Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 249 Proposal to Buy a House

Chapter 249 Proposal to Buy a House
Xu Ying's biggest headache now is that the tube building she lives in really needs to be changed. It's inconvenient to do the bills by herself, not to mention that her father and mother have no place to live when they come here, so if they are old When Dad came, Xu Chenghai would either live in a nearby hostel, or rush back to his unit's dormitory many nights.

"Mom, you see that you and my dad live in separate places, are you considering asking your dad to be transferred to the city too?!" Xu Ying asked tentatively while eating.Speaking of which, since I was discharged from the hospital, the standard of food at home has increased significantly. It can be said that I have almost reached a well-off life, and I have meat every day.But this is also very grateful to Tan Ao, he knows that Xu Ying is inconvenient, always says that the restaurant is leftover, and takes the opportunity to give these extravagant dishes.

Li Hui put another chopstick egg into Xu Ying's bowl: "You think your dad's job is easy to transfer, but it's a delay, and besides, we have no place to live after we get transferred!"

"Buy a house!" Xu Ying took a sip of the chicken soup, it was delicious.

"Damn girl, you are getting louder and louder. You and grandma have been ill for so long, do we still have money to buy a house?!" Li Hui reprimanded in a low voice.

Xu Ying curled her lips, we have no money but some people have money.Who is this man?


Xu Ying called her father the next day and asked Xu Chenghai to pick her up after school at noon!

"Father!" Xu Ying saw her father as soon as she left the school gate, but there was no small mustache, because Xu Ying condemned this dirty-looking beard more than once.

"You specifically said to call me to pick you up early at noon, what's your plan?!" Xu Chenghai led Xu Ying and stood at the school gate waiting for Li Hui.Xu Ying told Xu Chenghai today to come to school to pick her up early.

"Father, one of you and your mother are in the urban area and the other is in a suburban county. Do you think it's reliable?!" Xu Ying first asked her father what she meant.

"There's nothing you can do about it. If your father has connections, he'd definitely like to be with your mother and you!" Xu Chenghai touched his daughter's hair helplessly. Who knew that he wanted to make up for his wife and daughter? And understand your current situation.Hey.

"Dad, don't worry about work, I have something to ask you!" Xu Ying stared at Xu Chenghai with wide eyes.Xu Chenghai wanted to say that his daughter's eyes were really beautiful, but why did he always feel like he was being calculated?

"Don't beg, come out and see if Dad can do it! If you can, you must do it!" Xu Chenghai has been in contact with Xu Ying recently, including from his wife Li Hui, and he feels that the girl in front of him Is it human essence?It's better to pay attention to what you say.

(End of this chapter)

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