Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 400 Monopoly Management 8 [2 more]

Chapter 400 Monopoly Management 8 [2 more]

Xu Ying curled her lips, "Uncle, you are also an educator, and you are also a leader. Don't students rely on their own efforts wherever they go. If they can't do it by themselves, isn't it useless everywhere?!"

The smile in Li Liying's eyes became more obvious after hearing this, look, what she said was exactly the same as what her son said back then, this is a tacit understanding.If Xu Ying knew what Li Liying was thinking now, she would probably vomit blood.

"Auntie, tell me, anyway, I've been admitted to the No. [-] Middle School!" Xu Ying didn't want to come out and get annoyed about going to school, so she said it was a certainty.

"Old Huang, Li Hui doesn't know what's going on with Xiaoying, you should know, you have to help Xiaoying this time!" Li Liying began to blow the pillow.

"But..." Huang Hai knows that in the past two years, his wife and Meng Tianyi have already become rich people. If they are older, they are the part that responds to the policy and become rich first. If they are younger, it is Xu Ying's plan. Preparation and precise vision, as well as market positioning.However, this Xiaoying is Li Hui's daughter after all, so she...

Seeing that her husband was hesitant, Li Liying continued: "Old Huang, do you still believe in Xiaoying's ability? If you help her this time, you can just talk about your grades. Huihui is not a stubborn person either! Right, Xiaoying!"

Xu Ying immediately agreed after receiving the hint from Li Liying's eyes: "Yes, uncle, you have to help me this time, so hurry up and admit me, I'm here to help you defeat that key No. [-] middle school, okay?!"

When Huang Hai was caught by this freshman novel, his brain became hot, "Okay, but I'm not responsible for Li Hui's side, your parents' side!" After all, Huang Hai is still a person who cares about his official career. The education bureau has also given a lot of help to the improvement of teachers, but it is a bit worse than No. [-] Middle School. What is the difference?It is grades.If Xu Ying really came, it can be said that it is not impossible for the Seventh Middle School to become the number one in the focus.

Li Liying and Xu Ying looked at each other and smiled, OK, it's done.In fact, Huang Haole was the happiest among the people sitting at the table.Now it's all right, Xiaoying can see it every day, it seems that when Xiaoying said that she went to No. [-] Middle School, she believed that this step was the right one!

Xu Ying knew that this trip to Li Liying's house was the right one, as for the school admission and filling in volunteers, all these matters were left to Huang Hai to handle.She can take advantage of the summer vacation to pay close attention to her business goal of monopolizing the market.

"Auntie, how is the acquisition going?" Xu Ying herself is determined to acquire the land in the central and western part of the city. It will be the first stop for her to build a house, and she must succeed!

Li Liying looked distressed: "Most of the land is easy to deal with, but some old residents open their mouths, especially after knowing that we are in the peak of Huamei, they ask for a lot of money, which has exceeded our limit!" The group is already a big enterprise in the hearts of ordinary people, and the province commends outstanding private enterprise representatives every year.Let's not mention these for now.

Xu Ying knew that this problem would inevitably arise from demolition and acquisitions. In the early days when they started to acquire land, this problem basically did not exist, but as the company became more and more famous, this problem inevitably came.

"So does the company have any solution now?" Xu Ying asked with a frown.

Li Liying shook her head, "It's the first time we've encountered such a thing, and the salesmen we sent have been shut down several times, so..."

Demolition may be a new thing for people nowadays, but for Xu Ying, who is living a new life, she has seen too much.

(End of this chapter)

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