Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 335 The Beginning of Mechanism Reform 1

Chapter 335 The Beginning of Mechanism Reform 1
After waiting for two years, Xu Ying did not wait for the closure of the Dahua Hotel. The first thing she waited for was Wang Faren's visit, because there were documents on it, and the supply and marketing cooperative was about to be reformed...

Two years can change a lot. For example, Wang Faren has more gray hair on her temples. For example, there is a familiar person beside her. For example, her eyes are no longer as sharp and sinister as before...

Xu Ying was sitting in her living room drinking tea, her mother would feel a little cramped. Although she was no longer the leader of her unit, Li Hui was still a little nervous when she saw Wang Faren, and her father was there too, but he never liked this change. The old woman who was so obsessed, so she just sat on the sidelines so tepidly.

"Li Hui, today I mainly want to talk to your Xiaoying about something..." Wang Faren cut to the chase, probably this guy has never learned what is called tact.

Li Hui was taken aback, of course she didn't know that the job transfer was entirely the result of her daughter's coercion and temptation.

"Tell me, Director Wang, Lao Xu and I are going out at night!" Xu Ying was unhappy that her mother threw herself to this scary old woman, and went out to have fun with her father.It is said that since the move, the relationship between my father and my mother has become better and better, and I go to the movies every weekend. Life should not be too petty...

Back to the topic, Wang Faren is sitting across from Xu Ying, but unlike last time, this time Xu Ying is carelessly occupying the sofa, Wang Faren and the familiar face next to her are imprinted in her eyes without any disturbance.

"Xiaoying, I haven't seen you for a while, how is your business doing?" Wang Faren spoke first.In Xu Ying's opinion, this opening directly broke this harmony.

Then there is no need to pretend? "It's okay, I don't know what's going on with Director Wang and your son?" Xu Ying raised her eyebrows and glanced at Wang Zhi who was sitting next to her.He was the bank clerk Xu Ying met when she saved her first sum of money.

"Well, there is indeed something..." Wang Faren used a difficult tone for the first time.

"Speak!" Xu Ying said without any procrastination.
Wang Faren has always been humble from the time he entered the door to the moment he speaks today, without the arrogance and domineering feeling of that day at all.Instead, restlessness and tension.

After taking a sip of tea, the top-quality Tieguanyin should be a special offer, this kid has good taste...

"There is a document on it, saying that the supply and marketing cooperative will be changed, and the responsibility system will be assigned in the future. Then, our contract..." Wang Faren said while staring at Xu Ying's reaction, hoping to get some information from the change in her expression, but it's a pity ,Nothing at all.

"As long as there is business in our contract, we will not owe anything. What are you worried about, Director?" Xu Ying pretended to be confused.

Wang Faren squinted at the child in front of him, could it be that he really didn't understand or something?If the supply and marketing cooperative is restructured, then there will be things like Moutai on the market, and it will no longer be the only one of its own. That is to say, will their cooperation still be effective?
"Xiaoying, you may not know..."

"Wrong!" Xu Ying abruptly interrupted what Wang Faren was about to explain.

"I know very well, Director Wang, since you know that the time for your family to dominate is over, what do you want to do when you come to me now? Just tell me!" Xu Ying never wants to waste time when talking about business, especially when she is when leading.

Wang Zhi saw Xu Ying in front of him almost dropped the teacup on the ground. In his impression, this girl said, "Uncle, my parents are busy, so they asked me to save money." The girl with a milky voice but beautiful eyes At that time, the child didn't understand why his mother told him to look at this girl.

Now it seems that he understands.

PS, relatives came to visit today, it hurts a lot--! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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