Chapter 847

Jixiang also comforted her and said, "Your Majesty, don't worry too much. This situation is much better than in the morning."

Chen Yue: "..."

I'm even more scared when you say that.

Jixiang pointed to the nearby garden: "The maidservant came to serve before Maoshi, and found the Supreme Emperor standing by the water."

"He kept looking at the reflection in the water and said to himself, 'I'm so beautiful, how could the little pastry be tricked by that brat'?"

He learned it vividly, and added Feng Hanchu's daily movements, as if possessed by the emperor.

Everyone: "This..."

Jixiang continued in pain: "Mr. Jing'an will come later, holding four different swords in both hands, and let the servants sharpen them."

"The old man told God Doctor Bu that he would take one to Emperor Zun tomorrow anyway, and asked God Doctor if there was any way."

"Gong Ziyun's suggestion to them is to ask Mr. Jing'an to dress up as a woman with a soft sword wrapped around his chest, so no one will check there?"

Amid the terrified and bewildered eyes of everyone, Ji Xiang helplessly covered his forehead: "Mr. Jing'an actually considered this proposal."

Chen Yue was silent for a moment, then took out another bag of gold beads and put them in his hands: " have worked hard."

For the sake of the money, Jixiang laughed so much that his flowers trembled: "Your Majesty, you don't have to work hard, what else do you want to hear..."

"No, no, no."

Chen Yue hurriedly took a step back: "I'm going to get dressed, you are right here, you are not allowed to go anywhere, and you are not allowed to say that I have been here."

After she finished speaking, she ran back to Chenyue Hall in a hurry.

Everyone in the hall was laughing and laughing. Seeing her coming, everyone stood up and greeted her with smiles: "Ah, Your Majesty is back."

Sitting in the middle is Empress Dowager Yushi, accompanied by Mrs. Xuan and Mrs. Su, both dressed in gowns and full of pearls and jade.

In front of the dowry by the window, Xuan Ning and Gou Li got together to study the styles of the flower tinsel, and after comparing several of them, they couldn't make up their minds.

Beside the table, Tang Jiao and the hardened Tu Shanyun were asking the maids to hold rouge and gouache, and they were carefully selecting lip balm.

Chen Yue greeted everyone and asked, "Are you going to put on makeup now?"

Yushi walked over with a smile on his face: "Yes, there are still three hours until Zishi."

"Your Majesty will go to the Taimiao Ancestral Hall to pay homage to the ancestors, and when he returns to Luan, he will wait in the Chenyue Hall."

"At the right time, the emperor's will to confer the title of empress is about to drop, and when His Majesty takes over the empress' golden book and gold treasure, he will be on Fengyu."

Chen Yue blinked her eyes to count the time, as if she was tense, she hurriedly sat down in front of the dowry:

"Then let's get started."

The crowd surrounded her with smiles, the queen mother and two old ladies combed her hair, and sang the whole song while combing:

"If you brush your hair once, you don't have to worry about being rich; if you comb your hair twice, you will be free from disease and worry; if you comb your hair three times, you will have more children and live longer."

"Click to the end again, and raise the eyebrows; comb to the end twice, and fly together; comb to the end three times, and wear together forever;"

"There is a head and a tail, and we will be rich and honored in this life."

After Quan Quan sang, everyone in Chenyue Hall cheered: "I will see my beloved tonight, and we will have a wedding."

Chen Yue giggled, and asked Tu Shanyun to distribute the prepared red envelopes to everyone: "Reward."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

The rewards were given out from the Chenyue Palace like running water, and the palace people in each palace received silver notes, gold ingots or jewelry.

On the turret, a eunuch sang loudly: "Hi——"

"Boom, boom, boom—"

The three drums of the Annunciation sounded.

Accompanied by the ceremony and music, gorgeous fireworks are shot up in all directions, mostly in the form of peonies and lotuses.

Resembling the beautiful scenery in the sky, the gardens in the palace and the viewing pavilions of the palaces are surrounded by flowers and plants in four seasons.

In spring, peaches, plums, magnolias and wisterias, lotus, pomegranate and jasmine in summer, and plum blossoms and snow lotus in winter compete for beauty.

Even the two epiphyllums in the Chenyue Palace also bloomed beautifully.

For a while, the entire Liang Palace was wrapped in all kinds of strange fragrances.

The catkins flying in the willow forest carried the nearby flower spirits and grass spirits, and ran over the mountains and ridges to the palace walls and window sills.

They danced in the night wind, and spelled festive and auspicious patterns and characters on the glazed windows.

I don't know where the distant and ancient old songs floated, and there were spells that were sometimes distant and near, mixed in the roar of the herd.

The fish in the pond and lake in the palace were also disturbed, and they all flocked to the shore, jumping out of the water to look around from time to time.

Most of the people who dressed Chenyue in the hall had attended the birthday banquet of Yinghai Island, and they knew that His Majesty's friend had returned.

Qian Shuang led the maids to open all the doors and windows, so that the blessings from both yin and yang could be sent in.

Chen Yue was very happy, and while she was doing her makeup, she asked in a low voice, "Brother, can you hear me?"

Soon, Yan Gui's chuckle came from the Phoenix Blood Stone: "Ah Yue, brother is here."

Chenyue's eyes completed two curved moons: "I tell you, all my friends have come to send us blessings."

"Listen, the mountain ghost is beating the fou and singing the ancient song 'Chasing the Moon'."

"This ballad says that a beautiful girl marries her sweetheart under the moon, and they will be together for life and life."

Yan Gui said: "Okay, brother and you will be together for life and life."

"Also, the little spirits of Mingwu are knocking the floor tiles under my feet. They said they practiced the chime for a long time, but I didn't find it."

Yan Gui seemed to be very busy, rustling, and after a while he said:

"Xiao Jing wants to surprise Ah Yue, what are they knocking?"

"It seems to be the step songs sung by the ghost world when they meet their relatives. Their strength is too weak, so I can't hear them very clearly."

As she was talking, Yu Shi took the pearl face dimple and put it on for her.

Chen Yue suddenly couldn't open her mouth, and her words turned into a big tongue:
"Wok (brother) pot (brother), Bu (not) Buddha (and) Li (you) swear (speak) (talk), and Bu (not) Fang (square) is (convenient)."

She murmured so milky that everyone couldn't help laughing.

The two old ladies were full of love and affection, and kissed each other: "Okay, okay, now I'm back to a milk baby."

Yan Gui's laughter also came from the phoenix blood stone: "Okay, I will wait for my brother to marry you."

Chen Yue swayed happily, and just about to speak, she saw Ming Wuci and Tu Shanyun carrying the phoenix crown.

The red gold crown of nine dragons and nine phoenixes, both dragons and phoenixes hold shark beads in their mouths, and on the wings are gems and emeralds of various colors, shining brightly.

The phoenix crown is supported by flowers and trees, and the green cover is the top. The whole body is surrounded by auspicious cloud patterns and patterns.

There are six shark beads and six red and blue gemstones inlaid around it, supporting the majestic and auspicious flying phoenix and swimming dragon.

As soon as the phoenix crown was put on her head, Chen Yue suddenly felt that her neck was shortened, and her eyes rolled:

Help, help, my head is so heavy.

Seeing her serious expression, everyone hurriedly greeted the palace lady before she regretted it: "Send it to the Zhufeng boots."

(End of this chapter)

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