Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 262 Beast!Let go of that lady!

Chapter 262 Beast!Let go of that lady!
Xu Ying hurriedly lowered her head and continued to press the calculator, this is wrong, this is wrong, she is an old woman, no way.What are you doing.Shaking her head, Xu Ying cursed herself as a beast while pressing the calculator desperately.

"Hey, if you keep pressing the calculator so hard, I'm thinking about buying a new one!" Cheng Jiaxuan didn't know what Xu Ying was thinking, thinking that she was going crazy again.

"I want you to take care of it!" Xu Ying replied angrily.

Cheng Jiaxuan was inexplicable, he was fine just now, so what happened.But Xu Ying seems to be like this often...why don't you see him doing this to others?


Everything in the restaurant is going smoothly. What Xu Ying has to do now is to wait for the money to roll in more and more. In addition, she is thinking about the next plan and calculating the time. Many policies above will come down, and she has to fight for more in this time. Save money, but plan well when the policy comes down!
"Xiaoying..." Xu Ying was doing calculations with a pen when she was suddenly interrupted by her deskmate Su Qingbin.

"Ah, what's the matter!" Although Xu Ying and this Su Qingbin were at the same table, they basically didn't have much time to communicate, and there was nothing they could do. Xu Ying was busy with business matters all day long, so how could she have time to take care of this young lady.

"I have something to tell you!" Su Qingbin looked at the pen and notebook in Xu Ying's hand resentfully.

Xu Ying took a look, huh?If you want to talk to me, fine.

Xu Ying closed the notebook, put down the pen in her hand, stared at Su Qingbin seriously, and said, "Okay, so you can talk now?!"

A suspicious blush floated across Su Qingbin's face, and he said after a while, "I'm going to transfer schools!"

"Transfer?" Xu Ying didn't realize all of a sudden, did he transfer? Didn't he transfer in the next semester? Is this early?

Su Qingbin nodded, and whispered, "Dad's job has been transferred, I have to go to another city with him,..."

Xu Ying was shocked, the news was too sudden... "Then you won't come back again?" After Xu Ying asked, she spat in her heart.

"Xiaoying, do you want me to go?" Su Qingbin looked at Xu Ying resentfully.

ah?What's the situation, Xu Ying looked at Su Qingbin's resentful and righteous face, a little dizzy, and said, "Of course I don't want it!" But there is no other way, right?

"Are you reluctant for me to leave?" Su Qingbin's question made Xu Ying dizzy.

"What do you want to express?" Xu Ying couldn't stand Zhengtai asking like this, she was already old, and it was easy to think too much... But these are children of how old, Xu Ying felt that her head was a little big for the first time, Why do you travel to such a small place, and feel like a beast at this time!Beast!

(End of this chapter)

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