Chapter 780
"Ah Yue—"

Yan Gui lowered her head, her cheeks were almost touching her already red face:

"How can you take advantage of brother's inattention to belittle/bo brother?"

Chen Yue's face became even redder, and the tightly held hand was so hot that it was almost impossible to hold it, so she could only stammer and say:

"I, I'm innocent. It's all caused by my mouth. It wants, wants to despise/thin you. There are grievances and debtors."

Yan Gui moved closer, and chuckled softly: "Really?"

Chenyue was blunt and strong: "Yes, because Mouth and Tangtang are two people, it has its own thoughts."

"The mouth will not only belittle/thin brother, but also bite brother, just like now, ah-"

She opened her mouth, took a bite at Yan Gui's cheek, and ran away after nibbling, neatly and never dragging her feet.

When Yan Gui was bitten, Chen Yue had already run away without a trace.

He froze in place for a long time, until the three people behind him thought that Emperor Zun had taken root on the ground, so he touched his face in disbelief.

The place where he was bitten is still hot, and there are two small pits left, which should be the tooth marks of the little good-for-nothing who ran away after flirting.

Yan Gui rubbed it a few more times, the more he rubbed, the more the corners of his mouth could not be restrained from turning up.

Then he turned around unconsciously, and saw three pairs of eyes staring straight at him as if they had encountered a ghost.

It makes people panic.

Yan Gui: "..."

Watching the trio: "..."

Everyone looked at each other for a short while, and then turned their eyes away in unison.

Those who touch their noses, their ears and their faces can easily dig a passage leading to the Shaman Kingdom.

Yan Gui calmed down first, without saying a word, turned around and strode towards Chenyue Palace.

The trio of onlookers glanced at each other, and beeped softly: "Just now, the Empress kissed Emperor Zun and bit him again, right?"

"Please remove the 'bar' and the tone of the question, that is, you want the answer."

"Ah, that is to say, when the two of them were doing some weird things, we bumped into them twice in a row?"

"Yes, what kind of fate is this?"

As the little Lord Nie who had many near-death experiences, he spoke proudly:

"It's a kind of luck, just to pass by Lord Yan; unfortunately, it's a fate that may not be able to live well in the next life."

Qian Shuang and Ming Wuci gave him a disgusted look, then took a step to the side, away from him:
"That's you. We are protected by His Majesty. Looking at the entire Seven Kingdoms, we are all walking sideways, huh!"

Nie Fuan: "..."

Is it too late to change a master now?

The puppet eats less and cooks more, moon silver and other things are not important, they can solve it by themselves, the main reason is that they admire the empress and want to serve by her side.

He followed Qian Shuang and Ming Wuci back to Chenyue Palace happily.

Having had the experience of smashing a good thing just now, the three of them are obviously more mature and mature.

Three pairs of eyes popped out from the door of the main hall one after another, squinting, squinting, squinting, looking into the hall one after another.

Very good, there is nothing in the hall that they cannot see.

In the phoenix seat, Chen Yue and Yan Gui sat side by side, Tang Bixie Jingyun and Pang Cheng stood under the steps, the three of them came together to deliver the memorial.

It seemed that there was no problem, and Nie Fuan took the lead to follow in.

Just before he stepped into the hall, Chen Yue said: "You also want to go to the Yuren Kingdom with you, why?"

Tang Bi saluted: "The empress's marriage is the most important event in the Liang Kingdom. As close ministers, I should serve you in all aspects."

Chen Yue: "...all aspects?"

Xie Jingyun said: "Divination of good and bad luck, good times, good times, basic necessities of life, taboos..."

Before he finished speaking, Yan Gui sneered:

"Why, the Secretary of the General Administration's daily takeover of the memorials and imperial secrets can no longer satisfy Envoy Xie Tongzheng, and now he still wants to take over the Qin Tianjian?"

Xie Jingyun said neither humble nor overbearing: "The emperor respects the lesson, I am the head of the General Administration Department, and I have the important task of directing the people's opinions to the heavens, so I dare not slack off."

"No matter what the common people and officials think about His Majesty's marriage, I will report it to you both verbatim."

He bit the word "bubble" so hard that he wished he could nail it all at once.

Chen Yue silently covered her head, and looked at Pang Cheng: "Both Shizhong Tang and Envoy Xie Tong are accused, what are you doing here?"

Pang Cheng bowed upwards: "An Minjian has recently remodeled the dragon boat and raised the defense to protect His Majesty."

"so what?"

"The dragon boat is newly built. It is quite different from before. There are a lot of machine expansions. If you accidentally trigger it, you will hurt your own people. I must accompany you to take care of it."

Chen Yue: "..."

You just said that those new machine expansions you made were all prepared for your brother?

The three of them stood in front of them, all of them frank and honest, completely businesslike.

But those who know the inside story understand what a distorted scene this is. If the empress is not present, it will be torn apart at a glance.

Chen Yue covered her face, not daring to look at Yan Gui anymore.

Such a good brother, who is gentle and cute, dragged his sick body to marry her, and suffered so much trouble.

My brother is so distressing.

She moved quietly, moved closer to Yan Gui, and whispered to him: "Brother——"

Yan Gui felt her small movements, smiled and watched her huddle around her, couldn't help stretching out his hand, and naturally encircled her:

"what happened?"

Chen Yue stretched out her little paw and touched the back of his hand: "Brother, don't be sad, and don't be sad."

Yan Gui: "?"

Her big eyes blinked: "They don't like you, but I like you; they don't love you, but I love you, you just have me."

Yan Gui: "..."

Who can bear my sister's teasing from time to time?

But he couldn't take it anymore, and he had to cooperate with his sister's desire to protect, so he nodded sadly: "Well, thank you sister."

"My elder brother's mother died young, and my father and brother tortured me. Now it's so easy to enjoy all the hardships. I didn't expect to be so unpopular...Only my sister..."

He was inherently feminine, but when he was wronged, the corners of his eyes turned red, and he looked very pitiful.

Chen Yue's heart softened at that time, and she stretched out her arms to wrap his arms around him: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I like you, I like you, I will always like you."

"With me here, no one can bully you, don't feel wronged."

So the rest of the people in the hall saw a spectacle.

The emperor, who was usually blasphemous even to take a second look, gave a devilish smile in a place where the empress could not see.

How arrogant and arrogant.

Everyone's minds invariably recalled the most popular storybook on the street recently, "The Pure Love Emperor and Coquettish Concubine"!
Is it written according to the daily life of these two?

(End of this chapter)

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