Chapter 106
It's easy to ask Duan Qi to suppress this joint letter, but the key is to convince the public after suppressing it. This is the education industry, and you can't suppress it with official authority or power. It's really difficult for literati How do you deal with the situation now?That's all on Li Hui, but she has no teaching experience, no professional training, and no teaching practice, so she just said that Huang Hai was not unwilling, but she really couldn't afford the risk.

Especially what Li Hui said just now made her retreat, and Huang Hai felt that it would be unreliable to find Duan Qi!

"I know what you said, and I also know what you are worried about. Don't worry about my mother's lectures. Please sell your face to invite the next principal this time. It is for my mother and your own status in the school in the future! "Xu Ying didn't beg, but said in a very humble tone.

When Xu Ying heard that Huang Hai could invite Duan Qi, she already had an idea in her heart. She will help her mother in person these few days. When this matter is over, she must find out who stabbed her in the back.

"Xiaoying, don't..." Li Hui heard Xiaoying say that she wanted to alarm Duan Qi. This is related to Teacher Huang. It's nothing to her. If she messes up and hurts Huang Hai, how can she be worthy of Sister Li and the others!
To put it bluntly, Li Hui has no idea about herself!
"Mom, what are you worried about? Anyway, you still have a few days to sit in and get used to our teaching mode. I'll tell you the rest in private, trust me!" Li Hui's heart fell back a little, but what was the reason for her daughter's so certainty?

Of the three people in the room today, the mentality of the two adults is a bit similar, but they can't help but trust the youngest Xu Ying. After all, in the past six months, this child has given them too many surprises, surprises, and surprises. Unlike things that children do at this age, it can be said that she is even calmer than many adults.

So today, under Xu Ying's arrangement and suggestion, Li Hui and Huang Hai unanimously chose to agree.

As soon as the three reached an agreement, Aunt Zhao entered the door.

"Hey, isn't this Mr. Huang? It just so happens that I bought some meat today and I'll eat at home!" Aunt Zhao's mood has skyrocketed since her daughter decided to transfer back to the city. Chawu can be stained with meat.You must know that in the previous life, my grandma even saved rapeseed oil!
"Aunt Zhao, I still have something to do here. I just came here to tell Xiao Li what to pay attention to when the school starts. I'll go back soon!" Huang Hai winked and didn't say anything.Anyway, that's the end of the matter, so I got up and prepared to leave.

"Don't, I just came in, Huihui, hurry up and ask Teacher Huang to eat at home!" Aunt Zhao stared at Li Hui who was in a daze, this daughter is not as sensible as her granddaughter!

(End of this chapter)

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