Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 500 I Don't Care, But Don't Mess With Me 5

Chapter 500 I Don't Care, But Don't Mess With Me 5
"Xiaoying..." Duan Qi felt a drop of sweat remain.

"Ah? Aunt Duan, you called me?" Xu Ying pretended to be stupid.

Duan Qi was so teased by Xu Ying that she burst into laughter: "Xiaoying, that's fine, let's talk about what you think!" This matter is indeed Wang Jing's problem.

"It's nothing to think about, just be fair, Auntie Duan!"

"But, how can it be considered fair?" Duan Qi asked curiously, it's not fair to say, is it?
"Oh, justice is all about it. Those who have no teacher's morality and are not suitable should be removed from the school?" Xu Ying squinted and said, looking at Duan Qi Xu Ying knew that if she handed it over to Duan Qi, she would not let Xu Sijun go. Trampled to death.

After Duan Qi heard this, she fell silent... Xu Ying shouldn't be a child who cares, why this time... "Xiaoying, when everyone is wrong, a small thing..." Why is it so unreasonable?
Xu Ying nodded after listening, that's right, Duan Qi's approach is indeed the way of dealing with the officialdom and the workplace. If it was before, she might just let it go like this, but it is different now, she has more important things to do, and it is impossible to deal with it every day. Tired of coping with the small actions of several teachers towards her, today is over, what about tomorrow?What about the day after tomorrow?

"Aunt Duan, do you mean that you don't do what I say?" Xu Ying's voice was frozen several times.

How could Duan Qi not be able to tell, but who is she, the one who knows how to be young is not to reveal her inner thoughts: "Well, it's not, let's think about it in the long run..."

Before Duan Qi could finish her official talk, Xu Ying interrupted directly: "Oh, I haven't been to Ye's hometown for a long time, I wonder if Auntie Duan is interested? It's been moved, Huamei has given Beishi such a great political achievement in the past two years, I don't know who will get that seat if it is moved, tsk tsk..."

What Xu Ying said was understatement, but Duan Qi's heart skipped a beat when he heard it. He knew that Xu Ying had some tricks and was smart, so how could she, a junior high school student, know about today's Chinese topic in high school?And how did she know English when she was in elementary school?
Duan Qi has been an official for a long time, and Duan Qi may not be clear about other things, but she knows one thing very well, that is, you must never look at things on the surface, and you must never look at people on the outside. And Ye Lao, who is in power, she can't underestimate this girl, she is only a little over 11 years old, right?

"Actually, I think Teacher Xu has a problem with his professional ethics, but he is a full-time teacher after all, so the procedures still have to be followed!" Duan Qi let go, she is not stupid, how could it be possible to make fun of her own future for Xu Sijun?

Xu Ying nodded, "Aunt Duan, if you want me to tell you, you're just being nice to me! I'll leave now, by the way, it's better to finish the formalities for Teacher Xu earlier!" After finishing speaking, she left Duan Qi, turned around and left Principal room.

Sometimes when you think about it, when others bully you, maybe you don’t have to swallow that breath, and others will accept your favor. Old people often say that suffering is a blessing, but it depends on what kind of loss you suffer. If Xu Ying had her before Cheng Jiaxuan appeared I'm sure it's okay, but now she has to stop it, otherwise, she doesn't know how much energy she will put on the four major families.

Walking out of the principal's office, Xu Ying just went down to the third floor when she heard the voice of Dai Bojia who had just left, and quickly retracted her outstretched foot.

(End of this chapter)

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