Chapter 298
Xu Ying took a look at this old man surnamed Zhang. He can be said to be a refined person. He likes calligraphy and has some collections.

"Grandpa, can you see if this works? Let's pay half of the money first. You take my parents to complete all the procedures. I will send you the rest of the money tonight. You can write to me later. Just another receipt!"

Xu Ying suggested that Li Hui immediately agreed. What she thought was that Xiaoying was going to find Cheng Jiaxuan, but Xu Ying's real purpose was to get money in the afternoon...

Old man Zhang agreed, and took Li Hui and Xu Chenghai to go through the house formalities, while Xu Ying told Li Hui that she was going to find Cheng Jiaxuan and left.


Xu Ying was taken aback when she saw Cheng Jiaxuan. This young man usually looked radiant with a smile in his eyes, but today he had blood-red eyes. They were originally gray pupils, but with blood-colored whites, he could only feel that he was The word horror.

"Why did you go, carried rice or snatched a wife!" Xu Ying asked jokingly.

Cheng Jiaxuan smiled wryly, "My family has a lot of rice, so I don't need to carry it. Wife, I may never have it in this life..." Cheng Jiaxuan said as if he had lost his strength,
When Xu Ying heard this, she didn't know why she suddenly felt as if she had fallen into an ice cellar.The ass sitting next to Cheng Jiaxuan also moved out, and said: "I have already talked to Meng Tianyi, you call Jack and Meng Tianyi to set off these two days, I will give the money to Meng Tianyi today!"

Cheng Jiaxuan nodded lightly, "Xiaoying, what are you doing so far away from me, would I eat you!?" Cheng Jiaxuan was a little depressed, as if they had never been closer...?
Xu Ying suppressed her emotions, "It doesn't feel safe to be close to you~ okay~"

Seeing Xu Ying's disdainful expression and expression, Cheng Jiaxuan suddenly became angry, safe?I'm for heartless person!

Xu Ying was sulking for some reason because of the sentence he said that there would be no one in this life, so she didn't notice Cheng Jiaxuan's furious face.

Suddenly Cheng Jiaxuan grabbed Xu Ying's hand sitting next to him, and pulled him to his side.

"What are you doing, it hurts, okay?" Xu Ying was pulled over suddenly, feeling pain in her arms and wrists...

"Xu Ying, listen carefully, I am the only one who can give you a sense of security in this world, and it must be me! If you say such things to me in the future, believe it or not, I will ask Ouyang to kill you!" Cheng Jiaxuan's furious face , enlarged in front of Xu Ying's eyes, all within easy reach.

Is this child crazy? What did he say... Xu Ying blushed. One was because Cheng Jiaxuan was holding Xu Ying's face a little harder because he was holding his breath, and the other was because... Damn, how could his heart beat faster for a child... While Xu Ying was angry with Cheng Jiaxuan, she was also angry with herself.

When Cheng Jiaxuan saw the suspicious redness on Xu Ying's face, he felt better. Was she duplicity?I remember hearing that child say before that women are always duplicity, so it seems true?Although Xu Ying is not a woman...heh.

Cheng Jiaxuan's mood improved, and he let go of Xu Ying's hand.

The moment Xu Ying was let go, she took a big gulp of air. Originally, Beicheng was on the plateau, and her breathing was uncomfortable. She coughed deeply twice, and looked up at Cheng Jiaxuan's gray hair, fair face, and pair of gray eyes. Suddenly I felt that I really... what I want to see is the man who betrayed me, how could it be, how could it be? ... Shaking her head, Xu Ying calmed herself down.

(End of this chapter)

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