Chapter 863 Two or three things about the Empress Dowager ([-])
"This is the phoenix flower, brother husband, let's go and see it quickly."

Chen Yue was so curious when she heard the movement, she stared wide-eyed and ran out barefoot.

Yan Gui took her shoes and chased after her: "Run slowly, put on your shoes, it's cold outside...and run into the snow!"

He caught up with the lively little wife in three steps and two steps, and hugged him, squatted down and let her sit on his lap:

"You'll be twenty after the new year, why are your feet cold like a two-year-old Xiao Tuantuan?"

Yan Gui warmed Chenyue's feet with his hands, while looking at her helplessly: "Still laughing, the bigger you get, the more naughty you are."

Chen Yue hugged his neck and stuck out her tongue: "Oh, brother husband is the best. Brother husband puts shoes on Ah Yue."

"I'll wear it for you, I'll wear it for you, little ancestor."

Yan Gui carefully put on socks and crested boots for her, and did not let her down when she got up, but carried her into the snow:

"Is this the phoenix flower?"

Chen Yue nodded and waved her arms: "Yes, it's like a sea of ​​fire, how about it, isn't it beautiful?"

Yan Gui said: "Beauty, is it from the phoenix?"

Chenyue took down a phoenix flower that fell on his head, put it in her palm and showed it to him: "That's right."

"The phoenix lives on the sycamore tree, and the phoenix flower will grow under the sycamore tree. It will take root for a thousand years, germinate for a thousand years, and grow leaves for a thousand years to bloom."

"A flower blooms undefeated for a thousand years, a thousand years after its defeat it will not die, a thousand years after its death it will be immortal, and a thousand years after its death there will be a new Phoenix Peanut."

Yan Gui laughed: "It's the first time I've heard it."

Chen Yue said with a smile: "To tell you the truth, my brother, this is also the first time I've seen Phoenix Flowers, and I've seen them in old books before."

"Now it's in the extreme northern land, what's the meaning?"

"It's said that the Phoenix clan encountered a festive event, that's why it happened."

Chenyue pulled Yangui's clothes, and said in a low voice, "Brother Husband, do you think Brother Fenghuang has his eyes on some little bird?"

Yan Gui: "...there haven't been any new birds in the zoo recently."

"That's strange, who is Brother Phoenix looking for?"

Chenyue scratched her head in annoyance: "He has been staying in the extreme north land recently, and he has no chance to see other birds."

"Do you think he sneaked somewhere, found a bird behind our backs, and then hid the bird in a golden nest?"

Yan Gui didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "You, when Fenghuang came back, Ah Yue asked him, but I found you a 'Sister-in-law Xiaoniao'."

Chen Yue shook her head: "No, the phoenix bone looks really big and fierce, but he is actually shy."

"You don't know, when I was young, I didn't know whether he was a brother or a sister, and then I listened to Master's words and turned his tail to see..."

Chen Yue complained angrily: "For several months, whenever he saw me, he stuck his head in his wings."

Yan Gui: "..."

This kind of thing, whether it is a human or a bird, will be shy, right?
Chen Yue touched Yan Gui's face with a smile: "Brother is the best."

Yan Gui suddenly had an ominous premonition.

Sure enough, Chen Yue continued: "Ah Yue looks at my brother, he has never been shy."


The feet of the people who followed slipped and fell over a dozen in a row.

excuse me.

Yan Gui: "..."

To tell you the truth, I'm shy right now.

Chenyue didn't know why, so she stretched out her head to look at everyone: "What's wrong with you, the snow is very slippery..."

Before she finished speaking, she heard a neighing sound from behind, and the phoenix flew over from a distance, and swooped down in front of her.

"Brother Phoenix—"

Chen Yue jumped down to hug him, and asked with a smirk, "Do you have a favorite bird? Why are there so many phoenix flowers?"

Fenghuang shook his head, then picked her up, leaned closer and said something.

Then Chen Yue was completely confused: "Brother Fenghuang, is what you said true?"

Fenghuang nodded, patted her head with fluttering wings, and then put her back into Yangui's arms.

"What happened?"

Seeing them like this, Yan Gui couldn't help becoming nervous, completely forgetting that Fenghuang didn't let him approach Chenyue at all.

His heart was fluctuating, and he lowered his head to look at his stunned little wife: "Ah Yue, tell brother what's wrong?"

Chen Yue looked at him, then at Fenghuang, and then back again: "Brother Fenghuang said..."

"say what?"

Chenyue lowered her head and patted her belly in disbelief: "Brother Fenghuang said that there is little Ayue here."

Yan Gui: "..."

Everyone: "..."

There was a long silence in the snow.

"Emperor, Emperor—"

Before everyone could react, they saw that Emperor Zun staggered suddenly and almost fell into the snow.

"Brother Husband——"

Chen Yue quickly jumped out of his arms and hugged him: "Are you okay, you... oh-"

Before she could finish her sentence, Yan Gui immediately pulled her into her arms: "Ah Yue, Ah Yue, my Ah Yue..."

Chenyue's eyes crooked with a smile: "I am here, here, and here is your little Ayue."


Yan Gui responded, and didn't speak again, but carefully hugged his wife in his arms, tighter and tighter.

Chen Yue hugged him back, vaguely feeling that her shoulders were getting wet gradually.

She patted Yan Gui's head lightly, covering his eyes with her sleeve.

"The empress is happy, the empress is happy—"

The palace people were overjoyed and rushed to tell each other. After a while, the whole Emperor Palace was a sensation.

Nie Fu'an was out of breath: "Come here, knock on the joy bell and drum."

"Cabinet officials from the Ministry of Rites entered the palace and waited for their summons."

"That's right, Imperial Doctor Xuan, hurry up and move—"

Needless to say, the palace people ran faster and faster, as if the wind was blowing under their feet.

The first sentence after everyone met was: "The emperor is happy."

The second sentence: "Congratulations!"

The third sentence: "Same joy, same joy!"

Everyone had smiles on their faces, as if the brothers and sisters in the family had a child and carried themselves away with joy.

The imperial doctor on duty in the palace was led to the inviting platform by Qian Shuang and Tu Shanyun.

The imperial physician who was still in the mansion was pulled out of the bed by the palace people who delivered the decree, and rushed to the emperor's palace like a swarm.

In the middle of the night, the streets and alleys of the capital are full of the sound of wheels and horseshoes.

The imperial doctors almost bumped into each other on the street.

When greeting each other, either the official uniforms are not fastened, or the hair crowns are still messy, and they are busy.

The emperor's palace hung red lanterns from the front of the palace gate, and the maids were rushing to and fro to hang red lanterns in every corner.

In front of Jinbo Xiaozhu, the imperial doctors lined up and went in one by one to feel the pulse of the empress.

Every imperial doctor said: "The empress is two months pregnant, the fetus is well-fed, and the pulse is extremely stable. The empress can rest assured."

Even though he heard all these things, Yan Gui was still worried, and listened a few more times, fearing that Chen Yue would be disturbed, and everyone would be kicked out.

(End of this chapter)

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