Chapter 834

The palace man also said: "The mission also brought a full set of acceptance gifts."

"These gifts all came from the extreme northern land, and were transported by treasure ships and flying kites along the way. The quantity and damage are still being counted."

From a long distance?
Chen Yue couldn't help but curl the corners of her mouth.

So, when my brother came to discuss the wedding date with Daddy Meiyan, he already let Na Caili go?
Now that Meiyan Daddy understands, he is probably about to go berserk again and breathe fire, right?
Chen Yue hurriedly asked: "Is the Supreme Emperor okay now?"

The expression on the palace man's face suddenly became indescribable: "The Supreme Emperor already knows, that is, that Longyan is furious, return, return..."

"What's the matter, tell me quickly."

Chen Yue hurried forward a few steps, she was almost dying of curiosity.

The palace man sighed: "The Supreme Emperor was already angry when he asked Ming Na Caili's departure date. In the end, the young master said a few more words..."

Chen Yue couldn't understand: "Young Master? Which Young Master?"

Who else in the world can be respected as a son beyond the respect of the master?
The palace people hurriedly said: "It's His Majesty's master, this time as the emperor's big matchmaker, he is here to give gifts, but His Majesty wants to see... Your Majesty?"

Before he finished speaking, Chen Yue had already run away, her eyes full of the word "Master".

She ran all the way to Chenyue Hall.

Before passing the Chen gate, I saw the palace people from a distance blocking the water around the palace road, each of them stretched their necks to see Caili.

"Di Zun is really a big hand. It's been half a day. I heard that the ceremony boats at the ferry haven't been unloaded yet."

"What is this? Last year, His Majesty and Ji, Emperor Zun sent off for two consecutive months. Isn't this big wedding even more grand?"

"Oh my God, how grand it is, I can't wait to see the wedding of Emperor Zun and His Majesty."

Chen Yue listened happily, without disturbing the crowd, she jumped onto the top of the palace and ran forward.

After two steps, I saw the four fathers blocking the master at the entrance of the main hall.

Standing at the front, Feng Hanchu cocked his nose and eyes at Runze: "...I knew you were in league with that little bastard!"

Runze smiled and said, "Oh, Xiao Hanchu, don't be so irritable, isn't that little bunny also your little son-in-law?"

Feng Han was so angry that he had a headache at the beginning: "Didn't you go back to Yunwu Mountain, what are you doing back again?"

"Your little son-in-law has no father or mother, and there is no senior elder in the family, so you have to pick someone who is pleasing to your eye when you come to hire."

Runze unfolded his sleeves and let him have a look: "I am Tangtang's master, and I can also be regarded as Dizun's master, so it is the most suitable."

Bu Chen glanced at him: "You guys have already discussed it?"

"It's not a good negotiation, but Emperor Zun's conditions moved me."

Su Qingyun was so angry that she flew her fan: "Why, you guys still dare to make a deal with Tang Xiaoguai, and I'll screw your head off."

Runze shook his head helplessly: "Xiao Qingyun, you are getting older, you have to find a way to quell the fire, otherwise, if you hold it for a long time, your temper will become more irritable."

Su Qingyun: "... Get out!"

If you can't beat you, you can beep here.

Runze still looked at the four fathers with a smile: "Look, little Xuanmo is very obedient and respectful..."

"Put down the dowry, let's go!" Xuan Mo said coldly.

Run Ze touched his nose: "It's embarrassing."

"However, this betrothal gift really can't be left indiscriminately. I have to hand it over to Tangtang myself before I can rest assured."

Feng Hanchu didn't believe his evil: "What important things have to be picked up by Little Pastry in person, how dare you show off?"

Runze smiled mysteriously, and beckoned Nie Fuan, who was following him, to come forward.

He took the yellow silk box that Nie Fuan held high: "It's the Emperor's Seal."

But in just three words, it was like a gust of wind, setting off a huge wave, and even the four fathers couldn't help being stunned:

"What, what?"

Runze said it again: "It's the Emperor's Seal, the seal of the Lord of the World."

"By the way, Xiaohanchu, do you also have a Jade Seal of Chuanguo? This Emperor's Seal and your Jade Seal also have the same meaning."

Feng Han waited for a long time before saying: "Dixie? How can Dizun use the Dixie as a betrothal gift, this, this..."

Doesn't this hand over thousands of miles of land to others?
Runze nodded: "It's what you think."

"Di Zun said that when he marries the empress, he must be hired by the country, not to share, but to hand over the country to Tangtang."

What dowry gift can be more shocking than the emperor's seal?
Since ancient times, after the establishment of the emperor, the deepest favor is nothing more than Shili Hongzhuang, the special favor of Jiaofang, never seen the emperor's seal as a gift.

Jiangshan is hired!

How many kings are just talking, how many people can really do it?

The four fathers were completely speechless.

Runze held the emperor's seal and asked with a smile: "Where is Tangtang, come to accept her betrothal gift."

"Di Zun has issued a decree to announce to the world that the emperor's seal will be used as a gift, the country will be hired, and Empress Mingde will be the empress. If you don't accept it..."

"Take it, collect it, Tangtang is here to collect it!"

A crisp voice came from the roof of Chenyue Hall, and then a bright yellow figure descended from the sky.

Chen Yue trotted all the way to Run Ze's side, reached for the Emperor's Seal, but stopped again.

Seeing her appearance, Runze couldn't help laughing: "Oh ho, do you regret it?"

Chenyue shook her head: "No, it's just that my heart is sore and warm, and I think it's not good to just take it away like this."

"Oh why?"

Chen Yue raised her head and looked at Run Ze: "Master, should I fast and take a bath, burn incense for seven days and then come to accept the dowry?"

Runze laughed: " can, but are you sure your little lover is not in a hurry?"

Chen Yue touched her face in embarrassment, and then solemnly reached out to take Di Xi, and held it carefully in her arms.

Only then did Runze nodded in satisfaction: "It's done, Master, this mission is complete."

"After accepting the betrothal gift from your little lover, you will become someone's little daughter-in-law. You can't go back on your word."

Chen Yue shook her head resolutely: "I don't regret it."

Runze teased her: "Then what if the common people object?"

"beat him."

"... What do the courtiers object to?"

"Still beaten."

"Is Daddy against it?"

"Keep beating... ah, how can you beat daddy."

Chen Yue's reaction was so quick, she immediately turned her head to look, oh, it's broken, the faces of the four fathers are turning green.

She hurried over and snuggled up to her fathers: "Tangtang was deceived by Master, so don't beat him up."

"You—" the four fathers nodded her head in reproach.

Xuan Mo said: "Although Emperor Zun loves you very much, but the Emperor's Seal is so important, you can go and thank you after the ceremony is over."

"Know it."

The palace was in a hurry for the emperor's dowry, Chenyue arranged the court affairs, and rushed to the emperor's palace impatiently.

This time, she landed directly in the Chiwu Temple, without even looking around, she just jumped into Yan Gui's arms with a stride:
"Little lover, I'm here to see you!"

Then, amidst Yan Gui's light cough, greetings sounded one after another in the temple: "I have seen Your Majesty."

Chen Yue: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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