Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 397 Monopoly Management 5 [5 more]

Chapter 397 Monopoly Management [-] [[-] more]

Li Hui was a little depressed. She had planned to ask her daughter to choose a better school at that time, but now she insisted on going to No. [-] Middle School... Sigh.

Along the way, Li Hui lost her mood for shopping.He took Xiaoying back home.

"What's the matter?" Xu Chenghai saw Li Hui who had a straight face when he entered the door, and his daughter who was expressionless.What's wrong?Could it be that he failed the exam?This is impossible, my daughter can score 100 points in the test with her eyes closed?You know, during the 6 years of elementary school, Xu Ying seemed to have always been the number one in age, and even once she had a fever and was a little confused, she was still number one after the exam.

Li Hui glanced at Xu Ying a little angrily, "Ask your precious daughter!" After speaking, she sat heavily on the sofa.

Xu Chenghai hadn't seen his daughter-in-law get so angry for so long, "Xiaoying, why did you mess with your mother?"

"I said I want to go to No. [-] Middle School!" Xu Ying had no choice but to pass this test no matter what, because she had to go, even if her mother was angry because of this, she could only say SORRY.

Seventh middle school?Xu Chenghai also felt uncomfortable, "Xiaoying, your academic performance is here and here, how did you choose which school? Is it because of your uncle Huang Hai?"

Xu Chenghai's idea is that Xu Ying was selected by the No. [-] Middle School because of Huang Hai. Otherwise, because of her grades, the schools are scrambling to get her. Just kidding, there are not many English competitions in Beishi that won the national rankings, and Xu Ying is this One of them has not been out for a few miles, and Cheng Jiaxuan has been transferred to another school for a few years, so Xu Ying can be said to be the only one in Beishi who can win the national children's English competition.

"Dad, what does it have to do with him? I want to do it myself!" Xu Ying found that if something unreasonable happened, it would be very troublesome to communicate with adults. Under the conditions, she still lied and said that she was just helping Li Liying and Meng Tianyi, and didn't say that she was doing these businesses, otherwise she probably couldn't explain it clearly.

Xu Chenghai glanced at Xu Ying, who had a firm and somewhat impatient face, and said in a relieved tone: "Xiaoying, although Dad always knew that you had good ideas, choosing a school is the same as choosing a future. If you go to an excellent junior high school Then you will go to an excellent high school, and vice have to know how important the learning atmosphere of a school is, although the reputation of No. [-] Middle School is not bad, but with your conditions..." Xu Chenghai took the trouble to talk to Xu Ying again About the importance of choosing a school.

Xu Ying didn't interrupt her father's earnest words this time. After listening, she said, "Dad, I don't deny what you said, but I have to rely on myself to go to any school. Besides, this is my future in life. I hope I You can choose yourself!"

Li Hui was not happy when she heard this: "Xiaoying, your child has grown up and started to talk about the future of life. If you hadn't been transferred to Xiguan Primary School by your grandma, and you had stayed in that Zidi Primary School, do you think you would Is there a day? You have to choose for yourself now, do you think you really realize...?" Li Hui was really angry, no matter how much the child had an idea, she would not give in on this matter.

Well, my mother has always been considerate in the past few years, Xu Ying didn't expect that she would be not gentle at all in the matter of choosing a school.She knew about choosing a school, and it was useless for her to say anything now.Anyway, there is still some time before the day of admission.

PS.No matter how hard it is, the hard reader 00 just ask me to resist alone~~~
(End of this chapter)

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