Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 311 An Awkward Journey 2

Chapter 311 An Awkward Journey 2
As soon as Xu Ying woke up the next day, she found that there were all kinds of food in front of her eyes, such as noodles, fried rice, etc...

"Xiaoying get up, what do you want to eat? I bought this..." Huang Haole's face appeared enlarged in front of Xu Ying.

what's the situation? "Brother Lele, why are you here..." Just after asking Xu Ying, she realized that she was on the train, but the next second she saw a pile of food on the table and wondered if she was on the train. The food is even better than what I usually eat at home.

After Xu Ying got up, she saw Li Liying and Huang Hai's embarrassing expressions.

"Auntie, where did you get so much food?" Xu Ying asked.

Huang Haole was smiling at the side, while Cheng Jiaxuan looked unhappy, Li Liying said: "Lele, this child, got up early in the morning to arrange something for you to eat, Xiaoying, come over and eat after you brush your teeth and wash your face!"

Oh, it turned out to be Huang Haole.Xu Ying nodded, and ran to the end of the carriage as fast as she could to brush her teeth and wash her face.

"I went to Zhang Luo to eat so early, is the food still fresh?" Cheng Jiaxuan kept his face frozen after waking up.

"Little friend, you'll know when you eat it~" Huang Haole smiled and didn't feel the hostility of the child in front of him at all.

"Jack, I don't like to eat these, you go to the restaurant and make them for me!" Cheng Jiaxuan said lightly.

Do?Huang Haole thought it was a joke when he heard it, this is the public train, you do it yourself?What are you kidding?Huang Haole only thought that he heard the child's unreasonable jokes, but didn't take it seriously.


When Xu Ying came back after queuing up to wash her face and brush her teeth, Cheng Jiaxuan had already disappeared.

"Brother Lele, where's Cheng Jiaxuan?"

"Him? Hehe, it seems to be going to the dining car. After washing, let's eat?" Huang Haole started laughing again thinking of what the child said just now.

Xu Ying nodded, just as she picked up the chopsticks, she heard Cheng Jiaxuan's voice.

"Xiaoying, will you eat this?!"

So a sandwich that Xu Ying hadn't eaten for a long time appeared in front of Xu Ying...

"What is this, isn't it just bread with vegetables, this way of eating..." Before Huang Haole finished speaking, he saw Xu Ying take it and began to eat happily.

In fact, Xu Ying didn't feel much about this thing before, but after rebirth, there are hamburgers and French fries in this thing, which are completely invisible things, so I naturally think about it after not eating for a long time.

Now it's Huang Haole's turn to be unhappy, Cheng Jiaxuan's face is as high as a rooster who has won a fight...

"Xiaoying, is it delicious?" Cheng Jiaxuan asked again.

"Oh, it's delicious. I haven't eaten a sandwich for a long time!" Xu Ying replied while eating.

"How do you know this is called a sandwich?" Cheng Jiaxuan knew that except for those who had rarely been abroad in Beishi, it would be impossible to know about it in such a remote place, not to mention that he knew Xu Ying's family situation very well.

"Cough cough cough..." Xu Ying would do this every time she was asked this kind of question, this time it was a meal,...

"Well, isn't there a word in English? I saw that picture!" Xu Ying explained with a guilty conscience.

"But you just said that you haven't eaten for a long time...?" Cheng Jiaxuan knew that the key point was the word "long time", not what the thing was called.

"That, I said it casually, don't take it seriously!" Xu Ying continued to explain with a guilty conscience.

Jack lightly touched Cheng Jiaxuan carelessly, it was obvious that Xiaoying didn't want to continue this topic, her face was full of embarrassment, the young master kept asking.However, what Jack understood was that Xu Ying was embarrassed because she made a mistake, and never thought that Xu Ying was guilty because she made a mistake...

(End of this chapter)

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