Chapter 811

"Xiao Yuqi", no, the current Xiao Yanxiu's face can no longer be described as ugly, as if he wants to eat people.

He gritted his teeth and said, "So, he knows everything about Xiao Yan?"

Chen Yue spread her hands and said, "I don't know about this. I'm here, and I'm only responsible for killing King Jinzhou and you."

"The empress is really loud!"

Xiao Yanxiu glanced coldly, and unexpectedly gained some momentum: "Do you think I'm not prepared for anything?"

Chen Yue asked back: "Don't you think I'm not prepared for anything?"

"Just relying on the five thousand stragglers you brought?"

"Xiao Shi, are you underestimating my Jiajun if you don't give it a try?"

Then Xiao Yanxiu profoundly explained the true meaning of "try and die".

The two of them stared wide-eyed for a long time. All the servants in the yard just now disappeared, and the atmosphere inside and outside the palace became even more strange.

Xiao Yanxiu stared at Chen Yue: "What have you done... Come, come!"

He was allowed to shout for a long time, but no one answered him.

In fact, Xiao Yanxiu had already made complete preparations when the decree came down to the palace.

The road to the emperor's position is bloody, and he knows this clearly since he coexisted with Xiao Yangui's spiritual consciousness.

However, he never expected that it would end before it even started.

Careful preparation and careful planning are like a play in front of Xiao Yangui and Feng Chenyue.

With a little blow of their breath, it all falls apart.

Xiao Yanxiu's resentment, grievance and astonishment were intertwined, and he couldn't say anything for a while.

So far no rescue has come, which only means that those warlocks and guards have been controlled by Feng Chenyue's men.

Seeing his unwilling and aggrieved appearance, Chen Yue laughed: "How, are you convinced?"

"I have brought 5000 people, which is enough to give you face, otherwise, I will be enough alone."

Seeing her shaking her head triumphantly, Xiao Yanxiu sneered, "The empress is really good at talking big."

Chen Yue shook her head: "The aggressive method is useless, it is impossible for me to give you any chance to try again."

"It's so easy for the world to be peaceful. Do you think Emperor Zun will allow you to wait for the opportunity to do something? Naturally, it's best to solve you quietly."

Chen Yue clapped her hands: "Okay, the tea is finished, and the words are clear, let's go, go and join your stragglers?"

Xiao Yanxiu glanced at her, formed a magic circle, and disappeared in front of Zi Chenyue in an instant, so fast that she didn't even have time to react.

"Yeah, run away?"

Chen Yue looked around.

The night was low, the snow was falling silently, and the lamps in the palace were flickering, looking peaceful.

The tranquility was too weird, it was an illusion, Chen Yue couldn't help but curl the corners of her mouth.

It seems that this future uncle is not a pussy, he has been raised in Yunwu Mountain for so many years, and he has learned a lot of skills.

But what's the use?
Chen Yue smiled slightly, observed carefully, pulled out the Moon Chaser Knife, aimed at a place and slashed at it.

The moment the illusion was shattered, she stretched out her hand and grabbed Xiao Yanxiu who was still forming magic circles continuously.

The two pairs of eyes meet.

Xiao Yanxiu: ""

Chen Yue smiled: "It's me."

Xiao Yanxiu was stunned. He really didn't expect that he would be so vulnerable after forming so many magic circles.

He looked at his hand, and then at Chen Yue who was holding his arm, his face was full of disbelief.

"Little Twenty—"

Chen Yue grabbed his robe, dragged it backwards, and explained: "The magic circle looks evil, doesn't it?"

"However, if you study for a long time, you will understand two truths. First, the world's merits can only be broken quickly; second, great efforts can produce miracles."

After she finished speaking, she directly punched Xiao Yanxiu in the face: "It's useless to just talk, let's feel it?"

With a dazed look, Xiao Yanxiu fell down with a bang, his limbs twitched a few times, and did not move.

Soon, two lines of blood flowed down his nose.

After accepting Xiao Yuqi's consciousness, Chen Yue withdrew her hands in satisfaction, curled the corners of her mouth, and nodded incessantly.

Nie Fu'an hurried over from outside the palace, seeing the bloody scene and the empress' gloomy smile, he almost knelt down:

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty?"

This night, it was too fucking violent.

Chen Yue was still dissatisfied with him, and glared at him: "Why are you here, didn't you tell you to wait outside to hold the head of King Jinzhou?"

Nie Fu'an quickly said: "The emperor has arrived and went to meet King Jinzhou."

A smile suddenly appeared on Chenyue's face, and she ran towards the main courtyard of the palace with her skirt in her hand.

But after running a few steps, she stopped again and walked slowly: "How is the secret guard?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, King Jinzhou's power in the capital is far less than in Jinzhou, and the people in the mansion put down their weapons without resistance."

"As for the Bieyuan outside the city, Xiaoyaojing and Youtanzong have collected a lot of weapons, and after the inventory is completed, they will be escorted to Beijing by the imperial army."

Nie Fu'an thought for a while, then hesitated and said, "As for Jinzhou Mansion, according to reports..."

Chen Yue turned to look at him: "What's the report, the government soldiers rebelled?"

"Yes," Nie Fu'an sighed, "After knowing what happened to the prince, the government soldiers mutinied."

Chen Yue raised her eyebrows: "What a coincidence? It's a good time."

Nie Fu'an said: "Master Su alarmed the King of Jinzhou when he started to check the military equipment. At that time, the King of Jinzhou sent a secret letter back to Jinzhou Mansion."

"Everything Princess Lingyang heard tonight was deliberately let her hear by the King of Jinzhou, and entering the palace was also acquiesced by the prince and the prince."

Chen Yue sneered: "The king of Jinzhou really knows how to 'destroy relatives with righteousness'."

Thinking of that poor girl, Nie Fu'an couldn't help but sigh: "The princess is just a bargaining chip for King Panlong and Phoenix of Jinzhou."

"It's better to win Emperor Zun's favor. If you don't get it, it will be a death knell. Use her to lure Emperor Zun and His Majesty to come."

Chen Yue walked slowly to the main courtyard.

The lights were brightly lit there, and the shadow guards and imperial guards surrounded the front and back yards tightly, and no abnormal noise could be heard.

She didn't intend to go any further, but stood in front of the garden gate and waited.

Not long after, I heard faint noises in the main room, and two shadow guards at the door ran in instantly.

Chen Yue said in a low voice: "What's the use of wolf ambition, it's just a dream."

Soon, the two shadow guards came out carrying a tray, which was covered with a blood-stained white cloth.

When Nie Fuan saw it, he immediately bowed to Chenyue, quickly stepped forward to take the tray and left.

Chenyue waited for a while, until Yan Gui, who was dressed in plain white clothes, slowly walked out of King Jinzhou's main house.

He usually wears black or red, that is, he wears plain clothes like this during the national mourning after the death of Emperor Tianhong.

Chen Yue felt a little sad, and waited for a while before walking to his side, put away Longya, and held his hand: "Brother."

Yan Gui lowered his head and smiled wearily: "When it dawns, it will all be over."

Chen Yue nodded: "Okay, this morning, I will accompany my brother."

(End of this chapter)

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