Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 310 An Awkward Journey

Chapter 310 An Awkward Journey

"Hi Xiaoying, how are you doing? Surprise me when you see me!"

Huang Haole looked at Xu Ying with a grinning expression on his face.

"You kid, you insist on getting in the car early, and you don't even say hello to your Aunt Li and Uncle Xu!" Li Liying scolded her son.

"Oh, Mom, I want to surprise Xiaoying! Xiaoying, are you very happy!" Huang Haole said while looking at Cheng Jiaxuan.

Xu Ying put down her things and asked, "Are you going to Beijing too? Are you going to play?"

"I'm not going to play, I'm here to accompany you, to cheer you up!" Huang Haole said with a sense of mischief.

Xu Ying couldn't help but glanced at Huang Haole again, this kid is not like this usually, maybe he was excited because he went to Beijing?So I ignored him and continued to organize things. It takes 4 full days to travel from Beishi to Beijing by the current train. Xu Ying couldn't help but think of the plane, and the speed of the train in the next few years...

But helplessly, both Xu Ying and Cheng Jiaxuan wanted to take the plane, the former because they couldn't do it because of Huang Hai, and the latter just wanted to accompany Xu Ying.

Xu Ying was thinking about her own affairs, and didn't even notice that Cheng Jiaxuan's gray pupils and Huang Haole's eyes had met several times...

"Xiaoying, I'll sleep in the bunk next to yours, Mr. Huang, is that okay?" Cheng Jiaxuan spoke first.

Huang Hai was a little embarrassed, but since Cheng Jiaxuan opened his mouth, he couldn't say anything. After all, he was the teacher in charge of the children who went to Beijing for this provincial competition...but why did he choose him?There are so many people in the province.Fortunately, the two children who went there knew each other.

"The bed next to Xiaoying is mine!" Huang Haole didn't care so much, and put his backpack on it.

Cheng Jiaxuan frowned, then suppressed his tears, and burst into tears: "Mr. Huang, this brother, he bullied me... woo..."

Xu Ying was taken aback by Cheng Jiaxuan's voice. She has known Cheng Jiaxuan for so long, and she has always looked like a mature young man, crying? NO, she didn't think Cheng Jiaxuan would.But at the moment...

Jack almost dropped his eyeballs from the side. When his young master was training abroad, he never cried when he saw someone die in front of him. What's going on now... But Jack looked carefully and saw his young master's pupils flashing I know the cunning, just keep your head down, put the salute first, it is troublesome to take the train... Fortunately, I got used to it when I went to Shenzhen City last time.

Huang Hai's head grew big all of a sudden, what should I do? "Lele, what's the matter with you, you are like this, sleeping on Xiaoying's upper bunk, don't fight with Cheng Jiaxuan, he is a child, how can you as an older brother snatch it, and besides, he is so young, how can you tell him to sleep on the upper bunk? "Huang Hai can only train his own children.

Huang Haole still wanted to argue, but she glanced at Xu Ying, and she also looked at herself strangely at this moment, so she gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, don't cry, what do you look like, I'll let you get better!" His own bag was placed on the bunk above Xu Ying.

Upon hearing this, Cheng Jiaxuan immediately stopped crying and sat down.Huh ~ comfortable.

Seeing Cheng Jiaxuan like this, Xu Ying understood in her heart, she doesn't want to sleep on the upper bunk, does she?That's why they came up with this, but Xu Ying didn't expose it.But Xu Ying didn't think Cheng Jiaxuan was doing it for herself at all... She didn't go into the details of why Cheng Jiaxuan and Jack didn't go by plane, she just thought it should be for reunification with the school...

But how could people like her and Cheng Jiaxuan care about the school's arrangements?
(End of this chapter)

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