Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 312 An Awkward Journey 3

Chapter 312 An Awkward Journey 3
Cheng Jiaxuan also realized why he was being aggressive over a small issue?Seeing Huang Haole's unhappy face again, he immediately felt better, and no longer cared about the long-term issue, but looked at Xu Ying eating a sandwich in a good mood.

Huang Haole looked sullen and downcast. Li Liying originally wanted to ask her son when she came back, but when she saw what Xu Ying was eating, she immediately understood.

This time Li Liying agreed that Huang Haole would come out to play together instead of tutoring during the holidays, and she also wanted to make the two children get closer.But it seems that his son is not the opponent of Cheng Jiaxuan, but Li Liying is not in a hurry. Xu Ying and Huang Haole are still young, so it is hard to say what will happen in the future. Telling her son to suffer now may be more motivating for him to move forward.

"Xiaoying, what do you want for lunch? I'll buy it for you!" Huang Haole knew that the next station he was going to was a bigger one, so he could buy some delicious food for Xiaoying.

Xu Ying shook her head, and ate a few sandwiches in one go, probably saving dinner, but the food on the train in this day and age is really much better than in the future, at least it's genuine, as long as Huang Haole makes these things, there will be no quality at all The bad ones feel unpalatable, but they all look delicious.It's just that Xu Ying ate the sandwich, or she would definitely have.

"Noon? She's been fed by my sandwiches all night, so you don't need to waste your energy!" Cheng Jiaxuan said angrily from the side.

Huang Haole was so angry that he wanted to stomp his feet, but he was not the kind of person who would succumb to a casual blow.


"Xiaoying, do you think this domino looks good? It's a specialty here. I bought it for you just now!"

Xu Ying took it and looked at the hand-engraved name on it, which was strange, but Xu Ying remembered that this item in Lanshi should be for couples...

"Hee hee, that aunt's craftsmanship just now is very good. Look, I carved one for me!" Huang Haole took out his own.

Xu Ying nodded, Huang Haole definitely didn't know the meaning of this domino so she gave it to herself, but this thing is very beautiful and handmade, so Xu Ying carefully put it into her backpack.This move made Huang Haole very satisfied.The moment Xu Ying turned around to put the things away, Huang Haole looked at Cheng Jiaxuan provocatively.

"Lele, you and Cheng Jiaxuan go over there to see why your dad hasn't come back from the dining car for so long!" Li Liying told her son.

Cheng Jiaxuan was also depressed at this point, who called himself a child, sometimes a child would not be willing to disobey the elders, even though Jack was there, it was a pity that he was a housekeeper after all.

Li Liying dismissed the two troublemakers on purpose, looked at Xu Ying and asked, "Xiaoying, Auntie asked you a question, can you tell Auntie?"

In Xu Ying's impression, Li Liying has always been a strong-willed woman, why would she say such things to her own child?Do you want to make a decision on the school's share?While thinking, Xu Ying picked up the water at hand and poured it into her mouth.

"Auntie doesn't mean anything else, just want to ask, do you like Cheng Jiaxuan more, or our family is more happy?" Li Liying asked this as a joke.But what Xu Ying heard was not the case at all.

"Aunt Li, you suddenly asked, is it because I didn't eat what brother Lele bought for lunch...?" Xu Ying naturally knew what Li Liying wanted to ask, but she still wanted to change the topic to other places.

"Of course not!" Li Liying scolded.

(End of this chapter)

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