Chapter 104
After packing up her things, Li Hui was ready to go out.Before going out, he turned back and left a note for his husband Xu Tiecheng.

Mom still cares about dad, if she puts it on herself, she won't leave a note.But it was my mother's persistence, coupled with my father's perseverance after illness and accidents, that led to the love between the two in their later years.These are not mentioned later.

A few days after returning home, Li Hui went to Huang Hai's house and took some materials to read at home.Aunt Zhao is happy all day, her daughter is now by her side, and the work has been solved, can you not be happy?

Xu Ying, on the other hand, went to Huang Hai in the name of her mother to discuss some details of the English competition held in Xiguan Primary School, mainly about the purchase of goods.The accommodation arranged by the school for the judges and teachers this time is uniform, and the board and lodging are the same. Moutai is not suitable for appearing on the judging table of the school.

But things like Moutai can definitely appear in the cafeteria arranged by the school for teachers, so Huang Hai used his relationship to contact a box of Moutai in the cafeteria. It's shabby, but what should be prepared is still necessary.So Xu Yingjin's first box of Moutai arrived in the cafeteria where the judges and provincial leaders were received for the English competition.

"Xu Ying, where did you get this Moutai? Only the No. [-] restaurant in the province can sell it, or it can only be approved if you have a note!" Huang Hai really looked at this little girl with admiration, and he once wanted to go to Moutai to sell it. , but found a circle of people and failed to approve it, but this little girl solved it.

"Ms. Huang, you can just ask brother Lele about this!" Xu Ying said with a smile on her face.

Just when Xu Ying's side was raging in money, something happened to her mother's work side.

One afternoon before the start of school, Xu Ying and Li Hui were preparing Xu Ying's schoolbag and clothes at home when Huang Hai came to the door suddenly.

"Oh, Mr. Huang, what brought you here today!" Li Hui has been very familiar with Huang Hai's family for a while.

"Mr. Huang, what's the matter?" Xu Ying asked, putting down the English book in her hand.

As soon as Huang Hai entered the door, Xu Ying saw the seriousness on his face.I suddenly felt that there must be something wrong, did I have a problem with my supply?
"Today, I don't know who heard about your mother's trial lecture at the beginning of the school year. Teacher Jiji even made a joint letter of objection!" Huang Hai said dejectedly.

"What?!" Li Hui and colleagues Xu Ying stopped what they were doing.

In this day and age, it can be said that such a letter is fatal. How could it be like this? My own mother came down before she even entered school, but who would do that?
(End of this chapter)

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