Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 569 Extra Episode 6: Cheng Jiaxuan 6

Chapter 569 Extra Episode 6: Cheng Jiaxuan 6
The next day I asked Jack early to prepare a suitable puppet character and waited for Xu Ying and her partner. When they arrived, I kept observing her expression.

The strange thing is that the anger and mood swings I expected didn't appear at all?Isn't she supposed to be a girl who is irritable and loses her temper easily?
Am I wrong?

However, I was really wrong. The man Jack found was quickly spotted by Xu Ying as a passer-by we were looking for.

Then she actually lowered the price when negotiating with me...

I know money is very important to her. When she was calculating me, I suddenly thought of the dark tube building in the photo, and the dirty and dilapidated photo in the corridor...

She is just for living, and I suddenly felt a sense of sourness that I shouldn't have...

"Okay, I agree, but I will take a share of all your properties in the future!" I subconsciously wanted to give it to her for nothing, but I didn't want to leave us alone, so I said something that made me despise.

But, she agreed, yes, how could she not agree, this is the best way for her current economy, although my conditions hurt her very much, I saw her tangled expression .

Jack drew up the contract, and after our representatives signed the agreement, she and I signed another agreement in private. I looked at the delicate signature on the paper——Xu Ying.I suddenly felt that I might be inseparable from this little girl for the rest of my life...Of course this is just my feeling...

They left with the fruits of victory. I looked at the puppet that was found, waved my hand, and told Jack to deal with it.For a person who is useless and greedy for money, the best way is to make him disappear forever... I have never been a good person.

I was amazed by her strength. Soon the largest restaurant in Beishi was renovated. I ate the dishes inside. They were very traditional and unique. How did she come up with this idea?I asked Tan Ao, and he said it was her idea.

The longer the contact time, the more I like to be with her. She is often cold, as if nothing around her can arouse her emotional waves, but I always feel that she is deliberately burying something, until that time her Uncle accidentally entered the hospital, and I saw her helpless side...

Yes, she is just a little girl, no matter how strong she is, she needs someone to protect her, right?

I just felt that when she was crying, I wanted to cry too. She was sad and I was also sad. Even in the rest area of ​​the hospital, she asked me if I could start my life again. There was a moment of fear in my heart.At that time, I knew I had fallen, because the teacher who studied in the UK once told me that this uncontrollable feeling in my heart would be love, and I, I better not have it!I was only 10 years old at the time...

The fate is ridiculous. I panicked and silently did some things for her, but grandpa's monitoring and urging made me unable to stay in Beishi any longer. After the Beijing competition, I disappeared in her life.

I thought she would miss me like in the movie, looking for me like crazy?But maybe she was too young, nothing happened, I was a little angry, even sad, but I still asked my good brother Ouyang to take care of her, so I can rest assured!
(End of this chapter)

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