Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 570 Extra Episode 7: Cheng Jiaxuan 7

Chapter 570 Extra Episode 7: Cheng Jiaxuan 7
Episode 7: Cheng Jiaxuan 7
In the past few years, I have been very busy and unhappy, but I know that I must become stronger. She has experienced the end of Huamei Supermarket. I know that she must have a change after that time. Fei Yue, what she knew was that Mr. Lin was a very important person in Beishi, but what she didn't know was that Mr. Lin was a member of the Lin family...

This girl may have been involved in the family of the Four Great Aristocrats from the very beginning of my acquaintance... But I have also seen her success. admire.

Although our backgrounds are different, her family is simple and poor, my family background is complicated, and I have received unimaginable training, but I sincerely admit that she is not inferior to me at all.

Every day, I deal with the business and underworld affairs that my grandpa Cheng gave me. I don't know how much dust my hands are stained with. My heart has become exhausted in the past few years. I find that I don't want to care about the people around me. , more and more indifferent.

But over the years, I have developed a habit of looking at her photos every day. Jack sent someone to give me a little bit of her life and school every day, every side of her, her frowning, her meditation...

She has become no longer the black and thin girl I met for the first time, she has become fair-skinned and taller, more and more beautiful, watching her change, as a man, my heart is happy, who doesn’t want the girl they are looking for beautiful?But I am worried, will there be too many people who have a crush on her?

Later, a boy named Xu Yangyang came out of their school, and she called me as a man to criticize her methods, although I understood the urge to get her attention and the urge to think I was a man.

I'm very worried about her situation. Although I know she can do it, I don't understand why her personality that won't make me suffer a little bit has changed 180 degrees since she entered junior high school?I heard from Ouyang that she seemed to be abused by the head teacher in class, but she never resisted?
I can even feel her fear, but I can't guess why, what is the reason... I told Jack that I want to go back to Beishi, and I also told Grandpa that I am going to Beishi... Although he strongly opposed it, I Still have all the formalities done.

I don't worry about her current state...

A few days before I left, I told Ouyang that I was going back, and told him to tell her a few days before I went, but after so many years of waiting and paying attention, I suddenly seemed to have no confidence before I went. A decision that I regret is telling Li Kaiyan that I want to go back, and I want to use her to test my position in Xiaoying's heart...

However, her actions hurt me, yes, the moment she saw me, I saw the sparkle in her eyes, but then her eyes were full of his figure, she even looked at me He called out the name...

When did she meet him?Impossible, I have been watching her for the past few years, Ouyang is also there, if Jiahao appears, it is impossible for me not to know!I was puzzled, but I also saw the same doubt in Jiahao's eyes... Yes, they don't know each other!

Although her eyes were filled with his reflection, ignoring me, I was jealous, and jealous, but I didn't let go of the horror in her eyes, and the overflowing sadness... What did she think of? Is something bad going on?But I'm sure they have nothing to do with each other!

(End of this chapter)

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