Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 261 Employing crony 3

Chapter 261 Employing crony 3
But what Li Hui thought was that Cheng Jiaxuan and Tan Ao both had a good relationship with Xiaoying in this partnership business, so she found herself to be the accountant, which was reassuring for acquaintances and more fair.But what Li Hui didn't guess was that her own daughter was the mastermind of this matter.

The accounting work of the hotel was settled, and Xu Ying was relieved. The haze of the past few days gradually revealed some sunshine after she woke up and ran around for days.

Xu Ying lay on the bed at night, looking at the faint moonlight outside, thinking to herself, things in the world are really wonderful, the more messy you feel, the things just can't be solved, and things don't make sense.

But when you bite the bullet and smooth it out a little bit, it seems that many things will be solved easily.Just like what happened to Li Hua, everyone thinks about how sad and sad grandma is, but when she really tells the old man about it and makes her see that her son's life is really not in danger, the old lady can accept this fact, and instead It's much better than you being careful to hide it all day long and then being discovered again.

Xu Ying Zhang Luo's Nourishing Health Center opened according to the agreed date. Many government officials came, including some important leaders of the provincial government. This must be attributed to Cheng Jiaxuan. Xu Ying didn't want to ask Cheng Jiaxuan's background. Officials have to sell face to him, she is just a businessman, nothing more.

The health care center opened next to the Dahua Hotel has become popular in the whole of Beicheng since the opening night. The antique decoration style, the priceless antiques in the store, and the flowing ancient music have caused people in this gray and closed town to talk about it for a long time. .The reasons are as follows:
Businessmen must go to the health care center when discussing business, why?At the top level, there is a pot of Shengbu soup that costs you 5 pieces of Great Unity (50 yuan), and a nourishing signature dish, you dare to ask you for 28 yuan. How much is the average income of the small town now, and it is only a few tens of yuan a month...

People in the officialdom like to come to the health care center. Why is the service attitude so good? The waiters here serve you with a smile from the moment you enter the store to the time you leave the store. When you eat and your glasses are fogged up, someone immediately prepares glasses cloth for you. When you go out, it’s raining. An umbrella will be delivered to you immediately. What do people in the officialdom pay attention to, decent!

People who engage in culture like to come to this health center. Why, the decoration there is unique and antique. It looks like eating, but actually enjoys the atmosphere of a culture. There are different ancient music performances every day, which is praised by this group of people who engage in culture. They are still ancestors The things left behind are classics, and the most important thing is that the little girls who play musical instruments look seductive!
In short, the boss of this Yangshengtang is powerful and educated!

Cheng Jiaxuan looked at Xu Ying happily pressing the calculator against the account book, and said with a smile: "I didn't realize that, you really are the master of two brushes!"

Xu Ying replied while pressing the calculator: "I told you a long time ago, you won't be disappointed if you cooperate with me, huh!"

"Look at how rich you are!" Cheng Jiaxuan reached out and pinched Xu Ying's face.This girl seems to be getting whiter and whiter because of the nutrition she eats, right?Seems to be getting better and better?

Xu Ying was about to scold Cheng Jiaxuan for not making trouble, when she saw that gray pupil staring at her in a daze, her face blushed suddenly for no reason, what are you doing, such a small P child...

(End of this chapter)

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