Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 336 The Beginning of Mechanism Reform 2

Chapter 336 The Beginning of Mechanism Reform 2
Wang Zhi clearly knows that his mother has never begged anyone in this life, now...

"Since you know all about it, I won't go around in circles. We don't know much about the trend above. Maybe it's just temporary... But no matter what, I hope to continue to cooperate with you. What I can promise you is Lowest price on the market!"

This is a place that can attract her. What she wants to do is catering. What is the least important thing for catering?drinks!However, what is this Wang Faren in front of him?That's a wolf, or an unfamiliar wolf, no, the appetite is a wolf, and the heart is a fox!What good will she do you?
Xu Ying didn't show too much surprise, she just nodded and gave a light 'hmm', signaling for Wang Faren on the opposite side to continue.

Wang Faren, an old fox, suddenly felt frustrated. She asked her father, but this old guy has been so many years, and this time he couldn't figure out the policy of the above. She also asked the people around, but the people around said obediently, 'The director's idea must be the policy of the above' What shit, if she could know the meaning of the above, would she ask those people?

When she was extremely depressed, Meng Tianyi appeared to pay the bill, and she suddenly felt that she could find this little girl.However, Wang Faren did not expect that the doll in front of him had only been seen for two years, not to mention that she was already so extravagant, and it was not the beggar's clothes when they first met, but this determination...

"Xiaoying, what do you think?" Wang Zhi asked for his mother.

Xiaoying?When did I become so familiar with this mother and son?

Xu Ying smiled, stared at Wang Zhi and said, "I don't have any ideas!"

"You!" There was a hint of anger on Wang Zhisiwen's face.

how?Hehe, do I have any ideas?Why should I?Xu Ying also showed impatience.Now she can completely get rid of this old fox and go get those cigarettes and alcohol by herself. Although it is tempting to be cheaper than others, it is not a wise move to be with a wolf that can bite her at any time. need.

"Heh," Wang Faren looked at Xu Ying who was calm and impatient, and she probably guessed the doll's heart after seeing countless people.

"Don't worry, I won't plot against you!" Wang Faren said with difficulty.

"Oh~?" Xu Ying said softly, calling Wang Zhi even more angry.

"I said no, I just want to keep what I have now!" Wang Faren's fat body undulated a little, and the chair under his buttocks rattled unsuitably.Xu Ying looked at her chair pitifully, it must not be broken.

After Wang Faren finished speaking, Xu Ying just picked up the teacup on the table to drink tea, and stopped talking.In her heart, she had some concerns about Wang Faren.After all, this old woman only had the word pervert in her mind. No matter what the purpose was today, she dared not act like this in front of her doll.I don't want to be either.

After a while, Xu Ying just poured tea and didn't speak. Wang Faren simply squinted and leaned on the chair. She was patient, after all, it was all she had.Wang Zhi couldn't sit still.

"Xiaoying, I used to think you were a kind and sensible child, but today you are like this. My mother transferred your mother's job without saying a word. You said you owe money first and I will give you the goods, and my mother agreed. If it weren't for my mother, would you have what you have today? Now our family is encountering some difficulties, why are you so dragging two to five to eighty thousand? Huh?"

Wang Zhi's voice was not loud, but Xu Ying could clearly feel the anger in his voice.I probably don't quarrel with others very much at ordinary times, but now my face turns red.

(End of this chapter)

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