Chapter 105
Huang Hai frowned tightly, with an anxious expression on his face.

Xu Ying glanced at her mother who was there for a while, and Huang Hai who was silent, suppressing the waves in her heart, searching her mind for the reason why this incident could be provoked, to see if she could find anyone.

For a while, the room was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.Fortunately, Aunt Zhao went out to buy groceries in the afternoon, otherwise she might suffer from high blood pressure again.

"Mr. Huang, is there any way to redeem this matter?" Xu Ying asked.

"Yes, I need Principal Duan to speak up, but, Li Hui, are you sure that the first class will be successful?!" Huang Hai was actually worried that there would be problems for Li Hui, who had never been on a podium and had no professional training, to go on stage.

"If it is arranged normally, when will my mother's trial lecture be?" Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to arrange a trial lecture two days before the start of school, so it should be on the 3th, 5,6,7th, and [-]th of March. one day?

"This has not been determined yet. It should be the last class on the first Friday of the first week of school." Huang Hai replied according to his own experience.


"Is there anything you can do?" Huang Hai asked.After these two months of contact, he no longer treats this child with the eyes and status of an elder.

"There is no solution yet, but if my mother can't talk about this matter, you should still be affected!?" Xu Ying said lightly.

Huang Hai felt that the dark clouds piled up in his heart suddenly became more dull. Xu Ying's analysis is good. If Li Hui can't give a trial lecture this time, or if she can give a trial lecture but fails and fails, then it can be said that it will not only affect her own work Implement, and yourself.After all, this person is the person who approved the note and transferred it by himself, this affects...

"Mr. Huang, if it's difficult, I won't go if it doesn't work. At worst, I'll go back to my supply and marketing cooperative!" Li Hui saw that her daughter and Huang Hai both frowned and sighed, knowing that this matter was troublesome again.

"This is my own life, I admit it.!" Li Hui said while thinking of her job transfer. It turned out that the unit card finally made sense, and the receiving unit was targeted again. She hadn't gone to work yet. No one knew it and provoked public outrage!What is life?
"Mom! Don't say that, what fate! Fate is not chosen by oneself, even if God forces us to a dead end, he will arrange another way for us! Don't think too much, I will think about countermeasures Is there any way to go?"

"Mr. Huang, just tell me if there is room for this matter. Can you ask the next principal to come forward?" Xu Ying stared at the frowning Huang Hai.

"It's fine, please. She also knows about it. We talked about it during the Chinese New Year, but this matter..." Huang Hai was hesitating not about whether or not he could!

(End of this chapter)

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