Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 499 I Don't Care, But Don't Mess With Me 4

Chapter 499 I Don't Care, But Don't Mess With Me 4
Duan Qi is so smart, if you talk about it, you want to make a big fuss, let alone damage the reputation of No. [-] Middle School, the education department above will definitely intervene. After intervening, Xu Sijun won't say how to deal with it. Move it, but it must be moving in a bad place.

Xu Ying looked at Duan Qi's expression and knew that she was weighing. She knew too well that the older people were, the more afraid they would fall, and Duan Qi was no exception. She would never argue for Xu Sijun and herself.

Sure enough, Duan Qi was silent for a while and said: "It's better to handle this matter properly. Xu Ying, tell me what you think! Teacher Wang, please sit down first, it's Teacher Xu's fault after all!" The meaning is very clear, if you get entangled with Xu Ying again, you will also be at fault.

What can Wang Jing say?Originally, she and Xu Sijun were the ones who had nothing to lose, but now that Duan Qi has said that, she can only remain silent.

"Mr. Xu, as the leader of the junior high school of the Chinese group, you can make common-sense mistakes. I mean your professional knowledge is limited or you are an idiot to the extreme? If this is the case, I really doubt that you can't You can be a Chinese teacher!" Xu Ying asked sharply.

Xu Sijun couldn't stand Xu Ying talking like this. Although Xu Ying sometimes confronted her, she couldn't stand such a strong aura...

"Well, everyone makes mistakes sometimes... I may have misremembered this time!" Xu Sijun was still defending...

"Then you admit your mistake?" Xu Ying narrowed her eyes and looked at Xu Sijun coldly.

The room was quiet, and Xu Sijun's face changed several times before he said with difficulty: "Yes...!"

"Teacher Dai, what do you think of a teacher like this who doesn't even know what grade he is teaching and what questions to ask?" Xu Ying didn't intend to let anyone who got involved...

Dai Bojia took a few glances at Xu Sijun, and said indifferently, "I don't know much about the junior high school. In the high school, I will consider whether this teacher is suitable to stay in our teaching and research group and continue to be a teacher..."

"You!" Xu Sijun probably didn't expect that Dai Bojia, who usually met and was regarded as an acquaintance, would not help him at this time?

Duan Qi glanced at Dai Bojia, and asked the two people beside her: "Mr. Huang, Mr. Liang, what do you think?"

Huang Hai suddenly didn't know what to say, why, he understood Xu Ying's temperament, she would leave a way out for others in general things, just like Wu Xiumei back then, she didn't care about it any more, now she has to ignore it Forgive me, she made it clear that she would not be reconciled if Xu Sijun was not dragged into the water today, but he is the academic director of No. [-] Middle School after all...

Liang Wei was even more depressed. He was not sure what would happen to Sijun at this moment. If he stepped on someone and they turned around, would he still want to be this colleague...

Both Huang Hai and Liang Wei chose to remain silent: "It's all up to Principal Duan's sentence!" At this moment, it's up to Duan Qi. The workplace is like this. Where there is a boss, the people below will never make opinions and express opinions.

Xu Ying watched clearly, and looked at Duan Qi with a smile on her face.

Duan Qi cleared her throat and said: "Mr. Xu, this matter is really difficult to handle. How about it? It just so happens that it's a holiday. Let's put aside the matter at hand and talk about it after school starts!" What a procrastination tactic.

Xu Ying didn't speak, she looked at Xu Sijun, what could she say?Xu Sijun could only nod dejectedly.

Dai Bojia didn't want to be involved in the war here, so he said directly: "Principal Duan, I still have something to do at home. If there is nothing to do here, I want to go first!"

Duan Qi nodded and acquiesced.After that, Wang Jing and the others in the office found various reasons to leave first, but Xu Ying sat on the sofa with a smile all the time, watching Duan Qi's heart tremble.

(End of this chapter)

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