Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 367 Unexpected Disaster 6 [3 More]

Chapter 367 Unexpected Disaster 6 [3 More]

When Meng Tianyi heard what Xu Ying said, he immediately sorted out his emotions, laughed and said: "Xiaoying, you are so old, what are you thinking about? What do you think?"

Although Meng Tianyi smiled heartily, Xu Ying clearly received the sadness revealed.I thought to myself, when this matter is over, bringing her daughter-in-law and children over is the top priority. His daughter is about the same age as him, and seeing that he is about to graduate from primary school, it would be unreasonable to continue to be separated like this. After all, the child has lost both parents since childhood. education is bad.I used to be a living example.

After a few people finally answered the questions about why Xu Ying arranged things like this for the past few days, Xu Ying told Meng Tianyi to contact the manufacturer of home appliances before going back. It was nearly 10:[-] after the meeting. In order to avoid any safety issues.Xu Ying also stopped exchanging pleasantries, and asked several people to return to their respective residences quickly.

This turmoil lasted on a large scale in Beishi for nearly 10 days. Countless shops and cars were smashed in the streets and alleys, and even many buses, bus drivers, and conductors were injured. Radio and TV condemned the whole day. The person behind the incident with ulterior motives, Xu Ying, knew about these contents, and turned a deaf ear to them, but Li Hui, Xu Chenghai, and her grandmother listened to the radio seriously every day.

Nearly 5 days later, the social order finally began to return to normal. Those who took the opportunity to make trouble should be arrested and persuaded.It's just that countless shops were not spared this time. The doors were closed and pried open, leaving nothing left. Xu Ying's two big shops in the city center are all fine, thanks to the imported anti-riot doors and windows. Money, now finally feel worth the money.

Xu Ying is thinking about the right day to open the shop. The shop has not been opened for so long. After the first three days of opening, it needs to be tidied up and some things need to be purchased. The preparatory work will take a few more days. In addition, Xu Ying called Meng Tianyi to contact her. The manufacturers of TVs and refrigerators have also been contacted properly, and the delivery and distribution of goods will also be carried out...

Here, Xu Ying hadn't finished thinking about it when she heard a piece of news that made her unable to calm down.

This day Xu Ying was forced to take a nap by her grandmother (for fear of being interrupted) as usual, when she heard someone knock on the door as usual, it was Huang Hai who came.There are a lot of things going on at Huanghai School recently, how could it not be a weekend afternoon when they came to the door, Xu Ying felt a little ominous.

"Xiaoying! Something happened!" Huang Hai was sweating profusely and panting. It's so hot in May in Beishi. It can be seen that he ran all the way here.

"Uncle Huang, sit down first, don't worry, drink some water!"

Here Aunt Zhao saw it, and hurried to the kitchen to pour water.

Holding the water glass in his hand, Huang Hai's hands were still shaking.Sweat kept oozing from his forehead, but Huang Hai let the sweat drip down without feeling it at all.What's wrong?Xu Ying and Huang Hai have known each other for several years, whether it is the impression of the previous life or the understanding of this life, Huang Hai has never lost his composure like this.

"Uncle Huang, what's the matter?" When Xu Ying asked this sentence, she felt as if she had just finished a long-distance run.

"Old Li...Old Li was arrested!" Huang Hai said with some tears.

He couldn't forget that scene during the day. He went home for dinner today. As soon as the family finished eating, some plainclothes came in and said to invite Li Liying. Huang Hai asked them to show their work certificates, which said they were the police.But when Huang Hai asked what was going on, the people who came had a very bad attitude.

Huang Hai is also in the political circle, and his goal in the future is to enter the political circle, so his temper also came.

(End of this chapter)

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