I was vying for favor with four big daddy

Chapter 797 You can still operate like this

Chapter 797 You can still operate like this

That's right, there have been such proud people in all dynasties.

The elder brother valued love and righteousness. After he ascended the throne, he took a high look at King Jinzhou, so that he could not find Bei, and ran to his elder brother to do his best.

Do you think that by marrying your daughter to your brother, you will be able to control your brother to control the Extreme North Land, and thus dominate the world? Go ahead and dream!

No, as a young daughter-in-law who has never been married, how can she see her brother being bullied like this and not help him?
King Jinzhou, a bad old man, has new and old hatreds, and he is determined not to let him go easily.

Chen Yue made up her mind, patted Yan Gui on the shoulder and said, "As I told my brother just now, I am a reliable little fiancee."

Yan Gui: "?"

So, I'll still live until tomorrow morning, right?

Chen Yue said: "The king of Jinzhou is a relative and elder of my brother, and he saved your life. It is not appropriate for you to take action, so I will do it for you."

Yan Gui: "..."

So, now it's King Jinju who won't live until tomorrow morning.

"My brother has endured so much hardship in the world, why should he be restricted by him, this scoundrel old man must have suffered a lot before he can be honest."

Chen Yue turned her head and looked at her subordinate: "You—"

The subordinates were waiting to see the excitement of the Landlord beating Emperor Zun violently, but the two of them shook hands and made peace, and agreed to the outside world. They couldn't even react to this turn.

The subordinate let out a foolish "ah": "Jing, Jing Master, what are your orders?"

Chen Yue said with a smile: "Bring me a few copies of the medicine that the badass old man prepared to add fragrance to the red sleeves."

Dependent: "..."

Landlord, Jinzhou Wangdu is over 50 years old, I'm afraid he can't stand this torture, right?
Just as Chen Yue was about to say something, she suddenly remembered: "Forget it, the medicine he prepared is definitely not as effective as the passion flower, so let's use that."

The subordinate looked at Yan Gui: Emperor Zun, do you ignore this matter, then the old king of Jinzhou will die if he spends his love.

Yan Gui shook his head silently: I don't dare to care about it, otherwise I will be the one who dies; the king of Jinzhou will not die the deity, and he will die if he dies.

Chenyue saw that they had no objection, so she made a decision and began to assign tasks:
"So who, you go and get some warmth pills, they are available in the pharmacy in Xiaoyaojing, don't let anyone find out."

"Brother, let's go and remind Xiao Yuqi brothers and sisters, lest Jinzhou King is about to die, they won't be able to save him in time, and there will be no more father."

Dependent: "..."

Yan Gui: "..."

Well, it was arranged clearly.

After coming out of the main hall and joining the crowd, the atmosphere changed a lot. Everyone didn't know what happened and looked at each other in blank dismay.

When they arrived at the ferry and boarded the boat, Chenyue spoke first: "It's been so long since you've been out, you're hungry, I'll treat everyone to dinner."

Xiao Yuqi and Xiao Yuwan looked at each other, thinking of the warning just now, they couldn't figure out what they wanted to do for a while, so they refused:

"Thank you for your majesty's kindness. There is also a cook on the painting boat hired by the minister, so I dare not sit with your majesty."

Chenyue smiled, and made a gesture towards the lake. In an instant, a school of black fish gushed out of the lake, and immediately carried the painting boat away.

Everyone: "..."

Can you still do this?
Even Yan Gui smiled slightly: "It's gone now."

Xiao Yuqi: "..."

Thus, the two brothers and sisters were put on her boat by Emperor Zun and the Empress.

As Huafang left the Songzi Temple, Xiao Yuqi felt more and more that this trip would never return. On the vast water, is there anything that can save them?
Just when he was uneasy, the food was brought up one after another, and there were a lot of drinks and snacks, which filled a large table.

There is also a small opera troupe singing on the viewing platform on the second floor, babbling, accompanied by the sound of silk, bamboo and drum music, which is quite pleasant.

It looked quite harmonious and beautiful, but the more it was like this, the more disturbed Xiao Yuqi and Xiao Yuwan felt.

Xiao Yuwan was even more nervous and only ate the food in front of her, taking small bites until she heard Chenyue calling her.

"Princess Lingyang—"

Xiao Yuwan knocked over the cup in a panic: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Yuwan is here."

Chen Yue asked with a smile: "Do you like eating the food in front of you very much? I see that you have picked up a lot of chopsticks?"

Xiao Yuwan's face was extremely stiff, and she forced a smile: "Ah, yes, His Majesty's cook is serious and exquisite, does His Majesty like it too?"

Chen Yue nodded: "I liked it before, but after I heard that you liked it, I didn't like it anymore, do you know why?"

Xiao Yuwan's face turned pale instantly.

"I also said this to King Jinzhou."

Chen Yue glanced at Xiao Yuqi and Xiao Yuwan: "As for me, I can't be more stingy. I don't like being robbed of my love, and of course I don't want to be robbed of my love."

"However, if anyone commits a crime against me, then don't blame me for killing him. A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye."

Chenyue looked at Xiao Yuwan who was crying with a smile: "I and the emperor promised each other for life, and we will be a couple forever."

"What are your thoughts in the Jinzhou Palace, I advise you to accept it, otherwise I will be unhappy, and the emperor will be even more unhappy."

"I haven't seen the wrists of Emperor Zun and Zhen with my own eyes, but I have heard it with my own ears. The reality will only be more terrifying than what you heard, do you understand?"

Xiao Yuwan didn't dare to cry anymore, Xiao Yuqi clenched her fists tightly, her eyes were full of coldness and coldness.

Chen Yue turned her eyes to his face: "It doesn't matter if the son is not convinced, the great gift from Emperor Zun and Zhen will be delivered immediately, waiting for the good news."

Xiao Yuqi pushed the table and stood up: "My sister was rude in front of the emperor and the empress, I will bring her back here, and I will leave."

Chen Yue smiled and said, "Okay, walk slowly, the road is dark, so be careful not to fall."

She seldom gets angry like this. When Xiao Yuqi's brothers and sisters left, everyone was staring at each other, not daring to say a word.

Back at the Yuren Kingdom's palace, the atmosphere was still very solemn.

"You know how to come back?"

The four fathers and Runze were still sitting on the Saintess Hall, glanced at them, Feng Hanchu was the first to ask:

"Didn't you say you won't be coming back? Why did you hurry up and make things difficult for Shizi Xiao and Princess Lingyang?"

Chen Yue sat beside her father, and only then saw Xiao Yuqi and Xiao Yuwan siblings sitting under the main seat.

It was blocked by the tide of palace people just now, but now the palace people dispersed, revealing a pair of brother and sister behind the low table.

Daddy Meiyan has always liked Xiao Yuqi more, but he didn't expect these two people to find a backer for him, Chen Yue pouted:
"Beautiful Daddy, Tangtang is being bullied, you don't care about it, and you still attack me, am I still your favorite cake?"

Feng Hanchu gave a dry cough, and with four sharp gazes on his face, he answered quite simply: "...Yes."

Chenyue broke her fingers and began to complain: "Tangtang and brother have a marriage contract, so they are a fiancé couple."

"The fiancé is being bullied, so it also means that the fiancée is being bullied, right?"

Feng Hanchu: "..."

This sounds like being teased.

(End of this chapter)

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