I was vying for favor with four big daddy

Chapter 846 The process is not important

Chapter 846 The process is not important

Large-scale ritual vessels were transported by land and water, such as horses, clocks and wooden utensils, as well as rare clothes, flowers and trees tributed by various state capitals.

Feiyuan is in charge of transporting gold, silver, soft goods and jewelry.

For three whole months, gift-giving teams could be seen in all the ferry crossings and official roads in the world, and it was very lively for a while.

On the fifth day of September, the last box of dowry was sent to Feiyuan.

This means that on the sixth day of the ninth month of the next day, Xiao Yan, the Emperor Chengsheng, returned to welcome Feng Chenyue, the female emperor of Mingde, into the central palace as the empress.

The original plan was to use Fenghuang and Qingluan as Fengyu and wedding sedan chairs, but on the fifth day of the lunar new year, Fenghuang lost his temper.

The whole phoenix squatted on the sycamore tree, poked its head under the wings, and ignored anyone who shouted.

If you are in a hurry, you can stop it with one mouthful.

Nie Fu'an led the emperor's envoy and the courtier, and more than 100 mighty people were all blocked outside the Wutong Garden.

When Chenyue knew the news came, she saw a group of warlocks trying their best to form a magic circle and surround Phoenix Fire.

When Nie Fu'an saw Chenyue, it was as if he saw a life-saving straw, with tears and snot all over his nose:
"Your Majesty, hurry up and persuade Fenghuang, if this continues, it will not be good to delay the auspicious time."

Chen Yue hugged her shoulders, not in a hurry: "Brother Fenghuang doesn't want me to marry, he must be unhappy."

Nie Fu'an: "...It's not a question of whether you want it or not. The key point is that it has become a fact. You will be the empress one day."

Chen Yue smiled: "Then you tell him."

Nie Fuan: "..."

Are you sure I can talk to him instead of being burned to ashes by him?

Chen Yue patted him on the shoulder: "Don't worry, it's not dark yet, you still have one night to persuade him."

Nie Fuan: "?"

After Emperor Zun married the emperor, Phoenix lost his temper, why should I be the cannon fodder?

Anger, Emperor Zun, do you want to marry or not!

do not care.

Chenyue saw him squatting there wronged, and hurriedly greeted the palace servants: "Hurry up and prepare some tea and snacks for little Lord Nie."

"By the way, it's getting cold, and it's cold in the middle of the night, so add another quilt, so that the little master Nie won't freeze to death."

Nie Fuan: "..."

Am I here for an autumn outing?
"Your Majesty—"

Nie Fu'an stretched out his hand in despair: "You can ignore Fu'an, but can you ignore Emperor Zun?"

"Do you know how pitiful he looks in the Emperor Palace, waiting to be fed?"

Chen Yue: "...I don't know much, but I know that Brother Fenghuang has a good temper. If you beg him more, maybe he will agree."

Nie Fuan: "..."

If anyone can breathe, go back and tell Emperor Zun to ask for a wave of phoenixes.

The envoy of Emperor Zun who sent the message came back soon, and said frightenedly: "The emperor said, as long as you can see your majesty, the process is not important."

Nie Fuan: "?"

So I'm that process?

Chen Yue laughed and walked away.

Qian Shuang and Ming Wuci accompanied her, looking at Nie Fuan shivering in the twilight with lingering fear:
"He won't really sacrifice himself to the Phoenix?"

Chen Yue shook her head: "Of course not, Brother Fenghuang won't really eat him."

"Your Majesty." Both sides of the palace road were full of palace servants holding festive objects.

The bright red palace lanterns and colorful silk fluttered in the evening wind, all the flowers were in full bloom, and there was a lively scene everywhere.

All kinds of fireworks will be set off every hour inside and outside the palace, most of which are Chen Yue's appearance when she was a child, or she was studying or practicing martial arts.

There are also horseback riding with friends to enjoy flowers, and then there is the appearance of growing up when fighting in the frontier fortress.

Chen Yue looked at it for a while, her eyes were a little sour, and she asked, "Have the fathers entered the palace yet?"

Qian Shuang said: "Here, the three entered the palace early in the morning to accompany the Supreme Emperor."

"After noon, the Ministry of Internal Affairs sent a dress and a crown. I heard that they are still trying on clothes at this time."

Ming Wu Ci pointed to the former Queen's Palace in the West Palace: "The Empress Dowager is over there now."

"Mrs. Xuan and Mrs. Su have also arrived. Di Jun and Empress Changling have just entered the capital, and it will take half an hour before they can enter the palace."

"There are also Prince Hailong, Jun Jun and Imperial Master Xitong, who are being blocked outside the city by Emperor Zun's 120 eight-carrying Longting ceremony."

Chen Yue nodded: "Understood, let's go and see the fathers first."

She walked into the Summer Palace on the palace road full of flowers, and before she got close, she heard the noise inside.

Rows of palace people carried suitcases and jewelry boxes in and out, and Jixiang ordered in a shrill voice:

"This box of dresses doesn't look good, take them away."

"The emperor doesn't like that box of boots, so don't send any similar ones."

"The jade pendant I picked just now, there are four in one style, don't let it go wrong. The one of Helu Tongchun belongs to the Supreme Emperor, and it's been wishful year after year..."

As soon as he was halfway through his words, he saw Chen Yue and hurried up to salute:

"Congratulations to Your Majesty, why is Your Majesty here? Didn't you have to dress up after dinner?"

Chen Yue took out a bag of red envelopes from her sleeve pocket and handed it to him: "I'm here to see my father."

The auspicious round face smiled even wider: "Thank you for the reward, Your Majesty, I will go and inform you."

"Need not."

Chen Yue waved her hand: "I'm just here to take a look, I'm going to put on makeup later."

Jixiang knew in his heart that this was because the girl was reluctant to part with her family before she got married.

He also felt a little sour.

He watched His Majesty grow up, and he was about to leave the cabinet suddenly. He was very reluctant, but who in this palace is willing to part with it?
Jixiang turned around, wiped away tears secretly, then continued to smile and said, "Please come this way, Your Majesty."

They didn't disturb the four fathers in the main hall, they stood by the window of the side hall and looked into the main hall.

At this time, the four fathers were surprisingly united, wearing the same purple-backed blue gown.

If it weren't for the different patterns and heights on the top, it would be impossible to tell who is who.

The three fathers stood straight in a row, facing Feng Hanchu who was carrying a sword on his shoulder.

Just look at the usually unrestrained Taishang Huang frowning, staring back and forth at the four fathers:
"There's always something wrong with your clothes."

Hearing what he said, the three fathers bowed their heads in unison, straightened their sleeves and then their belts, and asked in unison:

"is this OK?"

Feng Han waved his hand at the beginning: "No, no, it's not that the clothes are flat or uneven, it's just that there is something wrong."

Bu Chen picked up the jade pendant: "I just said I need to change this."

"It's not a jade pendant." Su Qingyun patted the belt, "Golden, the golden one looks good."

Xuan Mo frowned: "You need less swords."

The three fathers yelled in unison: "You are going to see off your relatives, not snatch them!"

Feng Hanchu waved his hand: "Okay, stop arguing, the three of you go to the mirror and have a look, I can't think of it for a while."

The three fathers are like three neat wooden stakes, moving in small steps to the mirror and looking at them carefully.

Chen Yue outside the window was silent for a while: "...how long have they been in this situation?"

Jixiang was expressionless: "Ah, it's been a whole day."

Chen Yue: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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