Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 398 Monopoly Management 6 [End of 6]

Chapter 398 Monopoly Management 6 [End of 6]

"Mom, Dad, I hope you will consider my performance and mentality over the past few years before talking about changing my school choice. I want to express my thoughts. I insist on going to No. I'd rather not go! I'll go to Aunt Li's house, don't worry!" After Xu Ying finished speaking, she put on her shoes and left the house.She doesn't care about the rest.Mom and Dad, this is for everyone. If she goes to some other school and encounters miscellaneous things and incidents, she may not be able to handle it...

After leaving the house, Xu Ying went directly to Li Liying's house, and now Li Liying's house has moved to No. [-] Middle School.In fact, she only went to Li Liying's new home a few times during the Chinese New Year.She didn't want to go the rest of the time.Because the people in this school are familiar with her, she is a little scared.

Today is the weekend, and Xu Ying reckoned that not many people would come here.

"Xiaoying, why are you here?" Li Liying was cooking, and was a little surprised when she saw Xu Ying knocking on the door.Since she moved, Xu Ying rarely came to her new home.

"Um, Auntie, you don't welcome me?" Xu Ying smelled the smell of rice, and her stomach growled again.

Li Liying said with a smile: "I can't wish for it. In the past few years after Auntie moved, you don't come here except for holidays. Today is considered a rare visitor!" After speaking, she went into the kitchen to serve dinner.


Xu Ying was drooling and looking at the kitchen when suddenly Huang Haole's face appeared in front of her.

"Brother Lele, don't be scary, okay?"!
What is scary?Mingming called her twice, but she seemed to be staring at the kitchen.

"Why are you here?" Xu Ying asked.

"What do you mean why am I here? My family is here. I go to No. [-] Middle School. Why do you think I am here?" Huang Haole was a little angry. He remembered clearly that he told Xu Ying after he transferred to No. [-] Middle School, but this The villain obviously forgot.

"Are you in the seventh middle school? High school?" Xu Ying asked again in disbelief.

The junior high school and senior high school of the No. 1 Middle School are located in the same teaching building, with the 3-4 floors of the junior high school and the 5-[-] floors of the high school.So when Huang Haole told Xu Ying that he was in No.[-] Middle School, wouldn't they be counted as alumni in the future?

Huang Haole's face turned ugly: "Xiaoying, didn't I tell you a long time ago? Besides, what does your reaction mean?"

After getting the news in Xu Ying's mind, she suddenly felt that she had made a wrong calculation again?This Huang Hai used to stay in Xiguan Primary School for a long time, and he would not appear in No. [-] Middle School. Now because he appeared, he was promoted to work in No. [-] Middle School. She didn't know Huang Haole, but with Huang Haole's appearance, she was in the No. It's impossible for Qizhong not to notice at all.

If Huang Haole appeared in No. [-] Middle School by accident, then... Will her life in No. [-] Middle School change?Xu Ying didn't dare to think about it, she just comforted herself, it's all right, he's in high school, she's in junior high school, it's irrelevant, irrelevant.

"What are you talking about, high school, No. [-] middle school students, wash your hands and eat, your father will be back soon!" Li Liying called in the dining room with the dishes.She was so happy that Xu Ying was able to come today, and she even talked to her son for a long time...

After Xu Ying washed her hands obediently, Huang Hai entered the door as soon as she was seated. She was also surprised to see Xu Ying there, after all, the child hadn't been here for a long time.

PS: Good night.

"Xiaoying is a rare visitor today!" Huang Hai said with a smile.Xu Ying was embarrassed and polite, and then realized that she might not have been to Aunt Li's house for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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