Chapter 862
"Brother Husband——"

In the middle of the night, a small magic circle suddenly appeared in Jinbo Xiaozhu's side hall.

Chenyue, who was wearing a middle coat, came out from the inside, ran to the couch in the side hall, and stretched out her hand to pull up the curtain: "I'm here."

On the couch, Yan Gui was leaning on the soft pillow and reading a book, the moment he heard the voice, he stretched out his hand and hugged his little wife.

Chen Yue climbed onto the bed, snuggled into his arms, tightly grasped his collar, and sighed contentedly.

Yan Gui still frowned, and looked out through the gap in the curtain: "Where is Phoenix?"

"Brother Fenghuang went back to the Indus Pavilion to sleep today. I'll come as soon as he leaves. Hush, let's talk quietly."

Recently, Fenghuang didn't know what was wrong, and he was especially pestering Chenyue, always wanting Chenyue to be within his line of sight.

Cover Chenyue under his wings when walking, and hatch Chenyue under his belly when sleeping.

Although it felt very safe, it was quite hot, and Phoenix didn't allow anyone to get close to Chenyue.

Resting at night, Chenyue wanted to drag Yangui to lie down under Brother Fenghuang's belly, and then——

The entire Emperor Palace knew that Emperor Chengsheng was thrown into the snow by Phoenix with his belt in his mouth.

Not counting this, Fenghuang also vomited a big ring of fire to surround Yangui inside.

Don't let him out, and don't let others in.

It took Chen Yue a lot of effort to transfer the Phoenix fire, and let Yan go back out.

From then on, Fenghuang watched her even more closely.

So much so that it has developed to the present, the young couple go to bed together at night, and they have to sneak around.

Two days ago, Yan Gui and Chen Yue ran back to Liang Palace to stay for two days in order to hide from Fenghuang, but within half a day, Fenghuang arrived.

"You think this Phoenix is ​​an old fool, right?"

Su Qingyun looked at the phoenix who looked like a hen guarding its cubs, and strangely stopped fanning:

"I heard that when people get old, they always do some weird things, Fenghuang, it's not like hey... what are you doing!"

While talking, Su Qingyun tried to get close to Fenghuang, trying to rescue her daughter, but Fenghuang grabbed her by the collar and picked her up.

"I'm Tang Xiaoguai's father, understand?"

While struggling in a hurry, he said harsh words to Fenghuang: "She calls you brother, shouldn't you also call me father?"

Next, Fenghuang used a few over-the-shoulder throws to make Su Qingyun deeply understand who is Lao Tzu's problem.

In the end, Gong Ziyun gave up completely, and lay on the ground humming: "Stop playing, hatch as you want."

"You lie there all the time if you have the ability, and hatch another little sweet boy."

Phoenix rolled his eyes at him, and tightly circled Chenyue with his big wings.

Bu Chen looked at the little girl sitting under Fenghuang's belly, and shook his head helplessly: "Have you talked with Fenghuang?"

Chenyue nodded: "Ask him, and he said that you can't tell Tangtang now, it will take a while, and you have to keep it a secret."

She turned around and patted the fur on Fenghuang's stomach: "Can't you say it now, brother Fenghuang?"

Fenghuang still shook his head, and hugged his head firmly with his wings, expressing that he didn't know anything.

Chen Yue spread her hands to the helpless fathers: "That's it."

The four fathers looked at each other, expressing their helplessness.

Xuan Mo said sharply: "Thank you, Emperor Zun."

At that time, Yan Gui still insisted on supporting the scene and said: "It's not hard."

But within two days, not to mention that he couldn't get close to Chenyue, Fenghuang had already refused to let him into the room.

He kept guard outside the dormitory all the time, even the sorcerer who helped Yan Gui practice the formation was thrown out of Luochuan Valley by him.

After thinking about it, Chen Yue came up with a way to sneak away by forming a magic circle.

Wouldn't it be fine to go to my husband's brother when Fenghuang dozed off?

The idea is beautiful.

As soon as the magic circle was formed for the first time, Fenghuang pushed open the window from the outside and stared at her with blinking golden red eyes.

At that time, the light in Chenyue's hand grew bigger and smaller, and then she and Fenghuang looked at each other awkwardly:

"Haha, what, my hands were itchy for a while, and I went to sleep now, Brother Fenghuang, you should go to bed early too."

She crawled into the quilt, and could feel the burning gaze of Phoenix all the time.

Then, he wanted Qian Shuang and Tu Shanyun to help, pretending to be her and lying in the bedroom.

As a result, neither of them got close to the dragon couch, and they were spotted by the Phoenix, who pushed them out with their big wings.

Fortunately, the two of them are women, otherwise they would have been thrown out of Luochuan Valley by Phoenix.

Every conceivable method has been thought of and tried, without exception, all failed.

From then on, she and Yan Gui slept in two places honestly, and they could only see each other during the day.

Almost a month passed like this, and that night, Fenghuang stayed outside the dormitory for a while before leaving.

At first, Chenyue thought that Fenghuang was testing her again, so she knocked and made a little noise, but Fenghuang didn't come back.

"Brother Phoenix?"

Chen Yue pushed open the doors and windows, and ran around the front hall several times, which shocked the shadow guards, but Phoenix still didn't come back.

It seems that you are going back to the Wutong Pavilion to rest?

Chen Yue secretly rejoiced in her heart, went back to the dormitory and closed the doors and windows, secretly formed a magic circle, and slipped to Yan Gui's place.

"How did Phoenix go?"

Yan Gui was very surprised, and ordered Nie Fuan and Yingwei to go to Wutong Hall to see if Fenghuang was sick.

Nie Fu'an came back and said that the Wutong Pavilion was empty, and the shadow guard said that he saw Phoenix leaving the valley.

Holding her chin, Chen Yue also became worried: "What's the matter, Brother Fenghuang has been acting weird recently."

Yan Gui stroked her black hair and said with a smile: "Ever since we got married, he has always been weird."

"Every time I see my husband, I spit fire to scare me. After all, you are his only blood relative in this world. This hatred..."

He shook his head helplessly: "Okay, lie down, lest he come back later and take my husband away again."

"Hee hee." Chen Yue covered her mouth and laughed secretly.

The maid came in and turned off the lights.

There was a commotion outside the open hall: "Look, what is that?"

"Is it a sea of ​​fire? It's so red, how can it grow everywhere?"

"It's not fire, it's flowers. It floats down from the sky, and when it hits the ground, it takes root and sprouts to bloom new flowers. What exactly is it?"

"Look, look, it's grown to our place, it's so beautiful."

Qian Shuang and Tu Shanyun hurried over when they heard the voice, and scolded in a low voice: "What are you arguing about, I don't know that the Empress Dowager has already rested?"

Soon, they were also shocked by the sight in front of them.

There is a rain of flowers in the sky, each flower in the rain curtain is as big as a fist, with five petals, like the crown feathers of a phoenix.

When the flowers fall to the ground, they will soon take root and sprout in the snow.

Then the small buds grow leaves like the feathers of a phoenix, and bloom again, and the cycle goes on and on, endlessly.

Everyone was shocked by this magnificent sight.

(End of this chapter)

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