Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 399 Monopoly Management 7 [1 more]

Chapter 399 Monopoly Management 7 [1 more]

"I came today to ask Auntie how the acquisition is going!" Xu Ying found a high-sounding reason for herself.

Li Liying and Huang Hai looked at each other, smiled and didn't expose it. In fact, if it was really just to look at the acquisition, she made a phone call, or went to the company directly, why did she come to the house, this child...

"Xiaoying, you will come out now, does your mother know?" Li Liying asked.

Uh... "Why don't you call, Auntie?!" Xu Ying was a little guilty, and ran out after she finished speaking, wondering if her mother would go crazy?God knows she hasn't played PP since she was reborn, and she wouldn't be able to take a few hits on PP now.

Xu Ying's guilty look made Huang Hai and Li Liying more certain that something must be wrong with this child.Li Liying put down the dishes and went into the back room to make a phone call. (At that time, in order to prevent children from talking on the phone for too long, or making random calls, parents usually put the phone in their bedroom)
After a long time, I heard what Li Liying said in the back room, don't worry, I will ask Lele to take her back later, and then Li Liying came out.Huang Hai looked at his lover, wanting to know what happened to Xiaoying.

"Xiaoying, why did you mess with your mother? You're so angry?!" Li Liying just called, and she could clearly hear Li Hui's anger. burnt.

Xu Ying bit her lip, and said aggrievedly: "It's not a matter of choosing a school, hey!"

Huang Haole looked at Xu Ying's appearance, and smiled dotingly in his eyes.Xiaoying is so cute.With a grievance on the face and no ambiguity in the mouth, if this continues, I don't know if I will be a little fat man in the future...

"Choose a school? Do you have any questions?" Huang Hai is more concerned about what Xu Ying said just now. Although this child has left Xiguan Primary School for a few years, his academic performance has been maintained. Duan Qi is fine and told him Xiaoying It can be regarded as the most glorious stroke in their history in Xiguan. What's wrong with her choosing a school now?Isn't that what the school is rushing to ask for?
"I want to go to No. [-] Middle School, but my mother refuses!" Xu Ying said resentfully.

"Seventh Middle School? Xiaoying, why did you get into the Seventh Middle School?!" Li Liying's eyes were shining brightly. At the beginning, her son strongly asked to go to the Seventh Middle School. Now Xiaoying also came. These two children...

"I just want to go to No. [-] Middle School, and there's no reason. Auntie, you won't force me like my mother!" Xu Ying looked at Li Liying with an aggrieved expression.

Will Li Liying persecute?She doesn't know what her son means to Xiaoying, she can't be more clear. In the past few years, she began to think that the novelty of children might fade after they pass, but that's not the case at all. Now that Xu Ying said that she would come to No. [-] Middle School, wouldn't she be able to get along with Lele day and night in the future?Tell Li Hui to eat at her own house when it's time for lunch. As the saying goes, love grows after a long time. Didn't that kid Cheng Jiaxuan hang out with Xu Ying all day long, and the relationship between the two is so good?

Huang Hai didn't know what his lover was thinking, so he frowned and said, "Xiaoying, if you compare, it's better to go to the key No. [-] middle school!", although the teachers of the No. [-] middle school have also improved a lot in the past two years!Already able to rank among the top three in key junior high schools, but after all, the newcomers can't compare with those established key points. It makes sense for Li Huisheng to be so grand.

(End of this chapter)

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