Chapter 810

But Xiao Yuwan refused, so she would not refuse.

Chen Yue walked over leisurely, looked at Xiao Yuqi and said, "Your Majesty is really in a good mood."

"Good talk, good talk."

Xiao Yuqi also had a gentle look: "Ever since she knew that Yu Wan was grounded, Yu Qi knew that sooner or later someone would come from the palace."

"I just didn't expect that it was Your Majesty who came. This really flattered Yuqi. Please sit down, Your Majesty."

Chen Yue sat across from him generously, picked up the teacup he handed over, and asked with a smile:

"My son didn't expect me to come, or I didn't expect me to come in person."

Xiao Yuqi paused his hand, and suddenly laughed loudly: "Your Majesty is really sharp, to be honest, no matter which one, Yuqi dare not think about it."

Chen Yue took a sip of tea slowly: "That's because you are staring at your nineteenth brother, Xiao Yanxiu?"

Xiao Yuqi didn't seem to understand what she said, and was suddenly stunned: "Xiao Yanxiu?"

"Your Majesty is talking about the [-]th prince who came back from the dead, but died in the hands of Emperor Tianhong?"

Chenyue held the teacup and glanced at him: "You ask me? Don't you know the best?"

"Why can't Yu Qi understand what His Majesty is saying?"

Chen Yue played with the teacup slowly without raising her eyes, so naturally she didn't know the killing intent that flashed across Xiao Yuqi's face.

"How should I put it, the first time I found you in the Emperor Palace, I felt something was wrong."

Chen Yue narrowed her eyes and recalled the scene at that time: "Brother asked Master to take you back to Yunwu Mountain to raise you, but you escaped back."

"You've lived there for so long, you don't know what Yunwu Mountain is, do you? With your ability, you will be discovered if you move."

She raised her glass and touched Xiao Yuqi's glass with a "ding": "As a result, you not only moved, but also moved so far."

"I asked myself at that time, if you can do it, then you must not."

"So, someone on Yunwu Mountain helped you, released you secretly, and got you into Emperor Zun Palace by the way."

Xiao Yuqi didn't speak, just stared at her, with a strange smile on the corner of his mouth:

"Is Your Majesty talking in your sleep? Why can't Yu Qi understand a single word?"

Chen Yue waved her hand: "It doesn't matter if you don't understand, just listen to me and continue."

"Later, I caught you and handed you over to Master, and then I felt that everything was safe until—"

She leaned closer to Xiao Yuqi, and made a magic mirror to show him: "This is the scene where I was bewitched in the heart of Jiuyou in the Yuren Kingdom."

Xiao Yuqi lowered his head, watched the conversation between Chen Yue and a voice for a while, and nodded: "It's quite thrilling."

Chen Yue also agreed: "That's right, I almost lost my temper and went to kill the emperor with a knife."

Xiao Yuqi didn't understand, so: "So what does your Majesty's distress have to do with Yuqi?"

"Don't worry."

Chen Yue put away the magic mirror: "At that time, I was very surprised, who on earth hated Emperor Zun so deeply?"

"After thinking about it, I thought of you, the twenty prince, Xiao Yanxiu."

Xiao Yuqi laughed suddenly: "Is Your Majesty talking about myths?"

"A sinner's consciousness, a bewitched illusion, how did it end up becoming Yu Qi again?"

Chen Yue said: "It's very simple, because you hate Emperor Zun."

Xiao Yuqi said in surprise: "Excuse me, Emperor Zun and Yuqi are distant cousins, and Yuqi has no reason to do this in public or private."

Chen Yue nodded: "At first, I didn't expect it to be you."

"However, after coming out from the center of the earth, I met you and Princess Lingyang in Sanshengji. Do you think it's a coincidence?"

Xiao Yuqi laughed helplessly: "Your Majesty doesn't know, Yuwan has been crying for a long time since she knew that Emperor Zun and His Majesty are going to the heart of Jiuyou."

"Yu Qi was really afraid that she would break her body from crying, so she agreed to take her to find Emperor Zun, so it can be regarded as a solution to her heart."

Chen Yue said: "I believe what you said is true, including the son who was in the boat for the first time."

"Yu Qi is true in the first place, so what does this have to do with what His Majesty said about Xiao Yanxiu?"

Chen Yue smiled, and took a deep look at him: "What do you think?"

"I never said that Xiao Yanxiu is a mass of divine consciousness. No one knows about this except the master, the emperor and me, oh, and Nie Fuan."

"You just said a bunch of divine sense easily, so you are not asking yourself?"

"Xiao Yuqi" involuntarily squeezed the teacup tightly.

Chen Yue didn't seem to see it, and then said: "I still have a witness."

"Pang Cheng knows Xiao Yuqi best. He talked with you that day and felt that you seemed to be a different person."

"In addition, your attitude and tone when you spoke to me in front of the Holy Maiden's Hall were completely different from the Xiao Shizi I knew."

"Although the eldest son Xiao Yuqi is proud and unruly, he is open-minded and generous, and has no extreme desire or longing for power."

Chen Yue glanced at him up and down, and said with a smile: "I won't provoke the relationship between me and the Emperor."

"My son loves me, I know it all, but my son has always been generous, and I don't hide it in front of the emperor. It is impossible to be a villain who slanders behind his back."

"Xiao Yanxiu, you don't know Xiao Yuqi well. Do you think you can become the next Chengsheng Emperor by controlling Xiao Yuqi the way the emperor controls you?"

"Xiao Yuqi" looked at her coldly: "Your Majesty is so smart, I am reluctant to kill you."

Seeing his vicious look, Chenyue smiled immediately: "Thank you for praising me."

"In return, a friendly reminder, whether you are willing or not, you can't kill me."

"Xiao Yuqi" sneered: "Really?"

"Do you think that with Master's help, you can turn the current situation upside down?"

Chen Yue waved her little finger at him: "Childish!"

"Xiao Yuqi" was so angry that his nose was crooked: "You—"

Chen Yue sighed: "What about you, being released by Master Zunxin to do things is nothing more than his final test for Emperor Zun."

"If I'm not mistaken, the master brought you here when he came to the Jinzhou palace that day, so that you can wait for the opportunity to occupy Xiao Yuqi's consciousness?"

"Xiao Yuqi" was taken aback for a moment, and said with a gloomy expression, "You even know this?"

Chen Yue shook her head: "I didn't know, but I sent someone to investigate you."

"I heard that the three members of Jinzhou Wang's family met a mysterious man whose cultivation was so high that even I couldn't see through his blindfold to know his identity."

Speaking of this, Chen Yue shook her head triumphantly: "The only one in this world who can surpass me in terms of technique is Master."

"This can also be regarded as a clue that the master left for me. If I am so smart, how can I not appreciate the love of the master?"

"Xiao Yuqi" jumped up against the case: "He actually played me?"

Chen Yue shook her finger: "You can't say that, it's just using you to play chess."

(End of this chapter)

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