Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 519 I Don't Care, But Don't Mess With Me 24

Chapter 519 I Don't Care, But Don't Mess With Me 24
It's not that Xu Ying dislikes that Cheng Sulan's family has nothing, but she is depressed that she has given Cheng Sulan a lot of money under various excuses in the past few years, and she has communicated with Li Xia, because Li Xia is now following the design master, and the money is not her anymore. What she pursued, didn't she give it to her mother?
Even if Li Xia is not filial, Li Qiang gives Cheng Sulan a lot of money every year. Why is it... so poor... She thought that her grandma was here every day, and a million people would not like it!

Cheng Sulan picked up a frozen watermelon from the bottom of the well, cut it up and gave it to everyone. Although Li Hui was also a little depressed about the environment she was going to live in, it was her sister-in-law's house after all, so she wouldn't say much. What I expected was the adobe house before, but now I come to this two-story brick house, which is not bad... But I was deceived by the gorgeous appearance, serious duplicity!
A few people have been roasted by the sun for a long time. Now that the watermelon comes up, you are not welcome, and you can solve it with two strokes. Not to mention, the watermelon soaked in the well is also comparable to the iced watermelon in the refrigerator, and it is also healthier. Some……

After eating, Aunt Zhao said, "I didn't expect so many of you to come. I thought you two would bring Xiaoying. For the time being, Su Lan and I shared two beds..."

Xu Ying heard her grandma say this, and looked at her mother and father sadly, look, I tell you to bring them...

Li Hui said with some embarrassment: "Ah Xuan, Ouyang, it seems that you two are going to be wronged..."

Ouyang didn't want to be wronged so much, he wanted to go to the hotel, but his buddy Cheng Jiaxuan replied to Li Hui with a smile: "Auntie, it's okay..." He could only swallow the grievance in his mouth.

The night in the countryside is already quiet, and now it is a remote mountain village in the early 90s. Cheng Sulan’s house has nothing but an old-fashioned radio, so the group chats apart from looking at the stars in the sky and eating watermelon on the plate. .

Xu Ying has been here all day, looking around and still can't figure out where her aunt spends her money.

"Auntie, why don't you buy yourself a refrigerator and color TV?" Xu Ying didn't want to beat around the bush, so she asked directly.

Cheng Sulan was taken aback for a moment, and then knew that Xu Ying and the others were all children from the city. I'm afraid this kind of condition is really simple...

"I have a natural refrigerator, why do I need to spend money on it... TV, I don't like to watch it, it's better to listen to the radio, I heard that watching too much will affect the eyes!" Cheng Sulan smiled and said her reason.

Xu Ying is speechless, does the natural refrigerator mean the well... But this aunt didn't buy these and she didn't see how well she was dressed. Besides, her daughter is now studying with a big brother in the fashion industry, so her mother should be trendy a little...

Aunt Zhao shook her cattail fan and said with a smile: "It's not that your aunt is reluctant to spend money, she is willing to spend money for others!"

Li Hui choked on watermelon all of a sudden, "Mom, do you ever talk like that!" What do you mean giving flowers to others...

Aunt Zhao came to her senses and immediately explained: "Su Lan is willing to give flowers to other people's children!"

Cheng Jiaxuan suddenly looked at this ordinary rural woman with more respect.

Xu Ying asked uncertainly, "Did Auntie donate the money to others?"

Cheng Sulan was a little embarrassed and said: "What kind of donation, from the folks in the village, those children should have a place to go to school!"

Aunt Zhao was upset, she stopped holding the cattail fan and said, "You are the only one who underestimates yourself!"

Xu Ying looked at her aunt's short figure, and instantly grew taller in her heart... She used to think that this aunt was a woman who liked to take advantage of her. How did she become so great in this life?
(End of this chapter)

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