Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 401 Monopoly Management 9 [3 more]

Chapter 401 Monopoly Management 9 [3 more]

She has seen this kind of exorbitant asking price and paying back money on the spot N times in the reports. Of course, there are also forced demolitions, but she does not take that route.She won't think about it. .

"Now some people on the board of directors call the chairman to come out to solve it, Xiaoying..." Li Liying has been a bit of a headache for Xu Ying for the past two years, because the real chairman is Xu Ying, but because of her age, it is impossible to come forward, except for a few There are several insiders, such as Li Liying, Meng Tianyi, Zhang Zeguo and Tan Aowai who are far away in Beijing. No one knows that the head of the famous Huamei Dingsheng Group is Xu Ying.But as the company grew stronger, the board of directors strongly requested that the Huamei boss show up, and she felt that she couldn't hold back.

Every time Xu Ying talks about serious matters with Li Liying, she always restores her original temperament that complements her soul and age. At first Li Liying was a little uncomfortable, but after a long time, she also figured it out.

Although he is her elder, he is the superior and superior at work, besides, Li Liying really admires this child.

When the Huamei Supermarket closed down, she thought that the money she invested was wasted, but unexpectedly, Xu Ying had an idea to make herself a rent collector. I have participated in the training on company management courses, and now I don't have to do everything myself, and I have completely transformed from a physical worker to a mental worker.

After hearing Li Liying's words, Xu Ying's expression changed instantly.

"This group of people, if it weren't for the company's development, would I use them? I really think of myself as a character after inviting them! Go back and tell them that I asked them to solve the problem, not to push something to the chairman!" Xu Ying was a little angry.

That is, in the early 90s, let alone college students, college students and technical secondary school students were also very popular. Now the university assigns jobs, and the technical secondary school assigns jobs, so she invites these undergraduates to come back like a Buddha.

If in another 3 years, the expansion of university enrollment is completed, such passive sabotage and doubting the boss, it is estimated that all of them can be laid off.

Li Liying looked distressed, it is hard to recruit talents now, people who graduate from college have regular jobs, Huamei even a large group company is also privately owned, it is not easy to hire these people.

Seeing that Li Liying was in trouble, Xu Ying knew what she was thinking, and immediately comforted her: "Auntie, don't be in trouble, what I'm saying is that the company can be tougher, after all, they are not the controlling party, so don't worry, and about the demolition of those lions Those who open the mouth, don’t bother with it first, ask someone to release the news, Huamei has taken a fancy to the northern boundary again, and the western district will give up.”

This is to?Li Liying looked at Xu Ying uncertainly.

"After half a month, they will be collected in their own names, and they will all be in your and Uncle Meng's names!" Xu Ying said calmly.

Li Liying really admired this child, and she could come up with such a method. These people are sure that Huamei wants that piece of land now, and they won't accept it.


Sure enough, on the eve of Xu Ying's start of school, several households in the west district sold their houses, which was only 1-2 higher than the market price. Xu Ying didn't care about this little money, because the real estate she was doing now would double the profit immediately ...

Now Xu Ying doesn't have a headache about real estate or the development of the company. These are all carried out in an orderly manner. The most troublesome thing for her now is the resentful eyes of her mother Li Hui!

(End of this chapter)

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