Chapter 309
In the month since Meng Tianyi left, Xu Ying has moved from the tube building of the hospital to Uncle Zhang's house. Now she has a small room, and many things can be well kept. However, Xu Ying is still special when decorating. Ask the decorator to make a hidden compartment and put a safe.

Of course, Cheng Jiaxuan had to come forward for the decoration, so all the decorations were not only according to Xu Ying's idea, but also in the rural style that was popular a few years later, beautiful and fresh.All the furniture was custom-made according to Xu Ying's ideas. Fortunately, people in this era are popular in making furniture, so it didn't cost much.

Aunt Zhao was very sad at first, thinking that Xiaoying was going to live with her parents, and became her own old woman again, but on the day of the move, Xiaoying insisted on taking her with her.The old man wanted to know where his daughter and granddaughter lived anyway, so they went together.When they got to the place, Xu Ying handed over another bunch of keys to Aunt Zhao, and told her that the room she lived in was on Aunt Zhao's house, which was called Li Hui. Xu Chenghai and Aunt Zhao were both surprised and happy.

Xu Ying's answer was very simple. Cheng Jiaxuan said that the house is not in use for the time being, so I will use it for Xu Ying's side first. Grandma's things are all tattered and there is no need to move. Aunt Zhao brought clothes and daily necessities and came directly. up.It can be said that the life of Xu Ying's family has reached another level in one month.


"Xiaoying, why do you want to go by yourself? Isn't it good for mom to accompany you?" Li Hui pretended to go to Beijing the next day and saluted Xu Ying.

While eating candy, Xu Ying comforted: "Mom, isn't Aunt Li and Teacher Huang going together this time? It just so happens that Dad's unit also organizes a fun trip this holiday. You and Dad can enjoy the two-person world!"

Li Hui stared at Xu Ying with a smile, what did the child say, really...

When we arrived at the train station in the morning, the scene was spectacular. A group of people saw off Xu Ying and Cheng Jiaxuan, but most of them came to see off Xu Ying.It made everyone at the train station look this way.

"Xiaoying, you need to listen carefully to Aunt Li when you go out for the first time, you know?" Li Hui looked at Xu Ying's small body carrying a small bag, and felt like crying, but the child was going to a competition, so she What are you doing? I suppressed the urge to cry again.

"Xiaoying, take this with you to eat on the road!" Li Qiang gave Xu Ying a pack of peanut melon seed candies.

"Xiaoying, remember to bring us something! Hehe..." Meng Tianyi closed the shop and came to send the two children off.

When everyone was saying goodbye happily, someone beside him was crying discordantly. Xu Ying saw that this person was Li Xia.

"Xuan Shao... This is your favorite salad I specially made, you eat it on the road, the food on the train is not good... Woo..."

Li Xia's pear blossoms were crying with rain, which made people feel pity.But this kind of crying depends on the occasion. At this time, not only Xu Ying was disgusted, but also Li Hui, Xu Chenghai, and other people present looked at Li Xia with meaningful eyes.Li Hui began to beat the drums mentally. What's the situation?Don't tell her that Xiaxia fell in love with Cheng Jiaxuan, no, it's impossible, but look at Li Xia's expression again, that expression clearly shows the mentality of sending a lover's little daughter home.

Cheng Jiaxuan frowned, Jack reached out to take it, and Cheng Jiaxuan said lightly: "Thank you." He stopped talking.

Huang Hai Li Liying took Xu Ying onto the train, only to find that there was another person on the train.

(End of this chapter)

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