I was vying for favor with four big daddy

Chapter 835 One Meal Eats One Room of Dog Food

Chapter 835
There was a long silence in the temple.

The courtiers buried their heads on the floor tiles in unison, not daring to look up at all.

After all, Empress Mingde was hanging on Emperor Zun's body like a little monkey, and she gave a big mouthful to Emperor Zun's face as if no one else was there.

When they saluted, the baji happened to be halfway through, so that everyone is extremely embarrassed now.

To say that the calmest person is only Yan Gui, he patted Chen Yue's head dotingly:

"It's okay, Ah Yue has seen them, besides, whoever dares to laugh at us Ah Yue, brother will punish him."

Chen Yue silently withdrew her half-babbling mouth from Yan Gui's face, and even wiped off his saliva:

"My brother is right, but I won't listen to you."

Yan Gui: "..."

How can the little fiancee be so cute?

He supported her leg with one hand, raised the other hand and gently tapped the book case to signal the courtiers to leave, and then asked:

"Then what does Ah Yue want?"

Chen Yue looked at him for a while, then blinked her eyes, and tilted her head on his shoulder:
"I don't know, I fell asleep, huh huh..."

Yan Gui: "..."

It's so small and soft, I really want to pinch it.

Emperor Zun's thoughts began to wander like a wild horse that had run wild.

Floating to the bedroom, then remembered the books and picture books hidden in the dark compartment, and then...

His eyes dimmed, he tilted his head slightly, rubbed against Chenyue's small face, and called out in a hoarse voice, "Ah Yue?"

Chen Yue babbled twice, changed direction and continued whirring.

Yan Gui sighed resignedly, patted her on the back lightly, said with a light smile, "Go to sleep."

Chen Yue was dazed for a while, but she still hadn't forgotten the embarrassing incident just now, and asked mutteringly, "Are you leaving?"

Yan Gui's gaze flashed, the corners of his lips curled up, and he tilted his head to touch her head: "Take a look back, okay?"

Chen Yue strongly refused: "No, I definitely didn't leave, brother, you are too bad, how could you bully me."

Yan Gui spread out a memorial, and the smile on his lips grew wider: "Brother doesn't bully you, just take a look."

Chenyue almost stuffed her face into his neck, covered her head with her sleeves, muttered and began to chant spells:

"Can't see me, can't see me..."

Yan Gui couldn't help laughing, and even covered her with the sleeve that was holding her: "Okay, now I can't see at all."

Chen Yue is very satisfied.

Nie Fuan was shocked when he came in: "!"

What is the long bar in Emperor Zun's arms?

And the black whiskers dangling behind the sleeves?

Ah, it turned out to be hair.

Ah, the hair!

Ah, whose?

Such long hair can only be a woman's hair, so after being hired, Emperor Zun let His Majesty back and let himself go?
Nie Fu'an suddenly had the feeling of a sea of ​​flames in front and a cliff behind him. When it was time to finish, he would finish with Emperor Zun.

But as a competent steward, this time is about to play a role.

The first step is to figure out the identity of the flowers and plants.

He laughed so hard that people were almost stiff: "Please pay attention to Emperor Zun."

While saluting, Nie Fuan looked at the long strip of "wild flowers" in Emperor Zun's arms——

Moved, moved, she moved.

It must be a guilty conscience, as long as you have a guilty conscience, you can clean it up, and you can clean it up without anyone noticing.

"Nie Fu'an—"

"Ah, Emperor Zun ordered."

Yan Gui glanced at him: "Is there a funeral in your family? Laughing is uglier than crying!"

Nie Fuan: "..."

Emperor Zun is indeed the most self-aware person, if I hold the wild flowers for a while, I will have a funeral soon.

He said with a smile on his face: "It's getting late, Emperor Zun should go to bed, but tonight is this... to serve him?"

Sure enough, the more violent "wild flower" wriggling was held down by Emperor Zun.

Yan Gui narrowed his eyes: "What, Xiao Nie mainly arranges for this deity?"

Nie Fuan was so shocked that his eyeballs almost fell out: "..."

Regal, you have fallen!
"Fu An doesn't dare, but His Majesty will enter the palace at any time, if he sees... Fu An doesn't know what to say."

The violently wriggling "Wild Flower" struggled a few more times, but was still held tightly.

The suppressing emperor snorted coldly: "You won't hide it? Do you still want me to teach you?"

Nie Fuan: "?"

No, we puppet people have always been upright, and we have never done such shameless things.

But the lord has spoken, and the puppet can only be shameless.

Nie Fu'an gritted his teeth and said: "Yes, Fu An understands, so I will go and guard it. When His Majesty comes down, Fu An will say that the emperor is not in the palace."

Yan Gui smiled slightly: "If Your Majesty asks where I am?"

Nie Fuan plucked her hair worryingly: "...then, that Fuan just said, said..."

"say what?"

The wild flower in Emperor Zun's arms finally struggled out, revealing a fierce and stunning face:
"Nie Fu'an, you big villain! Let senior sister arrest you tomorrow!"

Nie Fuan felt his head crackling, and there was a burst of lightning and thunder: "...Your Majesty, Your Majesty?"

Chen Yue glared at him: "My brother is so nice, so gentle and so simple, how dare you lead him down."

Nie Fu'an burst into tears: "...Fu'an didn't..."

Your Majesty, you touch your conscience and say, are the three descriptions of Emperor Zun and you all reversed?

Chen Yue was very dissatisfied: "I heard it all, do you think I'm stupid?"

"You mistakenly think that I am some girl who throws herself into your arms, and you want to fool brother You into pampering her, and then you plan to hide it."

Nie Fuan: "..."

I think what you said and what I said are not the same thing.

Shouldn't you be scolding the culprit for this kind of thing? What do you mean by scolding me?
The culprit is old and innocent: "Ah Yue is right, my brother was scared just now, how could Nie Fu'an do this."

Nie Fuan rolled his eyes to the sky: "..."

You are afraid of a ball!
Chen Yue pouted: "Yes, Nie Fu'an is the worst person, let's ignore him."

"Okay, brother will take you back to Zigui Temple to rest."

After the emperor and the empress entered Zigui Hall, the palace servants turned their heads and saw the little Lord Nie standing in the cold wind like a mourning concubine.

The palace servant was shocked: "...Little Lord Nie, what's wrong with you?"

Nie Fu'an was full of worries: "You, do you know the puppet's injury?"

Palace man: "..."

Nie Fuan: "No, you don't know anything."

The people in the palace were all dumbfounded: "... I also ask little Master Nie to give me some advice."

Nie Fuan said: "I have a friend..."

Palace man: "..."

Make friends out of thin air?

"His master is not a thing, let him work every day, work non-stop, and give him dog food..."

Nie Fu'an looked sluggish, pointed his finger back to the temple, and said in despair:
"It's the kind that eats a whole room of dog food for one meal. Guess what happened to my friend afterwards?"

The palace man swallowed, and asked nervously: "Eat, did you throw up?"

Nie Fuan shook his head helplessly: "No, I'm exhausted."

Palace man: "..."

I suspect that you mean Regal and His Majesty, but I have no proof.

(End of this chapter)

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