Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 368 Unexpected Disaster 7 [4 More]

Chapter 368 Unexpected Disaster 7 [4 More]

They didn't say anything and asked the people who came to take Li Liying away, so the people who came simply arrested her by force.Even tore Li Liying's clothes... When she was taken out of the door, Huang Hai slumped on the ground...

Xu Ying's heart tightened, "Aunt Li? Was she arrested for something?" This Li Liying neither stole nor robbed, how could she be arrested?
Huang Hai shook his head. This meeting was completely slumped on a stool, with sweat and tears on his face, and he couldn't tell the difference.

Before Xu Ying thought of comforting Huang Hai, Li Qiang also came to the door.As soon as Li Qiang appeared, Xu Ying's heart skipped a beat. Isn't this...

"Xiaoying, hurry up! Save Big Brother Meng! He was caught by a few big caps (the name of the law enforcers among ordinary people)...and taken away!" Li Qiang was also out of breath when he ran.

This time Aunt Zhao also hurriedly handed her a glass of water to her grandson. Both her grandson and Huang Hai came to talk to her granddaughter about such a big thing?Aunt Zhao looked at Xu Ying, who was sitting on the sofa, with deep thought in her eyes.

Xu Ying was a little confused. If Li Liying was the only one who was arrested, then she wouldn't think so, but now that Meng Tianyi was arrested, there are nine out of ten...

"Xiaoying, don't be in a hurry when you encounter something. Sit down and think about it slowly. I'll go out to buy vegetables and have dinner at home!" Aunt Zhao said and went out with a vegetable basket.

Xu Ying was very grateful to her grandma for not chasing after her to ask why, because she was also a little messed up.

Why are Li Liying and Meng Tianyi arrested?reason?Xu Ying couldn't figure it out.But there must be a problem with Huamei Supermarket?Is it to contact home appliances?It shouldn't be. Now that it's 89, this home appliance is no longer a supply and marketing cooperative. It can only be sold in department stores. So it's not home appliances?If it's not home appliances, what's the problem?strangeness……

Xu Ying's mind was quickly thinking about every detail of the gorgeousness, and there was a knock on the door.

Li Qiang saw Xu Ying sitting on the sofa frowning, knowing that she was thinking about something, so he got up to open the door.

"Hello, you're Li Qiang, right?" The strange voice from the door made Xu Ying and Huang Hai both look at the door.

Li Qiang looked blankly at the two people in uniform at the door, thought of the scene where Meng Tianyi was taken away just now, swallowed his saliva, and replied. :"I'm!"

"Then please come with us!" After finishing speaking, he was about to pull Li Qiang out.

"Wait a minute!" Xu Ying immediately jumped up from the sofa and went straight to Li Qiang.

There were two men in police uniforms standing at the door with serious expressions, Xu Ying felt a little dizzy.

"Little friend, uncle is doing business, go and play!" One of the police officers stretched out his hand and prepared to take Li Qiang away after speaking.

Xu Ying stepped forward with her little hand and pulled back Li Qiang's hand that had been pulled out.

"Children! Let me tell you, we're not playing games now. We're handling cases, you know? Go ahead and play, or uncle will take you to the police station later!" Another police officer started to scare Xu Ying.

But Xu Ying is not a real child, she doesn't like this, although she will be terrified in her heart.She is a human being in two lives, but she really has never dealt with the police (to prevent interruption).

"You should at least tell me why you took him away? Otherwise, how can I tell my mother and grandma when I come back!" Xu Ying tried her best to suppress her uneasy emotions, and said in a child's tone.

The two policemen looked at each other, and one of the policemen with bigger eyes knelt down and said to Xu Ying, "Then you tell your mother and grandma, and uncle asks him to ask something, as long as he hasn't done anything, It will come naturally!"

The policeman next to him was obviously very impatient to talk to the children, and when his colleague finished speaking, he dragged Li Qiang out of the house.

PS. Now many words are forbidden words that are interrupted, there are too many to count, so for the sake of safety, I have added numbers such as 11, hoping to be spared, or it will really affect reading.The webpage is better, and the bookstore is more powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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