Chapter 798

However, if you don't drink Emperor Zun tea, you have to drink it.

Feng Hanchu was so angry that he wanted to say that he was wrong, he was wrong, but he didn't have the guts to do it in front of Emperor Zun.

He murmured ambiguously: "...continue."

Chenyue tugged on his sleeve in aggrieved way: "Then Tangtang will take revenge back, this is called revenge with revenge, revenge with complaints, why is it embarrassing?"

Feng Hanchu: "..."

Hehe, the girl opens her mouth, whoever believes it is a ghost.

Emperor Zun, who was sipping tea, took a sip slowly, and asked Feng Hanchu with a smile: "Why, does the Supreme Emperor have any opinion on what the Empress said?"

Feng Hanchu: "?"

How come, after passing the test of the center of the earth, you are supported?
Is there any reason for the young couple to bully the old man together?
However, he still only dared to scold Xiao Yangui over and over in his heart, pretending to be kind on the surface:

"Di Zun was joking. I think what the Empress said is all right, but Prince Xiao has always observed etiquette, so there must be some misunderstanding."

Yan Gui: "Is there any misunderstanding?"

Feng Hanchu: "?"

You children are jealous, you come to ask me if I am suitable, are you human?
The Supreme Emperor began to have a strange mood: "Xiao Shizi is open and upright, outspoken, and has always said anything in front of me."

Yan Gui's hands stopped, and he glanced at Xiao Yuqi with a half-smile, and then at Feng Hanchu: "Oh?"

Everyone: "..."

It has begun, the war between the future father-in-law and the future son-in-law has begun again.

Feng Hanchu was annoyed by his yin and yang attitude, and began to speak indiscriminately:

"Of course, I firmly believe in Xiao Shizi's character, so there must be some misunderstanding here, and it's fine to let it go."

Xiao Yuqi smiled gently: "Thank you, Emperor Xuanwen, for your love, Yuqi is very grateful."

Feng Hanchu's treatment of him was obviously much gentler than that of Yan Gui, with a kindness that he didn't have in his own son, with a smile on his brows and eyes:
"Xiao Shizi is young and promising, he is really a rare talent. It would be great if there is someone like Shizi in my beam."

Chen Yue curled her lips, and said in a low voice, "Brother Tang Bi is the champion of Lianzhong Sanyuan. He has a prominent family background and a good personality. I haven't seen you boasting."

Feng Hanchu: "?"

Chen Yue's gaze shifted: "Brother Xie Jingyun, at the critical moment of the 'Battle of the Buddha', sent an envoy to Zheng Guoyu to conclude an alliance with Confucians, are you boasting?"

"And brother Pang Cheng, who has made great contributions in transforming ordnance and bows and crossbows, whether in battle or in equipping the army. Do you know what he looks like?"

Before Feng Hanchu had time to refute, he heard Yan Gui sing and sigh in harmony:

"Daliang doesn't have less talent, but less appreciation of talent's eyes, right, Taishanghuang?"

Feng Hanchu: "..."

Come, come, the world is yours, it has nothing to do with me.

He was so angry that he turned around and found that his own cake was even more angry than him. Feng Hanchu felt a little uncomfortable and touched his nose:

"Meiyan Daddy actually didn't say anything, so you tell Daddy now, how they bullied you, Daddy will make the decision for you."

Xiao Yuqi: "?"

Is it a unique skill for you to see the wind and turn the rudder?

Chen Yue briefly explained what happened: "...Dad Meiyan thinks it's right to do this?"

"Today they rob Tangtang's elder brother, tomorrow they can rob Tangtang's father, and the day after tomorrow they will rob Tangtang's Yuxi."

Without saying a word, Feng Hanchu politely invited Xiao Yuqi and Xiao Yuwan away.

Xiao Yuqi never expected such a sudden attack.

He had long heard that Emperor Xuanwen and Emperor Zun were at odds, and he always wanted to take the opportunity to do something and complete the plan, but who knew that this father was so protective of the calf that he was unreasonable.

He made a wrong calculation, and even shifted the direction of the chess game to Xiao Yangui's side. It seems that he will not have any advantage over Feng Hanchu in the future.

He was thinking about it when he heard footsteps behind him.

"Xiao Yuqi, you have a good plan."

Chen Yue came over, looked into his eyes, and smiled coldly: "You father and son are plotting against anyone, and you shouldn't plot against my father, and Emperor Zun."

Xiao Yuqi said calmly: "Isn't it too early for the empress to be proud now, the winner is the one who laughs last."

"Oh, really?"

Xiao Yuqi said: "The empress is still young, so she doesn't know the dangers of the world, but her heart is sinister."

"Now that you and Emperor Zun are in love, you are naturally lingering. If you don't marry a prince, you don't marry a king, but how long will it last?"

"The emperor always has to compromise the worldly vision, take concubines and concubines, spread branches and leaves, and then everything the empress is doing now will be in vain."

Xiao Yuqi smiled slightly: "Why doesn't the empress appoint a concubine to serve as a servant, and make decisions on her own life, why should I leave it to a man to control?"

Chen Yue: "Has the son married a wife or taken a concubine?"

"Yuqi hasn't married a wife yet, but he has several concubines." Xiao Yuqi looked at her strangely, "Why does Your Majesty ask such a question?"

Chen Yue: "No wonder, you always think that people in the world can't do things that you can't do yourself. How do you say that, measure the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain."

Xiao Yuqi: "...A concubine is a villain? A concubine is just a plaything. How is it different from a calligraphy and painting decoration? All concubines in the world are villains?"

Chen Yue shook her head: "You say that because you are a superior to concubines, so I am also a superior to you. Do you want to be my servant?"

She asked such a direct question, but Xiao Yuqi was confused: "I..."

"So I can also treat you as a plaything, a calligraphy and painting."

Chenyue looked at Xiao Yuqi's stiff face, and lightly averted her eyes: "It's still a plaything I don't like."

"Your concubine can't manipulate you, why do you think you can manipulate me? I always thought that you coveted my beauty, but I didn't expect you coveted a lot."

Xiao Yuqi: "..."

Are you Liang people so straightforward?

Seeing that he was speechless, Chen Yue couldn't help but smile: "So, take your thoughts away, and go back and tell your father, it's not easy to live so long."

"I heard?"

In the corridor of the side hall, Yan Gui also said to the weeping Xiao Yuwan: "The meaning of the empress is the meaning of the deity."

"Disobeying her is like disobeying the deity. The deity can't see her frowning. If the deity is unhappy, no one can think about it."

Xiao Yuwan cried until she couldn't stand it, she curled up on the ground like a kitten, extremely pitiful.

Yan Gui looked at it with disgust: "Go back and tell the king of Jinzhou that he will not worry about the coronation ceremony."

"From now on, your Jinzhou Prince's Mansion returns to the fief, there is no edict, no need to enter Beijing, and——

Yan Gui said coldly: "His calculation, this deity is very clear, and the idea is to save his life and not care about him, but he should never commit crimes on the head of the empress."

"Ah Yue doesn't like this deity to kill and loot, so this time this deity doesn't seek revenge on him personally, and the empress will do it all for her. Congratulations."

(End of this chapter)

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