Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 494 Another Sad Person 1 [9 more]

Chapter 494 Another Sad Person 9 [4 More]

Xu Ying didn't want to look at the expressions of the students in the class anymore, she lowered her head and ate the chicken drumsticks by herself, and went to eat.

She can't handle this kind of thing.It shouldn't be her business either.

Li Kaiyan seemed to be stimulated, and actually confronted Cheng Jiaxuan: "Women? Huh! How old are you now?!"

Cheng Jiaxuan's eyes looked at Li Kaiyan and lost warmth, "It doesn't matter how old you are, what matters is that I want to spoil her for the rest of my life, is there a problem?!"

Li Kaiyan was speechless, forever?lifetime?Why is she?
Cheng Jiahao walked up to Li Kaiyan, patted her on the shoulder, told her to calm down, and said to Cheng Jiaxuan: "Okay, stop arguing, there are two classes left in the afternoon, hurry up and read the book!" He took a sharp look at the other students who were watching.

Who doesn't know that these two brothers are not afraid of anything, not afraid of Wang Jing, so I am not so stupid to provoke them.

Li Kaiyan didn't know how she got back to her seat, but she just felt that her limbs were a little numb. Since when did she, the proud girl of heaven, put everything under Xu Ying's feet?Is she a seductive charmer or something?

Since Su Qingbin was a child, she seemed to have stretched out her magic claws on all the boys she liked, and there was no one she didn't get her hands on. There was Su Qingbin before, and Cheng Jiaxuan after...

In the past when Su Qingbin was around, she would still have to make a difficult choice between her and Xu Ying, but now this extremely handsome Cheng Jiaxuan blatantly hurt her in front of so many people... The more Li Kaiyan thought about it, the more she felt that it was Xu Ying's fault.She must have spoken ill of herself in front of Cheng Jiaxuan!

She, Li Kaiyan, must take revenge, and Xu Ying must suffer the consequences herself!A plan slowly spread in Li Kaiyan's heart.And the target of revenge is still eating chicken legs on the seat...


After the exam, Li Kaiyan was called to the office, and there was only Wang Jing, her mother, and her.

"Yanyan!? Look at your test paper, what are you doing?!" Wang Jing threw the paper on Li Kaiyan's small face, and the flimsy piece of paper caused red marks on her face, which shows that Wang Jing Use the strength.

Li Kaiyan couldn't speak a single word while holding the paper. The English test in the afternoon still had a comprehensive paper. Because of what happened at noon, her head was in a mess, and she didn't know what she wrote...

Seeing that her daughter didn't speak, Wang Jing was even more angry. She was the homeroom teacher, but her daughter failed two homeworks! ?And I also told Li Kaiyan in advance that today is 4 consecutive exams...

"Tell me! What are you pretending to be in your head all day? This is your grade? What about your face? Is your face still there?" Wang Jing was really angry.

"Teacher Wang, what about educating children?!" The door opened, and Xu Sijun, the Chinese teacher in the class, came in.

Wang Jing calmed down and asked, "Teacher Xu, what's the matter?"

Xu Sijun adjusted his glasses and said, "Look at these two papers!" After speaking, he reached out and handed the papers to Wang Jing.

One was from Xu Ying, all of which were correct. Even in the composition, Xu Sijun deducted 3 points out of conscience, but it still did not affect Xu Ying's high score of 96 points on the paper.The other one is Li Kaiyan's in front of me, with only 85 points.Although it is not bad, but compared with Xu Ying...

"Mr. Wang, you specifically asked me to pay attention to the scores of the next two children. I will show you the scores as soon as I correct them!" Xu Sijun said with a smile.In fact, she also hates Xu Ying.Every time the child looked at her confidently and made her feel guilty for no reason, she hated it very much.

Wang Jing frowned and looked at it, then turned her head and said, "Oh, the scores on this paper are a bit unreliable. Do you want to arrange for this student to take the test alone? I can talk to the principal alone!"

Xu Sijun smiled and said, "I heard that the papers for the re-examination are very difficult..." Wang Jing's face regained a little color, and she smiled tacitly with Xu Sijun.

(End of this chapter)

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