangtang: "..."

Brother, are you scolding Tangtang?

(End of this chapter)

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