Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 260 Employing crony 2

Chapter 260 Employing crony 2
It was past 7 o'clock when the three of them arrived at Tongzilou, where Xu Ying lived.

"Hello grandma, hello auntie!" Cheng Jiaxuan turned into a gesture loved by everyone as soon as he entered the door.

"Ah, Cheng Jiaxuan, come in, why are you here so late today?!" Li Hui liked this Cheng Jiaxuan very much. Although at the beginning, he hated his hair color and eye color, but his appearance was secondary. The most important thing is character...

Aunt Zhao also liked Cheng Jiaxuan very much, although not as much as Li Hui, but because she provided her son with unimaginable treatment conditions, Aunt Zhao had a kind of respect and liking for this child.It's just that sometimes the status is too disparate, and this love seems to become impure.

"Auntie, I came here today mainly to ask you something!" Cheng Jiaxuan said to Li Hui with a smile.

Li Hui was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "What can Auntie help you with?" Li Hui was happy to hear that she could help Cheng Jiaxuan, after all, her family seemed to be bothering this child all the time.

"Auntie, you were a salesperson in a supply and marketing cooperative before?!" Cheng Jiaxuan asked.

Li Hui nodded.

"So I want to ask Auntie to help manage the accounts!"

"Accounts? Well, Auntie has a job now..." Li Hui was very embarrassed. If she gave up this job, I'm afraid...

"Mom! He meant to ask you to work part-time!" Xu Ying knew that she had said too much as soon as she said it. There is no concept of part-time job at this time.

The people in the room looked at Xu Ying strangely when Xu Ying popped out this word.

Cheng Jiaxuan was the first to react: "Auntie, if you continue to attend your class, you may have to trouble me to check the accounts for me in your spare time, calculate the profit and loss, and just manage the accounts by the way!"

Li Hui heard Cheng Jiaxuan explain it clearly, that is, she usually helps out after class, and as a salesperson, she completes the inventory and checks by herself, including the current sister Li (Li Liying) who is also helping every month. This is no problem. .

"Auntie agrees to this matter, no problem, but you have to do all the accounting, and Auntie will do the math for you!" Li Hui felt happy that her ability could help Cheng Jiaxuan.

"Also,..." Seeing Li Hui's agreement, Cheng Jiaxuan took out the money Xu Ying gave him: "Auntie, I have to trouble you to keep this money!"

Li Hui stretched out her hand to open the cloth pocket, and took a look, good guy, there are several stacks of Great Unity (ten yuan banknotes, you can go to Du Niang)!

"This money, put it here with me? Isn't it good?" It's about money, or...

"Auntie, you have to keep this money with your help. You have to help me prepare the account for both expenses and income. Just hand over the account to Xiaoying. I will send someone to collect it from Xiaoying. This is actually Tan Ao You also know about the accounts of the big brother restaurant, I have a share in the restaurant, so please take care of the accounts!" What Cheng Jiaxuan said was reasonable, and Li Hui roughly understood it.

Today's collection has increased a lot, thank you everyone, I have been busy with my personal affairs recently, and this book will be completed quickly.thanks.

(End of this chapter)

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