Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 518 I Don't Care, But Don't Mess With Me 23

Chapter 518 I Don't Care, But Don't Mess With Me 23
Although Xu Chenghai and Li Hui had doubts, they blamed it on Tan Ao. Tan Ao probably told Xu Ying, but Xu Chenghai still felt that there were many things about his daughter that he and Li Hui had overlooked. What was it?He is not sure.

Cheng Jiaxuan said with a smile: "Then if we get old, we'll buy such a place and spend the rest of our lives here..."

Ouyang took a weird look at Cheng Jiaxuan, and then at Li Hui. Although Li Hui acquiesced in the relationship between the two children, she never thought that Cheng Jiaxuan's words were so bold... and went straight to the rest of her life.

Xu Ying's face was hot, and she said: "You can stay by yourself, I want to spend the rest of my life with my parents and grandma, hum!"

Li Hui was very comforted, but luckily her daughter was her caring little padded jacket, and she knew to bring her...

After a while, the white house on the side of the road became more and more clear in front of her eyes. Xu Ying saw the figure of her grandmother wearing a straw hat who didn't know what to do in the field from a distance. She jumped off the donkey cart and ran over in a few steps.

"Grandma..." Xu Ying, who threw herself into her embrace, realized how much she missed this warm embrace!
Aunt Zhao looked at Xiaoying who suddenly threw herself into her arms, she just froze for a moment, then rubbed her granddaughter's hair with a smile and said, "Isn't the institute still preparing, why did it arrive today!?"

Xu Ying pursed her lips, suppressed her excitement and said, "My parents and I miss you..."

"Ah~ This is Xiaoying, right? Come and ask my aunt to have a look!" A thin, dark woman wearing a straw hat next to her warmly pulled Xu Ying.

Only then did Xu Ying take a closer look at Cheng Sulan, she seemed to be shorter than she remembered, and her face was dark, but there was no trace of unhappiness or sadness on her face, Xu Ying felt a little more at ease...

"Aunt..." Xu Ying smiled with a guilty conscience.

Of course Cheng Sulan didn't think there was anything wrong with Xu Ying, she just thought it was a child who was shy when meeting strangers: "Are you tired? Let's go into the house, huh... who are these two?"

Li Hui and Xu Chenghai didn't need to be introduced, Cheng Sulan knew each other naturally, but although Cheng Jiaxuan and Ouyang Yuxuan wore ordinary shirts and Ouyang Yuxuan's straw hat, they still couldn't hide their aura standing aside.

Li Hui stepped forward and said, "Sister-in-law, these two children are Xiaoying's friends, come and stay with us for a few days!"

Cheng Sulan nodded. Since Li Hui said so, it should be a pretty good relationship, and she also greeted warmly.

Xu Ying glanced at Cheng Jiaxuan and Ouyang Yuxuan worriedly. She knew that although the two of them usually behaved like children with themselves and their family members, they were actually somewhat arrogant. Now facing Cheng Sulan, Xu Ying Ying was worried that they would look down on them... Fortunately, when she turned her head and saw the gentle smiles of the two people, Xu Ying felt a little more at ease.

Cheng Sulan led a few people into the conspicuous white small building. Although it looked pretty good on the outside, the inside really made a few people feel a little dark...

The rooms inside are all just a layer of white powder, the floor is even more woolen concrete, and the beds in the room are also wooden beds. There are three beds in total... because there are only three rooms, and each room has a bed. As for the appliances, Absolutely not……

Xu Ying's face collapsed, Ouyang Yuxuan couldn't bear it, and even Cheng Jiaxuan, who was gentle, was a little depressed.

"Ah Xuan, how do you live here... Damn, you won't ask me to sleep with you?" Ouyang Yuxuan complained in a low voice.

Cheng Jiaxuan rolled a blank look at Ouyang Yuxuan: "What? You still dislike me? I still mind sleeping with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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