Chapter 308
Xu Ying was very satisfied to see the surprise on Tan Ao's face. In fact, when people's business is slowly improving, besides considering the future direction, it is also very important to have good people under their hands.If the people under you don't have the same heart as you, then everything is useless.

"Brother Tan, since we are starting a business together, then choose to trust me. I remember that when I first met Brother Meng, I promised him that he would do big business, even monopolize..."

Xu Ying still smiled calmly, but these words made several men around, including Cheng Jiaxuan, feel turbulent, 'monopoly'! !What a concept.

"Xiaoying, I'm leaving this month, how is Xiaoqiang's child?" Meng Tianyi knew that there was no need to continue this topic, because everyone had the answer in their hearts, so he cared about his grocery store business instead.

"Xiaoqiang...Big brother, you should call him Qiangqiang, Xiaoqiang is like a cockroach..." After Xu Ying finished speaking, several people looked at her inexplicably, "Um, that's pretty good, but I'm afraid I need you for the specific accounts." Go back and check today!" Xu Ying likes to slip up some future words when she is happy.

Meng Tianyi went straight to the health care shop after getting off the train today, even though the shop was very close to the train station, he didn't go there.But Xu Ying is very satisfied. If he went to the shop first after getting off the car, Xu Ying might have another thought in her heart. There is no way, people are selfish. Since he wants to entrust Meng Tianyi with some important matters, then he must follow these Consider the details.

"Xiaoying, are you going to Beijing next month?" Meng Tianyi asked.

Xu Ying nodded, the summer vacation is coming soon, she has to go to Beijing to participate in that stupid competition, but she has already figured it out, she won't win the first place, just get a prize, and the third place is probably very satisfied with Xiguan Primary School After all, the quality of teaching here is not as high as that in Beijing. If you are too prominent, Sleepless will not find trouble for yourself.

"Brother, I beg you, can you take a few photos, my girl has wanted to go to Beijing since she was a child... Hehe, you also know my business, how can I have time, when I have time, I don't have money, and if I have money, I don't have time... …A few days ago, the phone at home was also installed, and when I called, my daughter brought up this matter again..." Meng Tianyi said embarrassedly.

After Xu Ying heard it, from her perspective, Meng Tianyi is really a good man. If she met a man who loves children and family, she probably wouldn't be sitting here now...

"Brother, it's such a trivial matter. You're out of touch again. I'll see if there are any gadgets I can buy for her, and I'll give them to her!" Xu Ying said, with one more thing in mind. If he develops well, the first thing is to put Meng Tianyi's child and wife by her side.

This time, the things Meng Tianyi gave her are heavy. With these things, Xu Ying has all the guarantees, so she can plan for the future. From that moment on, they were no longer just collaborators, but Xu Ying's family members!
Cheng Jiaxuan smiled and said to Xu Ying: "Xiaoying, I'll take you to the Great Wall to play with □□!"

Xu Ying glanced at Cheng Jiaxuan, "We're going to compete, what are we playing for?"

Cheng Jiaxuan shook his head with a smile, everyone knew that she and he didn't care about any competition...

(End of this chapter)

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