I was vying for favor with four big daddy

Chapter 781 Witnessing History

Chapter 781 Witnessing History
Most of the beauties in the history books are beautiful women, and I have never heard of a few good-looking men.

Well now, witness history with your own eyes.

Everyone in Chenyue Hall showed hot-eyed expressions.

At a glance, "Who am I", "Where am I", "Why do I have to put up with this kind of thing" are written all over everyone's face.

Especially the three vassal ministers standing under the steps, with disheveled faces, if not for the disparity in status, they would have made the move long ago.

The enchantress who is a disaster for the country... Ah no, Emperor Zun, she has lifted her face from the shoulders of the empress who was fascinated by beauty in satisfaction.

His whole body was filled with self-satisfied happiness, and of course it was all in places that the empress could not see.

Looking at the empress who "loves beauty but does not love country", she is still immersed in distress, and pats the head of the demon emperor who has caused harm to the country with great pity:

"Brother, don't be sad. I have everything. I am responsible for protecting you."

After finishing speaking, she turned her head to look at the three close ministers who were about to roll their eyes to the sky: "I agree to your request, let's accompany you."


Before the three of them had time to be happy, they heard the empress say again:

"I have agreed to your request, but I still have to make an agreement with you for three chapters."

Dishes trio: "..."

He's here, he's here, the Huoguo Yaozun came with his Huoshui influence.

Chenyue didn't care about their reluctance, and said directly: "Don't rely on me to favor you, just show the emperor's face."

Dishes trio: "?"

What the hell?Who is the Empress favoring?And who is showing favor to whom?
Why is this world so mysterious?

But who will let others be the master? If the master says no, he can't do it, and if he can't do it, he can't do it.

The three of them were pressed together and agreed: "...Yes, I dare not wait."

Chen Yue smiled and patted Yan Gui's hand, signaling that he could rest assured, and then continued:
"Don't quarrel with Emperor Zun on the road, Emperor Zun is not in good health, what should we do if the quarrel breaks down?"

Dishes trio: "...Yes."

Why don't you say that you are not in good health when you hold the dragon tooth and rule the world?

Besides, it's just right to make a bad noise, just throw it into the sea and return to heaven and earth.

Chen Yue was very satisfied: "The last thing is that in our Daliang territory, Emperor Zun is a guest, so don't take this opportunity to bully him and make him a stumbling block."

Dishes trio: "..."

Your Majesty is not married yet, and has turned his elbows to the extreme northern land. Can there be another one in the future?

Before the three of them answered, Huoshui said cautiously: "I'm not a guest..."

The voice is low, the attitude is wronged, the big bad wolf puts its tail away and turns into a little gray rabbit?
That must be impossible.

Everyone silently watched Emperor Zun act, waiting for the empress to be fooled, watching this similar scene repeated again and again.

However, what I didn't expect was that this time the empress stood up and rejected Emperor Zun cruelly:

"Oh, brother, don't be so anxious. When you marry Daliang... No, no, when I marry Jibeilu, you will not be a guest."

Everyone: "..."

Better not explain.

What is it not a guest, master, why don't you go to heaven?
But Emperor Zun was very satisfied.

He smiled like a big cat lazily basking in the sun on the roof, if one ignores the murderous look behind him.

The three power ministers came to show off their might in front of Emperor Zun. Not only did they not gain any advantage, they were also betrayed by their own lord and received a fatal blow.

There are two big characters "brother" written in the master's eyes, but the rest can't be seen, isn't this the end?
The backbone has been twisted to the enemy, what's the use of them fighting desperately beside them, don't fight, just destroy it.

Everyone present witnessed history with their own eyes once again.

The three courtiers of the empress who called the wind and rain were like dogs abandoned by their masters, their tails drooping on the ground, they supported each other and left the scene lonely.

It was miserable.

After they left, Chen Yue turned her head to look at Yan Gui who was beside her, stretched her little paws towards his waist and twisted it:
"Happy, let you pretend, let you pretend!"


Yan Gui gasped, and said aggrievedly: "It hurts..."

He twisted into a ball in the phoenix seat, but Nie Fuan who was next to him was terrified, thinking that his old illness had relapsed, so he hurried over to ask:
"Di Zun, what's wrong with you, do you need to call the imperial doctor?"

Before Yan Gui could speak, he felt the pain in his waist intensify, and he turned his head to see——

Chen Yue's big eyes are curved, and she smiles like a little flower, but the strength in her hands is getting stronger and stronger:
"Yeah, isn't brother feeling well? Why is brother feeling uncomfortable? Tell me and see if I can cure you."

Yan Gui: "..."

No, you don't have to.

It hurts!

Seeing Emperor Zun endured the pain, sat upright, raised his hand and waved: "This deity is fine, this deity is fine, let's go down."

Nie Fuan: "?"

Is it really all right?Why does it feel like Emperor Zun is gritting his teeth and talking, and the veins on his forehead are popping up?
Hearing what he said, Chenyue was finally satisfied, and before pulling her hand back, she gave Yan Gui a heartwarming punch:

"It's good that brother is fine. You should pay more attention to maintenance at ordinary times, be calm, and don't make trouble for nothing, or you will be beaten easily."

Yan Gui couldn't help laughing, coughed lightly: "Okay, listen to my sister."

Then when he turned his head and saw Nie Fu'an who was smiling wickedly, his face turned cold: "Why are you here?"

Nie Fuan: "?"

So just now I was concerned about ghosts?

Three person scene, I don't deserve a name.

Not long after Cai Se's trio left Chenyue Hall, news came from the Summer Palace that the Supreme Emperor agreed to set off with the dragon boat, without any other conditions.

In this way, the itinerary to the Saintess Hall of the Yuren Kingdom is scheduled for three days.

The sun was shining brightly this day, and the autumn colors were thick, and the ferry outside the capital had already been guarded by the imperial army and shadow guards.

Emperor Zun and Empress Liang Guo used the guard of honor of Emperor Zun and empress to travel, and the road from the palace to the ferry had been cleared one day in advance.

The imperial guards had one post at five steps and one sentry post at ten steps. The nearby shops and houses were decorated with colorful lanterns and silk and the imperial flag of the Feng clan.

After incense cleansing, after the guard of honor came out of the palace.

Walking in the front are palace people carrying lamps and holding flags, and behind them are the mighty guards of honor of the forbidden army.

Then there are two white elephants carrying the mica chariots of Emperor Zun and the Empress, followed by Wuzhu performing singing and dancing.

Then there are four fathers driving.

Followed by the endless palace guards, there are countless auspicious birds in the air, and majestic beasts are on both sides of the ceremonial car.

After the emperor and the empress boarded the boat, and the guards of honor did not leave the palace, the bustle lasted until the afternoon before the dragon boat left the ferry for the Yuren Kingdom.

Everyone on the dragon boat was beaming, except for the four fathers whose faces were frozen like ice cubes.

Runze looked at the four nephews who were ineffective, and couldn't help shaking his head: "What are you afraid of, the Holy Maiden Hall can't stop him, isn't there Yunwu Mountain?"

(End of this chapter)

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