Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 299 Enclosure 1

Chapter 299 Enclosure 1
Cars were not allowed in the market, so Cheng Jiaxuan and Xu Ying walked into the market.

Meng Tianyi knew that Xu Ying and Cheng Jiaxuan would come over in the afternoon, and had prepared tea for them.

"Xiaoying, this kid has been waiting for you since morning, and he didn't even eat lunch!" Meng Tian said to Xu Ying.

Xu Ying looked at Li Qiang who was scratching his head and giggling, and the guilt that had been suppressed that day resurfaced in his heart.

"Brother, why don't you eat? I told you I'll be here in the afternoon!" Xu Ying was a little angry, but in fact, guilt resurfaced in her heart, which made her feel a deep sense of powerlessness.

"Xiaoying, didn't I think that if you came earlier, hehe... I was anxious to see how my father was doing!" Li Qiang was completely unaware of Xu Ying's inner distress, and talked about his own feelings.

Xu Ying couldn't say anything to such a simple and honest young man. What could she say, that it was because of her that your father became a comatose person? ...?
"Well, let's talk about something serious first, let's go later!" Cheng Jiaxuan appropriately interrupted Li Qiang's anxious thoughts of leaving.He raised his leg and entered Meng Tianyi's shop.

"Master Xuan, sit there, it's more comfortable!" Meng Tianyi moved out a stool with a cushion and placed it where Cheng Jiaxuan stepped.

Cheng Jiaxuan was also polite and sat down directly.

Li Qiang saw Meng Tianyi treating the 10-year-old doll like this, and seeing that he came with Xu Ying, he already guessed that this was probably the person who helped take care of his father, so he immediately ran to bring out the prepared tea. Cheng Jiaxuan.

Cheng Jiaxuan looked at Li Qiang, and thought to himself, Xiaoying said that Li Qiang was Li Hua's son, and he was also a bit lazy, so why did the guy he saw in front of him be so clever, and how could he have such a lazy and impetuous look.

"Brother, you are the young master Xuan who took care of my father, right?" Li Qiang asked gratefully.

Cheng Jiaxuan looked at Li Qiang, who was several years older than him, and made another evaluation in his heart. It was obvious that he was younger than him, so it was not bad that he could bow his head willingly like this.

"You can just call me Cheng Jiaxuan. It's not about taking care of him, it's just giving him good medical care. We'll go there after we finish talking about business. It just so happens that you haven't seen your sister for a long time!"

"Well, well, then I'll call you Young Master Xuan just like Brother Meng and the others! Let's talk about business first, and I'll make a fuss outside!"

After Li Qiang finished speaking, he left the back room of the grocery store, stood in front of the stall, and began to shout for business.

"Xiaoying, this brother of yours is not the same person as you are talking about?!" Cheng Jiaxuan asked.

Uh, Xu Ying pouted noncommittally, how did she know that this elder brother came at this time, and he looked like this. When I saw him in the last life, he was already a lazy person...

"Brother, let's discuss about going to Shenzhen City to buy land!" Xu Ying said when she saw Jack parked the car and came in.

Everyone nodded, Xu Ying opened her schoolbag again and took out the map.

"This is the place I circled to buy, Xuan, take a look, if you have any questions, you can ask now!" Xu Ying gave Cheng Jiaxuan the map in her hand.

Cheng Jiaxuan didn't pick up the map, so Jack took it, opened it and looked at it, frowning.

"These places are relatively remote places. If you want to buy the land here, Xiaoying, are you going to raise fish?" Jack didn't understand. If you want to buy land, you have to buy land in a place with a lot of people. Why buy land in these places?
(End of this chapter)

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