Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 250 Go, go to debt collection 1

Chapter 250 Go, go to debt collection 1
Xu Ying glanced at Xu Chenghai resentfully, "Dad..."

"Xiaoying, Dad promised you that if you can do it, you will definitely do it, but Dad is not a god, you can do anything, right?!" Xu Chenghai thought that Xu Ying had misunderstood and hurriedly explained that this is his 5-year-old precious daughter Ah, what are you thinking.

"Dad, I want you to buy a house in the city!" Xu Ying said leisurely.

When Xu Chenghai just thought of it, he almost spit out a mouthful of blood. "Buying a house?!"

Xu Chenghai looked embarrassed, "Xiaoying, why did you suddenly have this idea?"

"Dad, the work is easy to solve, but the house... can I ask, I want a three-bedroom house, but it doesn't cost much now..." Xu Ying continued to say bitterly.

It's not that Xu Ying can't afford this house, but one is that she needs money to open a lot of places in the restaurant now, and it's impossible to spend all the money on hand without leaving working capital. The other is that she wants Xu Chenghai to buy this house. what...

"Dad, why don't you ask grandma for an excuse. Although she doesn't like me, she is still my grandma after all. She shouldn't see our family of three living apart for a long time!" Xu Ying said while trying to put on a harmless expression.

Xu Chenghai nodded and asked himself, but his mother never liked Xiaoying...

While the two were talking, Li Hui also led the children out of the campus gate.

"Why are you both so early today?!" As soon as Li Hui left the school gate, she saw the father and daughter talking about something.

"Uh, mom, what are we talking about for lunch!" Xu Ying held Xu Chenghai's hand and smiled.

Xu Chenghai was stunned for a moment, Xiaoying's reaction was too fast, but the implication was that she didn't want Li Hui to know, so it's okay...

"Then what shall we have for lunch?!..." The family of three talked and laughed and walked towards Aunt Zhao's small building.


In the afternoon, Xu Ying made an excuse that she wanted to check with Cheng Jiaxuan on the medicine prescribed by the doctor and the progress, so she didn't go to school.

Xu Ying is quite satisfied with the school's class now, because her mother has Huang Hai and Duan Qi's relationship, it is not a problem to go to school and ask for a few days off.Of course, this is also inseparable from Xu Ying's test scores every time she is the first in her age.

"You asked me to come over today, is that what you want?" Cheng Jiaxuan asked.

The day before, Xu Ying asked Cheng Jiaxuan to investigate all the information about Li Hua in the coal mine and turn it into paper.I asked myself to come here again today, I'm afraid.

"You are my partner, right? Just cooperate with me!" Xu Ying said coldly.

"Hey, I cooperate with you, but can you not be so cold when you talk to me, why are you so gentle when you talk to others?!" Cheng Jiaxuan was depressed, every time he talked to Xu Ying, this guy would be cold of.

(End of this chapter)

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