Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 495 Another Sad Person 1 [10 more]

Chapter 495 Another Sad Person 10 [5 More]

Two days after the exam, the school routinely made the final arrangements for the summer vacation, but as soon as she arrived at the school, Xu Ying found that all the students were looking at her...

"Xiaoying?!" Cheng Jiaxuan looked at Xu Ying with a confused expression.

"Why do they look at me like that?!" Xu Ying was puzzled.

At this time, Cheng Jiahao didn't care whether he was familiar with it or not, and directly said: "The school said that this time you have a problem with your grades, and you have to retake the exam alone. The principal has arranged for the exam to be proctored personally, and the language team will come up with a new question!"

After hearing this, Xu Ying was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at the smiling Li Kaiyan, needless to say, the mother and daughter must have caused trouble, "Oh, but what do you mean by having a problem with your grades?!"

"Xiaoying, that's not important. Now I suspect that the Chinese test paper this time should not be easy, and it's Xu Sijun who wrote the test!" Cheng Jiaxuan was a little worried. In fact, the test is not important. If there is no homework, then she will have to wait for someone else to finish picking the seat... He knows her.

"Oh, then I'll just sit in the last pit?!" She didn't expect Wang Jing and Li Kaiyan to even use this trick. Isn't this the same trick as the evil star she met when she entered the abacus class?But Xu Sijun jumped out?It seems that this teacher doesn't want to see me in this life.

Cheng Jiaxuan wanted to say something more, but Wang Jing had already entered the classroom.

"Everyone knows?!" Wang Jing asked coldly.

But obviously she didn't have to wait for any response from below, and then said: "The school has decided that Xu Ying's Chinese scores in this class will be invalid this time, but for the sake of fairness and justice, teacher Xu Sijun from the Chinese team has worked tirelessly to come up with a special question, and Principal Duan personally invigilated the exam. , give Xu Ying a chance to prove herself!"

Prove what?cheat yourself?It's really funny, Xu Ying looked at the righteous Wang Jing with a sneer on the corner of Xu Ying's mouth.fair?just?Not to mention the society, the school has been turned into a mess by Wang Jing now!

"Xu Ying, what's your opinion?!" Wang Jing finished speaking and looked at Xu Ying.

"I have no objection!" Xu Ying said lightly.

Wang Jing didn't care about Xu Ying's perfunctory attitude, and said, "Then after you arrange the matter at hand, you can go to the principal's office for the exam, and the results will be given on the spot!"

What?Here we talk about the test, so let her take the test?The students in the class are whispering, no one is stupid, so there is no preparation to call for the exam, no focus, no revision, the grades can be imagined, everyone sympathizes with Xu Ying, it seems that if you offend anyone, don't offend the teacher!
Li Kaiyan looked at Xu Ying gloatingly, as long as she missed one grade, she would definitely be under his feet.

Cheng Jiaxuan frowned and got ready to argue with Wang Jing, what kind of fairness is this?But Xu Ying gave a look to indicate that she was fine!
What Wang Jing was doing was nothing more than some minor matters such as hygiene and homework, and it was over in less than 10 minutes. Wang Jing couldn't help but want to see Xu Ying's failure.

"Xiaoying, don't force yourself if you can't do it. It doesn't matter if you get one grade, we will all choose the last row, and no one will grab it!" Cheng Jiaxuan comforted.

Xu Ying smiled and teased: "You sit in the last row, and there are people competing to sit next to you! Don't worry!"

After speaking, she turned around and followed Wang Jing to the principal's office. When passing by Li Kaiyan, Xu Ying saw the excitement in the girl's eyes. Xu Ying sighed inwardly. Maybe she is the saddest person, right?Who said she wasn't a sad person? !
(End of this chapter)

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